Audio flaws in Prince Paul's Hip Hop Gold Dust...
35 Posts
After umming and ahhing about buying Prince Paul's collection of remixes and rarities, Hip Hop Gold Dust, I eventually purchased it online - from a seller on's marketplace. Anyway, after listening to the CD, I discovered what, to me, sounds like flaws in the recordings of two songs - 'My Mindstate' (the only De La Soul track) and 'Constant Elevation' (one of two recordings by the Gravediggaz which appear on the compiltion). On both tracks - around the 30-45 second mark - I noticed distortion (of the digital, rather than analogue, kind). I was wondering if anyone else who purchased this CD has also noticed this, or whether it's just a flaw in the record I have.Please help! PEACEGoblah
doesn't PP apologise for this flaw in the liner notes?
What's his full username? Alien_NDN?
Holla back...
I scanned the liner notes, looking for c(l)ues to this effect, and couldn't find any.
Anyway, the recordings generally sound fine - there are just those two 'glitches'. Admittedly I picked these up while listening on my headphones.