Track ID help

gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts
edited January 2006 in Strut Central
Actually, was wondering if anyone could ID any or all of these three tracks. Thanks. Peace.


  • gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts
    bump bump bump

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    The last song is "Microphone Enhancer" by LPSD out of San Diego. The second one sounds vaguely familiar - probably some mid-90s LA indie hop.

  • gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts
    The last song is "Microphone Enhancer" by LPSD out of San Diego. The second one sounds vaguely familiar - probably some mid-90s LA indie hop.

    ill, thanks! Just looking up some info now...appreciate it.
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