thee unwritten 'rules'...????

downtown72downtown72 125 Posts
edited January 2006 in Strut Central
SS brethren, a question for ye... either from a collector or DJ standpoint, are you for or against the practice of keeping records/groups/etc a 'secret'? I have acquaintences on both sides of the coin, and frankly, I feel if you didnt:1) write the tune2) play an instrument on the tune3) press the recordyou really have no valid reasoning not to share the love, other than some daffy duck 'it's mine mine all mine...' steez.please esplain this, 'cuz it aint 1977 and you aren't going VS. bambaataa tonite...


  • for me

    1. some things can get played out if heard too much


    2. i love secretly knowing shit other people don't

    but i always seem to get caught up in either

    a. i enjoy sharing things with others, because it's fun to enjoy alongside someone else

    b. i enjoy showing others i know more than them, partialy an insecurity thing i think

    c. i just don't know shit about records compared to a lot of people, so I'm almost never so it doesn't matter.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I'm thinking that in 2006 it's almost more important than 1977.

    Everyone and their sister now think they can DJ. Clubs/bars/promoters are on a whole, hiring DJ's that can semi play for cheap. Sure they are still looking for big name DJ's with followings, but if they need just anyone, they will hire a dude who can just put on a record (Ipod DJ's).

    Now with mp3's, nearly anyone can have a tune. Back in the day, even if you found out what tune Bam played, it didn't mean you could have it or find it.

    I don't think it's greedy. It's just that with the net now, you can find out almost anything if you look hard enough. You don't need to cry when dudes won't tell you the name of a record.

    Work on ur reading the crowd and less on what DJ plays what.

    IMO, nothing is worse as being at some gig and seeing 10-15 dudes looking to see what records a famous DJ is playing and writing them down.

    But whatever... That's JMO.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    SHARE THE LOVE! Mang! Dudes wrote the music so people could hear it and know it. Not horde it. Give it up. Its just music.

    This secrecy is bullshit! I feel that people who dont have shit going on in their life are the ones concerned about hiding shit. Like, "this is all i have in my life! Im not sharing!" Dawg, its music. If you like it then cool. Dont worry about some herb writing shit down. Who cares? what is it going to do? If you like the music, then some dude writing shit down shouldnt effect that.

    Get perspective.

    "who does this song"

    "Im not telling you/na na na boo-boo/stick you head in doo doo"

    ah yes. the playground.

    grow up and share that shit.

    (this was directed at noone in particular)

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I understand that... But fuck.. What happened to being a "DJ" and finding out tunes and being original?

    It's only all about the music when it's the crowd. But I think, business should be business when it comes to being a DJ or producer.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    I understand that... But fuck.. What happened to being a "DJ" and finding out tunes and being original?

    It's only all about the music when it's the crowd. But I think, business should be business when it comes to being a DJ or producer.

    I guess I understand the "Business" end. But I have always thought that skills, not selection wins out. I mean, if a dude with no skills breaks a record, not that many people will care. A cat with skills and a following can play the record that other dude with no skills broke and get the place jumping and be known for that record..

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    There are no rules. I particularly dont like BITERS hovering around me when I used to spin, but I'm more than glad to tell a cat what's playin'. Then again a master doesn't reveal all of his secrets to the student. Go do some leg work yourself.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I understand that... But fuck.. What happened to being a "DJ" and finding out tunes and being original?

    It's only all about the music when it's the crowd. But I think, business should be business when it comes to being a DJ or producer.

    I guess I understand the "Business" end. But I have always thought that skills, not selection wins out. I mean, if a dude with no skills breaks a record, not that many people will care. A cat with skills and a following can play the record that other dude with no skills broke and get the place jumping and be known for that record..

    Of the DJ's who play out in your town, how many have crazy skillz compared to ones that don't? I mean... Dude's will DJ for free nowadayz...

    The biggest skill you have as a DJ is knowing and playing to the crowd. Song selection is #1. Not if you can cut n scratch or even mix nowadayz.

    Think of it like this... Would you give some dude a list of all ur business contact info if he asked? Would you give him a copy of everyones # in ur PDA so he could call them up and be like "Hey, I have the same music as *****, give me a try, I'll play for $100 bucks less!"

    I mean.. It's just music right???

  • In 2006, keeping a record secret is just holding back a repressed shame that you have no musical talent, so you vicariously live out and connect yourself to a musical moment through your "secret" music only your ears know about that has some intimate details (i.e. artist, label, know what the cover looks like) that only you know about, because if you did make music, you would know of the need/desire to share it,...I know it sounds like I am hatting, but whatever...

    as far as "everyone wants to DJ"...true...but some jackass/jackassette that wants to be a DJ and wants to have "those cool tunes that no one knows what they are" isnt going to be able to find said "secret record" even with the fucking matrix numbers tattooed on their hands...the Joe six pack DJ is a neophyte and doesnt know how to procure said records, doesnt know about I aint afraid of one of these folks stealing someone's thunder because they know the name of a tune and/or record. I have told people the name of stuff before and I know they walked into a Tower or some other corporate store looking for the raer, only to be confounded that they couldnt find it...I aint worried.

    Share, it was good enough for kindergarten, it is good enough for the grown folks.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I understand that... But fuck.. What happened to being a "DJ" and finding out tunes and being original?

    It's only all about the music when it's the crowd. But I think, business should be business when it comes to being a DJ or producer.

    I guess I understand the "Business" end. But I have always thought that skills, not selection wins out. I mean, if a dude with no skills breaks a record, not that many people will care. A cat with skills and a following can play the record that other dude with no skills broke and get the place jumping and be known for that record..

