Dilated 'Back Again' + Sean P 'Onion Head'

Sup y'alll !After having listened to that Dilated track for like 30,000 times (click on the Vegas pic' on my page http://www.myspace.com/dabee and you'll find out why), the vocal sample is solidly stuck in my head. One thing that is sure is that Al kicks ass big time and that he's got records I don't have and that pisses me off...So to anyone who's got any informations regarding that sample, let me say that big prize is that he will be thrown out in a pool of champaign (I'm not even kiddin' you guys !!). That's good luck for new year too !IMG height="200" width="200" src="http://www.soundtable.co.jp/pict/111000441m.jpg" align="center" border="0"> I also look for that sample ->Crazy production by Krysis that makes me jump all over the place each time I play it......IMG height="200" width="200" src="http://www.dustygroove.com/images/products/s/seanprice~~_onionhead_101b.jpg" align="center" border="0"> Thanx to anyone who would be down to share his musical knowledge (or just say what's up, I'm also cool with it..)And no I don't want to ->

can't help you w/ sample spotting but MAD cosine above ^^^
HA! ^^
monkey barz is damn good. in fact, everything duckdown released last year was on point.
in fact, everything duckdown released last year was on point.
I dont know about that...