So this guy is on the cover of Mass Appeal Magazine and Blag Magazine. School me on why? He's down right?Is he down like John Leguizamo and Rosie Perez and Michael Rapaport down?
To his credit, I do remember seeing him at a lot of the smaller quality hip-hop parties long before he was a celebrity. Like Bobitto parties and shit.
He's from Queens, so he probably was raised on hip-hop like many typical borough kids are.
So I don't know the extent of his being "down", but my guess is he's just probably a super fan of the music like many of us are, who ended up becoming famous. I just hope he doesn't try to rap or anything.
i heard he was trying to work (musically) with rza about a year ago i talked to hiim on the phone a while ago and he had that i'm-real-down-and-my-attitude-proves-it voice
i talked to hiim on the phone a while ago and he had that i'm-real-down-and-my-attitude-proves-it voice
Adrien Brody wants to become a hip-hop artist.
The Oscar-winning actor has been making music for some time and would like the opportunity to show off his talents.
He said: "You just never know what will happen in this business. I wouldn't do pop, but I've been making music for a long time.
It would be more along the lines of hip-hop." Meanwhile, the Hollywood star says he was so poor when making 'The Thin Red Line' that he only had one pair of shoes.
Brody claims he could barely afford to buy food before his big break and can 't understand why, now he's rich and famous, he gets freebies sent to him.
He told Britain's Independent Review magazine: "I remember when I made 'The Thin Red Line', I only owned one pair of Nike sneakers.
They shrunk, and I didn't even realise they were killing me, but I wore them for the entire movie.
"Now, I have a few pairs, and the killer part is that I get a lot of stuff for free now I can afford to buy my own. That's backwards."
Prior to The Pianist being released I had read a small article on Adrian Brody as an up & coming beatmaker. Just seems like he was doing his thing in his bedroom & then his life took a turn. Now he is probably in that position where clowns will knock him for something he already had going on.
The new Prince Vince?
Isn't Elijah Wood a record nut as well. Into 78s & jazz. Has 1200s & is starting a label called Simian.
Plus, Brody did that Diet Coke commercial a while back with that Lyrics Born track..... So he's gotta be down
I love that ad. I always scream BROOOH DEEEE like a little girl when he comes up bopping down the street with his magical bubbles giving out pounds.... it's like an in joke with me and my wife.
But seriously he is dude and I like him in movies and his personality.
From what I remember reading, he makes beats under the name A.Ranger.
When he was in The Pianist he didn't have an MPC, he brought a Triton to practice piano on and made a lot of Portishead-ish sounding music in his downtime.
He's from Queens, so he probably was raised on hip-hop like many typical borough kids are.
So I don't know the extent of his being "down", but my guess is he's just probably a super fan of the music like many of us are, who ended up becoming famous. I just hope he doesn't try to rap or anything.
i know a few dudes who are in love with it.......
i talked to hiim on the phone a while ago and he had that i'm-real-down-and-my-attitude-proves-it voice
Deep thoughts, by Adrien Brody
Balth used to produce
I'm sure I read that John was hip hop.
There's a couple more too but I can't remember right now
Didn't you hear? Jews run the show. How do you think Guzzo got his premier on Blind Date?
Now he is probably in that position where clowns will knock him for something he already had going on.
The new Prince Vince?
Isn't Elijah Wood a record nut as well. Into 78s & jazz. Has 1200s & is starting a label called Simian.
Plus, Brody did that Diet Coke commercial a while back with that Lyrics Born track..... So he's gotta be down
I love that ad. I always scream BROOOH DEEEE like a little girl when he comes up bopping down the street with his magical bubbles giving out pounds....
But seriously he is dude and I like him in movies and his personality.
Heres some proof that Brody is down with the Anticon crew.
oh, well in that case!
From what I remember reading, he makes beats under the name A.Ranger.
When he was in The Pianist he didn't have an MPC, he brought a Triton to practice piano on and made a lot of Portishead-ish sounding music in his downtime.
For real?