    Of the DJ's who play out in your town, how many have crazy skillz compared to ones that don't? I mean... Dude's will DJ for free nowadayz...

    The biggest skill you have as a DJ is knowing and playing to the crowd. Song selection is #1. Not if you can cut n scratch or even mix nowadayz.

    Think of it like this... Would you give some dude a list of all ur business contact info if he asked? Would you give him a copy of everyones # in ur PDA so he could call them up and be like "Hey, I have the same music as *****, give me a try, I'll play for $100 bucks less!"

    I mean.. It's just music right???

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    OK.. I think, the biggest shame of 2006 is that you can goto the clubs and 90% of the music ur hearing, you can hear it at any other club. Shit is getting boring...

    Hey sharing is kewl... Remember that when some dude wants half your playing time at ur next gig...

  • tuneuptuneup 586 Posts
    In 2006, keeping a record secret is just holding back a repressed shame that you have no musical talent, so you vicariously live out and connect yourself to a musical moment through your "secret" music only your ears know about that has some intimate details (i.e. artist, label, know what the cover looks like) that only you know about, because if you did make music, you would know of the need/desire to share it,...I know it sounds like I am hatting, but whatever...

    as far as "everyone wants to DJ"...true...but some jackass/jackassette that wants to be a DJ and wants to have "those cool tunes that no one knows what they are" isnt going to be able to find said "secret record" even with the fucking matrix numbers tattooed on their hands...the Joe six pack DJ is a neophyte and doesnt know how to procure said records, doesnt know about I aint afraid of one of these folks stealing someone's thunder because they know the name of a tune and/or record. I have told people the name of stuff before and I know they walked into a Tower or some other corporate store looking for the raer, only to be confounded that they couldnt find it...I aint worried.

    Share, it was good enough for kindergarten, it is good enough for the grown folks.

    so very very true....

    also, in the 40's, musicians were worried about the jukebox putting them out on the street. The 70's again threatened to kill it all off when the DJ began to reign supreme in the niteclub. So really, is some lightweight with 8000 songs in their Ipod who can't read a crowd really going to take over? I think not. Sure some gigs will be lost, but not for long as said club owners will need good Dj's to make the room bounce.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    just to play devils advocate here...

    hypothetically, let's say I have a hot unknown record - why should I go out of my way to make it known?

    it's not like there's a shortage of good obscure music out there.

    the last time I posted up a couple mp3s it apprently caused some purchases by certain bitchmade 'UK bods' - how does that help the world, the orig artist, or even me?

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    I understand that... But fuck.. What happened to being a "DJ" and finding out tunes and being original?

    It's only all about the music when it's the crowd. But I think, business should be business when it comes to being a DJ or producer.

    I guess I understand the "Business" end. But I have always thought that skills, not selection wins out. I mean, if a dude with no skills breaks a record, not that many people will care. A cat with skills and a following can play the record that other dude with no skills broke and get the place jumping and be known for that record..

    Of the DJ's who play out in your town, how many have crazy skillz compared to ones that don't? I mean... Dude's will DJ for free nowadayz...

    The biggest skill you have as a DJ is knowing and playing to the crowd. Song selection is #1. Not if you can cut n scratch or even mix nowadayz.

    Think of it like this... Would you give some dude a list of all ur business contact info if he asked? Would you give him a copy of everyones # in ur PDA so he could call them up and be like "Hey, I have the same music as *****, give me a try, I'll play for $100 bucks less!"

    I mean.. It's just music right???

    Im thinking of it as just a collectors stance not as a dj.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    just to play devils advocate here...

    hypothetically, let's say I have a hot unknown record - why should I go out of my way to make it known?

    it's not like there's a shortage of good obscure music out there.

    the last time I posted up a couple mp3s it apprently caused some purchases by certain bitchmade 'UK bods' - how does that help the world, the orig artist, or even me?

    im not saying go out of your way. What I am saying is that if someone asks about it or if you know someone who would really enjoy it, why not hip them to it?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I totally hear what ur saying A**^n... There is a big difference between saying having Jakes/Scratch/Lopez/Tull/etc DJ and 95% of the other gigs going on in the city. Alot of bars don't really even care if you can mix. They just want the music played. That's not a good thing if ur not that 5% of DJ's that can really DJ...

    I mean... It's as almost as saying... Hey, can I borrow your records to play this gig. When ur a DJ, it's not your job to share with others. It's your job to set you apart from everyone else and have people enjoy themselves.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    So really, is some lightweight with 8000 songs in their Ipod who can't read a crowd really going to take over? I think not.

    BUt the public will dance to the same 30 songs at the same 30 clubs. This gives the neophyte a chance to knock the experienced cat out of the box. I've seen this shit happen.

  • tuneuptuneup 586 Posts
    just to play devils advocate here...

    hypothetically, let's say I have a hot unknown record - why should I go out of my way to make it known?

    it's not like there's a shortage of good obscure music out there.

    the last time I posted up a couple mp3s it apprently caused some purchases by certain bitchmade 'UK bods' - how does that help the world, the orig artist, or even me? helps the artist certainly. Anyone who makes music and puts in out into the world, wether it be a 45, Lp or MP3 is doing it to share with the world. Sure there is always the idea of money, women and all the rest of the motivators, but I truly believe that all artists make music so that people can appreciate it on as large a scale as possible. The world benefits from having heard a great new song. The track could be truly uplifting and raise the spirits of many. Finally, it benefits you in many ways. You can play it in a DJ set and move the crowd, get paid, meet women, get drunk and have fun all to this soundtrack. Also knowing that you helped in a small way to spread the message about this excellent music. Spiritually this is a tremendous thing. It may sound corny in writing, but I believe it to be true.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    here is the scenario that I am thinking.

    I go diggin with a large group of people, we all buy records. We go back to someones house for beers and to listen to what we found. One dudes puts some shit on the turntable that is insane crazy good. Everyone asks what it is.

    Dude wont say and hides that shit. Babyshit.


    "Hey, thats a dope mixtape. track 13 is really great. Melts my face. Who does it?"

    "Cant Say partner. SOme things gotta stay secret"

    thats whack

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    So really, is some lightweight with 8000 songs in their Ipod who can't read a crowd really going to take over? I think not.

    BUt the public will dance to the same 30 songs at the same 30 clubs.


    Plus, y'all flatter yourselves when you think you have a secret tune/band/LP etc. Could it be that the same record was old news to an old head 10 years ago? Hmmmm....

    Rules are for driving and safety at the pool.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    the cynical reality is:

    1. discover hot unknown record.

    2. obtain every possible copy.

    3. reveal the record to the greater world.

    4. sell sell sell.

    5. repeat.

    a couple times in the past I played some hot dollar-bin scores for dj friends only to see them later laughing all the way to the bank after they pulled stock.

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    100 Proof Aged In Soul - Not Enough To Satisfy * 100 Proof Aged In Soul|Somebody's Been Sleeping In My Bed|1971|Hot Wax| * 10cc SPEED KILLS -Original Album: 10cc * 11 Plus|Live At LWT|1976|RCA| * 24 Carat Black|Ghetto: Misfortunes's Wealth|1973|Enterprise| * 2nd Chapter of acts - The Devil's Lost again * 2nd Chapter of Acts|With Footnotes|1974|Myrrh| * 5th Dimension - Good News * 5th Dimension - Rainmaker * 7th Wonder - Something Beautiful * AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap RkzexVE0 * AC/DC - Highway To Hell * Aerosmith - Get Your Wings * Aerosmith - Walk This Way * Aerosmith - Women Of The World * Aerosmith|Get Your Wings|1974|Columbia| * Afrique - House Of The Rising Funk * Afrique - Kissing My Love * Afrique - Slow Motion * Afrique|Soul Makossa|1973|Mainstream| * Al Green I'M GLAD YOU'RE MINE * Al Green|I'm Still In Love With You|1972|Hi| * Al Hirt & Hugo Montenegro - Sneaky Lady * Al Jarreau - Kissing My Love * Al Jarreau - Use Me * Al Jarreau|The Singer||Masters| * Al Wilson|Show And Tell|1973|Rock Road| * Alan White Ramshackled|Alan White|1976|Atlantic| * ALEX HARVEY-???YOU DON???T NEED A REASON??? * Alice cooper - public animal #9 * Alice Cooper|School's Out|1972|Warner Bros| * Allen Toussaint - Fingers And Toes * "Allen Toussaint - Get out of my life, woman" * Allman Brothers Band|Beginnings|1973|ATCO| * Alphonse Mouzon|By All Means|1981|PA Usa| * ALPHONSO JOHNSON-???STUMP??? * Alphonze Mouzon|The Man Incognito|1976|Blue Note| * "Alvin Cash KEEP ON DANCING, PART 2" * Ambrosia|Life Beyond L.A.|1978|Warner Bros| * America SLOW DOWN * Andrea True Connection - Call Me * Andrea True Connection - Keep It Up Longer * Andrew White|Fonk Update|1981|Andrew's Music| * Ann Alford GOT TO GET ME A JOB * Anne Murray - Put Your Hand in the Hand * Anne Murray|Snowbird||Capitol| * ANNETTE PEACOCK-???SURVIVAL??? * Antonio Carlos Jobim - Fat Cat Strut * Aposento Alto TE AMO * April Wine - Say Hello * April Wine|Harder Faster|1980|Aquarius| * Area Code 615 STONE FOX CHASE * Arena LONG ONE * Argent|S/T|1973|In Deep| * Arild Andersen Quartet|Green Shading Into Blue|1978|ECM| * Armando Peraza - Wild Thing * Art Heatle And His Soulful Men|Soul Sax||Fontanta| * Artwork|The Real Thing||Artronics| * Assagai - Akasa * Assagai - Telephone Girl * Atomic Rooster - Rock * Avalanche|S/T|1976|Bootleg| * Average White Band|Cut The Cake|1975|Atlantic| * Average White Band|Warmer Communications|1978|Atlantic| * Awakening - March On * B.T. Express|Energy To Burn|1976|Columbia| * B.T. Express|Non Stop|1975|Roadshow| * B.W. Souls MARVIN'S GROOVE * Babe Ruth KEEP YOUR DISTANCE -Original Album: Kid's Stuff * Bad Bascomb - Black Grass Music * Bad Bascomb - Give The Bass A Taste * Bad Medicine - Trespasser * Badder Than Evil - Tell That Man To Go To Hell * Ballin Jack - Sunday Morning * Ballin' Jack|S/T|1970|Columbia| * Bar-Kays - Don't Do That * Bar-Kays - Give Everybody Some * Bar-Kays - Knucklehead * Barry White - My Sweet Summer Suite * Barry White|I've Got So much To Give|1973|20th Century| * Bedlam SEVEN LONG YEARS -Original Album: Bedlam ('72) * Bedlam|S/T|1973|Chrysalis| * Benny Golson - Swinger * Benny Golson|Killer Joe|1977|Columbia| * Bernard Purdie THEM CHANGES * Berry Street Station CHOCOLATE SUGAR * Bert Sommer|Inside Bert Sommer|1967|Eleuthera Records| * Bette Midler|The Divine Miss M|1972|Atlantic| * Betty Wright|Back At You|1983|Epic| * Bill Black - Turn On Your Love * Bill Blacks Combo - Cotton Carnival * Bill Black's Combo|Turn On Your Love Light|1969|London| * "Bill Cosby - Get out of my life, woman" * Bill Cosby - I Love Myself Better Than I Love Myself (dope James Brown parody) * Bill Cosby - Ursalena * Bill Cosby|Hooray For The Salvation Army Band|1968|Warner Bros| * Bill Withers - Kissing My love * Bill Withers|Still Bill|1972|Sussex| * Billy Clarke BOTH EYES OPEN * Birtha - Judgement Day * Bit-A-Sweet IF I NEEDED SOMEBODY * Black Blood - A.I.E. * Black Heat ZIMBA KU- Original Album: Keep On Running? * Black Oak Arkansas - Hot And Nasty * Black Oak Arkansas - Hot And Nasty Live * Black Oak Arkansas - Up * Black Oak Arkansas|S/T|1971|ATCO| * Black Pearl|Live|1970|Prophesy| * Black Sabbath|S/T|1970|Warner Bros.| * Blind Faith|S/T|1969|ATCO| * Blood Sweat Tears|4|1971|Columbia| * Bloodrock|S/T|1970|Capitol| * Bloodstone|Unreal|1973|London| * "Bloomfield, Kooper, & Stills|Super Session|1968|Columbia|" * Blue Mitchell - Bantu Village * Blue Mountain Eagle|S/T|1970|ATCO| * BlueSwede|Out Of The Blue|1974|EMI| * Bo Diddley - Go For Broke * Bo Diddley HIT AND MISS * bo diddley-bad side of the moon * Bob James - Farandole * Bob James|Two|1975|CTI| * Bob McGrath|Sesame Street||Affinity| * Bob Segar System|Mongrel||Capitol| * BOB WELCH/HEAD WEST-???ATTENTION??? * Bobbi Humphrey - Ain't No Sunshine * Bobbi Humphrey - Don't Knock My Funk * Bobbi Humphrey|Blacks And Blues|1973|Blue Note| * Bobby Allen & The Exceptions SOUL CHICKEN * Bobby Bryant - Earth Dance * Bobby Byrd - Headquarters * Bobby G. Griffith|S/T||Celebration| yes * Bobby Hutcherson RAIN EVERY THURSDAY -Original Album: Natural Illusions * Bobby Hutcherson|Natural Illusions|1972|Blue Note| * Bodacious D.F. GOOD FOLKS * Booker T. & The MG's - Can't Sit Down * Booker T. & The MGs BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN * Boris Gardiner - Melting Pot * Boz Scaggs|Silk Degrees|1976|Columbia| * Bram Tchaikovy WHISKEY & WINE --Original Album: Motors 1 * Brass Fever|Time Is Running Out|1976|Impulse| * Brethren - Outside Love * Brian Auger - Beginning Again * Brian Auger - Brain Damage * Brian Auger - Compared To What * Brian Auger - Compared To What Live * Brian Auger - Foolish Girl * Brian Auger - Freedom Jazz Dance * Brian Auger - Inner City Blues * Brian Auger - Listen Here * Brian Auger - Thoughts From Afar * Brian Auger - Voices Of Other Times * Brian Auger - When You're Ready Live * Brian Auger - Whenever You're Ready * Brian Auger & Oblivion Express - Don't Look Away * Brian Auger's Oblivion Express|Closer To It!|1973|RCA| * Brian Auger's Oblivion Express|Happiness Heartaches|1977|Warner Bros.| * Brian Auger's Oblivion Express|Straight Ahead|1974|RCA| * Brick|S/T|1977|Bang| * Bridge STICK YOUR FINGER IN THE GROUND * Brother Jack McDuff|Do It Now!|1967|Atlantic| * BRYAN FERRY-???YOU GO TO MY HEAD??? * Bud Shank|Magical Mystery||World Pacific| * Buddy Miles|We Got To Live Together||Mercury| * Buddy Rich - Love And Peace * Buddy Rich - Uncle Albert/Admiral Hasley * Buddy Rich Big Band|Buddy & Soul|1969|World Pacific| * Buddy Rich|A Different Drummer|1971|RCA| * Buddy Rich|Big Band Machine|1975|Groove Merchant| * "Buddy Rich|Mercy, Mercy||World Pacific|" * Buddy Rich|Stick It|1972|RCA| * Bull|This Is Bull|1970|Paramount| * Butterfield Blues Band MORNING BLUES - Original Album: In My Own Dream * Butterfield Blues Band: The Boxer * Byrds - Fido * Byrds - Jesus Is Just Alright * C.K. Mann - Funky Hilife * Cal Tjader - Fresh Air * Cal Tjader - I Want You Back * Cal Tjader - Solar Heat * Cameo RIGOR MORTIS * Candido - Candido's Funk * Candido - Soulwanco * Candido - Succulent * Cannonball Adderley - Domination * Captain Beyond - I cant feel nothin * Captain Beyond|S/T|1972|Capricorn| * Captain Freak & The Lunacycle Band WHATEVER HAPPENED TO SUPERMAN? * Carl Carlton|S/T|1980|20th century| * "Carlos ""Sherlock"" Holmes BLACK BAG" * Carlos Santana|Oneness|1979|Columbia| * Cash McCall OMEGA MAN * Cecil Holmes & The Soulful Sounds 2001/ALSO SPRACH ZARATHUSTRA -Original Album: Black Motion Picture Experience * Charles Earland - Betty's Dilemma * Charles Earland|Black Talk!|1969|Prestige| * Charles Earland|Soul Story|1971|Prestige| * Charles Kynard - It's Too Late * Charles Kynard SWEETHEART * Charles Kynard|S/T|1971|Mainstream| * Charles Mann - Do It Again * Charles Wright - Soul Train * Charlie Brown - Love The One Your With * Charlie Whitehead - Let's Do It Again * Chicago - Skinny boy * Chicago|Four|1974|Columbia| * Chico Hamilton|Peregrinations|1975|Blue Note| * Chris Hazel/Moses Magic Box (one of my favorites) * Chris Youlden|Nowhere Road|1973|London| * Christine McVie|The Legendary Christine Perfect Album|1976|Sire| * Chuck Carbo CAN I BE YOUR SQUEEZE? * Chuck Jackson - I Like E verything About You * Chuck Jackson - Through All Times * Classics IV|Mamas and Papas Soul Train|1969|Imperial| * Climax Blues Band MOLE ON THE DOLE -Original Album: Rich Man * Climax Blues Band|Rich Man|1972|Sire| * Clyde McPhatter MIXED UP CUP * Cock A Doodle Doo & Mother Goose Too|S/T|1973|Recar| * Cock A Doodle Doo & Mother Goose|118 Children's Classics|1973|Telecast| * Coe Jazz Band|'74 to '76|1976|Audio House| * Coke Escovedo|Coke|1975|Mercury| * Cold Blood - Kissing My Love * Cold Blood|Lydia|1974|Warner Bros| * Cold Grits - It's Your Thing * Coldblood|Sisyphus|1970|San Francisco| * Colosseum|The Grass Is Greener|1970|Dunhill| * Commodores|Machine Gun|1974|Motown| * Compost - Buzzard Feathers * Compost - Restless Wave * Cozy Powell/And then there was skin. * Crawler|S/T|1977|CBS| * Creative Source|Migration|1974|Sussex| * Creedence Clearwater Revival|Willy And The Poor Boys|1969|Fantasy| * crusaders- free as the wind * Curtis Mayfield - Short Eyes * Curtis Mayfield|S/T|1970|Curtom| * Curtis Mayfield|Sweet Exorcist|1974|Curtom| * D.J. Rogers|It's Good To Be Alive|1975|RCA| * Dalton & Dubarri|Success & Failure|1976|ABC| * DALY WILSON BIG BAND-???DIRTY FEET??? * Dave & Sugar|S/T|1976|RCA| * Dave Brubeck|Two Generations Of Brubeck|1973|Atlantic| * Dave Cortez/Happy soul (with a hook) * Dave Grusin - Keep Your Eyes On The Sparrow * Dave Grusin Lee Ritenour|Harlequin|1985|GRP| * Dave Schnitter|Invitation|1976|Muse| * David Bowie - Five Years * David Bowie - Soul Love * David Bowie JOIN THE GANG * David Bromberg SHARON - Original Album: Demon In Disguise? * David Clayton - Thomas|S/T|1972|CBS| * David Gates|Goodbye Girl|1978|Elektra| * David McCallum - House of Mirrors * David McCallum|Music: A Bit More Of Me||Capitol| * David Newman|Mr. Fathead|1976|Warner Bros.| * Deep Purple - Fireball * Deep Purple - Living Wreck * Deep Purple|In Rock|1970|Warner Bros| * Dells SWEET AS FUNK CAN BE - Original Album: Sweet As Funk Can Be * Dennis Coffey - El Tigre * Dennis Coffey - Getting It On 75 * Dennis Coffey - If You Can't Dance * "Dennis Coffey - Ride, Sally Ride" * Dennis Coffey - Scorpio * Dennis Coffey - Some Like It Hot * Dennis Robinson HARD TO HANDLE * Denny Zeitlin Trio|S/T|1988|Windham Hill| * deodato- september 13th * deodato- west 42nd street * Deodato|Prelude|1972|CTI| * Deodato|Whirlwinds|1974|MCA| * Derek & The Dominos (in concert)/Why does love got to be so sad * Detroit Emeralds YOU'RE GETTING A LITTLE TOO SMART * "Dexter Wansel PLANETS THEME, YOU CAN BE WHAT YOU WANNA' BE" * Dexter Wansel|Life On Mars|1976|CBS| * Dexter Wansel|Voyager|1978|CBS| * Dick Hyman: Give it up or Turnit Loose * Dick Schory|Carnergie Hall|1970|Ovation| * "Dino, Desi, And Billy|Our Times Coming||Reprise|" * Dobie Gray|Drift Away|1973|MCA| * "Dog Soldier THIEVES & ROBBERS, PILLAR TO POST -Original Album: Dog Soldier" * Don Campbell CAMPBELL LOCK * Don Ellis - Mercy maybe mercy * Don Ellis|Tears Of Joy|1971|Columbia| * Donald Byrd & Booker Little - Call To Arms * Donald Byrd & Booker Little - Chasing The Bird * Donald Byrd|Places And Spaces|1975|Blue Note| * donald byrd-you and the music * Donny Hathaway - Magnificent Sanctuary Band * Doors - Five To One * Duke Williams CHINESE CHICKEN * Duralcha - Ghet-to Funk * Dyke And The Blazers - Funky Broadway * Earnest Jackson - Love and Happiness * Eclipse|Night And Day|1977|Casablanca| * Eddie Harris|Live At Newport|1970|Atlantic| * eddie henderson- the kumquat kids * Eddie Henderson|Sunburst|1975|Blue Note| * Edgar Broughton Band - Boy soldier * Edgar Winters - When It Comes * Edwin Birdsong RAPPER DAPPER SNAPPER * electric concept orchestra-grazing in the grass * electric concept orchestra-rock me * Elephant's Memory - Mongoose * Elijah|S/T|1972|United Artists| * Ella Fitzgerald - Alright * Elvis Presely - Put Your Hand in the Hand * Elvis Presley - A Little Less Conversation * Elvis|His Songs Of Inspiration|1977|RCA| * Emerson Lake & palmer - When the apple blossoms bloom in the windmills of your mind ill be * Emerson Lake & Palmer|Works|1977|Atlantic| * Enoch Light - Spinning Wheel * Ernie & The Top Notes DAP WALK * Ernie Wilkins - Spoonful * Ernie Wilkins|Hard Mother Blues||Mainstream| * Esquires Now THINK * Esso Steel Band - Don't Rock The Boat * Esther Satterfield|Once I loved...|1976|Sagoma| * Etta James - Out On The Street Again * Etta James|Come A Little Closer|1974|Chess| * Eugene Blacknell & The New Breed GETTIN' DOWN * Everyday People - I Like What I Like * FAIRPORT CONVENTION-???ANGEL DELIGHT??? * Fancy FEEL GOOD -Original Album: Wild Thing * Fat Mattress - people * Fat Mattress|S/T|1969|ATCO| * Fatback Band - Feed Me Your Love * Fatback Band - Going To See My Baby * Fatback Band - Let The Drum Speak * Fausto Papetti LOVE'S THEME * Fireballs - Get Out Of My Life Woman * Flash|In The Can|1972|Sovereign| * Fleetwood Mac - Prove your love * Fleetwood Mac|Mystery To Me|1973|Reprise| * Frank Zappa - Apostrophe * Frank Zappa - Apostrophe * Frank Zappa - Don't You Ever Wash That Thing? (live) * "Frank Zappa - Peaches En Regalia (short little intro fill thing, and a great song)" * Franklin Titus Thompson III|Brave And Strong Survive|1982|Selah Sound| * Fred Hughes - Baby Boy * fred wesley-four play * "Freda Payne EASIEST WAY TO FALL ,WE'VE GOTTA' FIND A WAY" * Freddi/Henchi and the soulsetters - Mr. Goodtime * Freddie Hubbard|The Baddest Hubbard|1975|CTI| * Freddy Cannon|Action|1965|Warner Bros| * Free|Fire And Water|1970|A&M| * Fresh Out Of Borstal - Borstal * Fresh Out Of Borstal - See You Later * Fresh/Whatever happend to rock and roll * Funk Inc. - Bowlegs * Funk Inc. - Kool Is Back * Funk Inc. - Where Are We Going * Funk Inc. - Where Are We Going * Funk Inc.|Chicken Lickin'|1972|Prestige| * Funkadelic|Greatest Hits|1975|Westbound| * Funkadelic|S/T|1970|Westbound| * Fuqain & Le Biq Bazar|En Spectacle au Quebec|1974|BBZ| * Gap Mangione|Sing Along Junk|1972|Mercury| * Gary Bartz - Dr. Follow's Dance * Gary Bartz - Sing Me A Song Today * Gary Burton - Leroy The Magician * Gary Burton|Good Vibes|1970|Atlantic| * Gary Mac And The Mac Truque - Cold Sweat * Gary Numan FILMS * Gary Wofsey|Mel|1979|Gary Wofsey| * Gene Ammons - Big Bad Jug * Gene Ammons|Big Bad Jug|1973|Prestige| * Gene Ammons|Brasswind|1974|Prestige| * George Benson|Body Talk||CTI| * George Benson|Erotic Moods|1978|Paul Winley| * George Benson|The George Benson Cookbook||Columbia| * George Duke - Capricorn * George Duke - Opening * George Semper - I Can't Get No Satisfaction * George Semper - Shortnin Bread * George Semper GET OUT OF MY LIFE WOMAN -Original Album: Makin' Waves * George Shearing|The Way We Are|1974|MPS| * GEORGE SHEARING-???AQUARIUS??? * Giant QUEEN OF DOWNS * Giant|What's In This Life...|1970|Mercury| * Gil Evans - Gypsey Eyes * Giorgio - Lord Release * Gladys Knight & The Pips WHO IS SHE (AND WHAT IS SHE TO YOU)? Original Album: Neither One of us * Gladys Knight & The Pips|Neither One Of Us|1973|Motown| * GLENN DERRINGER ???BABY ELEPHANT WALK??? * Glitterhouse - Lost me a friend * Goldie Zelkowitz|S/T|1974|Janus| * gong-esnuria * GOOD PAUL SYLVAN-???I AIN???T NO FOOL??? * Grady Tate BE BLACK BABY * "Graham Central Station JAM, THE" * GRAHAM GOULDMAN-???CHESTNUT??? * Grassroots|Feelings|1968|Dunhill| * Grease|OST|1978|RSO| * Grover Washington Jr.|Feels So Good|1975|Kudu| * Gwen McCrae - At Bedtime * Gwen McCrae - Feel So Good * Gwen McCrae - Funky Sensation * Gwen McCrae - Movement * Hank Crawford|Tico Rico|1977|Kudu| * Hard Stuff/Spiders web * Harold Mabern I WANT YOU BACK -Original Album: Greasy Kid Stuff! * Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes|To Be True|1975|CBS| * Harry Nilsson -RAINMAKER -Original Album: Harry ('69) * Harry Nilsson|Harry|1969|RCA| * Harvey Andrews & Graham Cooper/Targets * Harvey Mandel - Baby Batter * Harvey Mandel - Midnight Sun * Harvey Mandel|Best Of|1975|Janus| * Harvey Mason CRUSH -Original Album: Ratamacue * Harvey Mason|Funk In A Mason Jar|1977|Arista| * HARVEY SCALES-???DANCING ROOM ONLY??? * Heinz Gunther|Songs & Spirituals|1973|Polydor| * Henry Mancini - Kojak * Henry Mancini - Police Woman * Henry Mancini|Cop Show Themes|1976|RCA| * HENRY MANCINI-???DELTA DAWN??? * Herb Alpert And The Tijuana Brass|F oursider||A&M| * Herbie Hancock|Thrust|1974|Columbia| * Herbie Mann|The Evolution Of Man|1972|Atlantic| * Herbie Mann|Waterbed|1975|Atlantic| * Hiddden Cost - Bo Did It * Hidden Cost - Vibrations * High Voltage|S/T|1972|Columbia| * Hilton Felton BE BOP BOOGIE * Honeytree|The Way I Feel|1974|Myrrh| * Hookfoot - Is Anyone There * Houston Person|Harmony|1977|Mercury| * HP Barnum - Run For Daylight (45) * Hubert Laws - School's Out * Hugh Brodie CORN BREAD & BEANS * Hugo Montenegro|Colours Of Love|1970|RCA| * Humble Pie/Rumble with Ali * Humble Pie|Thunderbox|1974|A&M| * Hurricane Smith|S/T|1972|Capitol| * Hydra|Land Of Money|1975|Capricorn| * "I Gres HOT DOG -Original Album: I Gres: Exotic Themes For Film, Radio, And TV" * Idris Muhammad - Sudan * Idris Muhammad - Theme From New York City * Ike & Tine Turner|Come Together||Liberty| * Impact|S/T|1976|ATCO| * In One Peace - In One Peace * Infinite McCoys|S/T|1971|Mercury| * Iron Butterfly - GOOMLW * Iron Butterfly|Heavy|1968|ATCO| * Iron Butterfly|In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida|1968|ATCO| * Iron Butterfly|Metamorphosis|1970|ATCO| * Isaac Hayes|Joy|1973|Stax| * Isley Brothers FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK * Issac Hayes - Joy * Jack DeJohnette - Epilog * Jack McDuff - Honk O Funk * Jack McDuff - With The Wind * Jack Trombey ROCK BED 1 * Jake Wade & The Soul Searchers SEARCHIN' FOR SOUL * Jakob Magnusson - Bop Along * James Gang|Rides Again|1970|Dunhill| * James Mason FUNNY GIRL * James Moody - New Spirit * James Moody - Teachers * James Moody - Unchained * James Spencer TAKE THIS WOMAN OFF THE CORNER * James Taylor & The Original Flying Machine KNOCKING 'ROUND THE ZOO * James Taylor|And The Original Flying Machine|1967|Euphoria| * James Vincent|Culmination|1974|Columbia| * Janis Joplin|I Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again Mama|1969|Columbia| * Jay Berliner - Getting The Message * Jeff Afdem & Springfield Flute|S/T||Burdette| * Jeff Beck|Wired|1976|CBS| * Jefferson Starship ROCK MUSIC * Jeremy Steig - Alias * Jeremy Steig - Down The Stretch * Jeremy Steig - First Time I Saw You Babby * Jeremy Steig - Goose Bumps * Jeremy Steig - Mac D * Jeremy Steig|Firefly|1977|CTI| * Jerry Butler|Sweet Sixteen|1974|Mercury| * jerry butler-you can fly now * Jesse Johnson I'M KICKIN' THE HABIT * Jigsaw|S/T|1975|Chelsea| * Jimi Hendrix - Day Tripper * Jimi Hendrix - Let The God Sing * Jimi Hendrix - Lime Lime * Jimi Hendrix - Little Miss Lover * Jimi Hendrix - Oddball * Jimi Hendrix - Something You Got * Jimi Hendrix - Sweet Thang * "Jimmy ""Bo"" Horne|Dance Across The Floor|1978|Sunshine|" * Jimmy Gordon|Hog Fat||Flying Dutchman| * Jimmy Hendrix & Curtis Knight - Simon Says * "Jimmy McGriff BIRD WAVE, THE Original Album: Electric Funk" * Jimmy McGriff RED SAILS IN THE SUNSET * Jimmy McGriff|The Worm|1968|SolidState| * Jimmy Smith - Blues 3 + 1 * Jimmy Smith - Lolita * Jimmy Smith - Number One * Jimmy Smith|Monster||Verve| * Jimmy Smith|Sit On It|1977|Polygram| * Jiro Inagaki - Blockbuster * "Jiro Inagaki - Theme From ""Starsky & Hutch""" * JJ Johnson - Parade Strut * JJ Johnson - Willie Chase * Jo Jo Gunne|So... Where's Show|1974|Asylum| * Joan Baez - Put your hand in the had * Joan Baez|Blessed Are...||Vanguard| * Joao Donato and Eumir Deodato - Nightripper * Joe Bauer|Moonset|1971|Warner Bros| * Joe Cocker BLACK-EYED BLUES * Joe Droukas|Shadowboxing|1975|Southwind| * Joe Farrell|Outback|1971|CTI| * Joe Farrell|Upon This Rock|1974|CTI| * Joe Hicks - Team * Joe Thomas|Get In The Wind|1978|Inner City| * Joe Thomas|Masada|1975|Groove Merchant| * Joe Walsh - Funk #49 * Joey Gregorash|North Country Funk|1971|Polydor| * JOEY GREGORASH-???DOLLAR BILL??? * JOHN DANKWORTH-???LONG JOHN??? * John Entwistle|Smash Your Head Against The Wall|1971|MCA| * "John Schroeder GET YOUR OWN ,GET OUT OF MY LIFE WOMAN-Original Album: Working In A Soul Mine" * John Sebastian|The Four Of Us|1971|Reprise| * John Tirabasso|Diamond Cufflinks & Mink|1978|Dobre| * John Travolta|S/T|1976|RCA| * John Williams|The Height Below|1973|Cube| * Johnny Frigo Sextet SCORPIO * Johnny Guitar Watson|A Real Mother For Ya|1977|This Record Co.| * Johnny Guitar Watson|Ain't That A Bitch|1976|DJM| * Johnny Hammond FANTASY * Johnny Holiday TORMENTED * Johnny Huston IF YOU WANT ME TO STAY * Johnny Jenkins I WALK ON GILDED SPLINTERS -Original Album: Ton Ton Macoute * Johnny Lytle - Agapee/Polemos * "Johnny Lytle - Baby, You Make Me Feel So Good" * Johnny Otis - Watts Breakaway * Johnny Rivers|Blue Suede Shoes|1973|United Artists| * Johnny Winter/Fast Life Rider * Joy Of Cooking|Closer To The Ground|1969|Capitol| * Joy Unlimited CONTACTS * Joy Unlimited|Butterflies|1872|BASF| * JSD Band/Cuckoo (top tune) * JSD Band/Green Fields of america * JUDY CHEEKS-???LIVIN??? EASY IN THE CITY??? * Juice CATCH A GROOVE * Juicy Lucy|Get A Whiff A This|1971|ATCO| * Julius Brockington - Do Your Thing * Kazimierz Lux/Miss Franklin' Blues * KC & the sunshine band - Let it go (part 2) * Kelly & The Soul Explosion GOT A GIG ON MY BACK * Ken McIntyre Sextet|Introducing The Vibrations|1977|Inner City| * Ken Munson - Super Flute * Kenny Barron - Swamp Demon * Kenny Burrell - Burning Spear * Kenny Burrell - See See Rider * "Kenny Rogers & The First Edition|Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town||Reprise|" * Kenny Rogers: You Turn the Light On * King Tutt & The Untouchables KEEP ON JUKIN' * King's Road|Super Hits||Pickwick| * Kiss TORPEDO GIRL -Original Album: Unmasked * Kool & The Gang CHOCOLATE BUTTERMILK * Kool & The Gang ELECTRIC FROG PART 1 Original Album: Message In The Music * Kool & The Gang GIVE IT UP * Kool & The Gang LET THE MUSIC TAKE YOUR MIND * Kool & The Gang N.T. Original Album: Live At P.J.'s * Kool & The Gang PNEUMONIA * Kool & The Gang|Spirit Of The Boogie|1975|De-lite| * krzysztof sadowski- suita trzy tysiace(ooooohh) * LA 4|Scores|1975|Concord| * La Clave|S/T|1973|Verve| * Labelle - Moon Shadow * "Landlord & The Tennants SAGITTARIUS, PART 1" * Larry Coryell - Funky Waltz * Larry Coryell|Lady Coryell|1969|Vanguard| * Laura Lee - If I'm Good Enough To Love * Law|Breakin' It|1977|MCA| * Led Zeppelin - The Crunge * Lee Dorsey - Get Out Of My Life Woman * Lee Dorsey - Occapella * "Lee Dorsey LOVER WAS BORN, A" * Lee Michaels - Dont Want no Woman * Lee Michaels - Heighty Hi (live version) * Lee Michaels|S/T|1969|A&M| * Leo Muller|12 Top Hits||| * Leroy Hutson - TIme Brings On A Change * Les Baxter - Hogin Machine * Les Crane|Desiderata|1971|Warner Bros| * Les McCann - Carry On * Les McCann - Cochise * Les McCann - Hey Heroy * Les McCann NORTH CAROLINA -Original Album: Talk To The People? * Les McCann|Invitation To Openness|1972|Atlantic| * Les Mccann|Talk To The People|1972|Atlantic| * Liberace - Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye * Lightnin Red - America * Lightnin Rod - Sport * Limousine RAISE YOUR VOICE * Lincoln Mayorga|Volume III|1974|Sheffield Lab| * LIQUID SMOKE-???HARD TO HANDLE??? * Little Feat FOOL YOURSELF -Original Album: Conversations With The Silhouettes * Little Feat|Dixie Chicken|1973|Warner Bros| * Little Feat|S/T|1971|Warner Bros| * Little Feat|The Last Record Album|1975|Warner Bros| * Little Richard - Dancing In The Street * Little Sonny - Hung Up * Little Sonny MEMPHIS BK (INSTRUMENTAL) -Original Album: Black & Blue * living jazz-eleanor rigby * Living Percussion|The Beat Goes On||RCA| * LONDON BRIDGE-???OUT FRONT??? * Lonnie Liston Smith|Visions of a New World|1975|Flying Dutchman| * Lonnie Smith - Call Of The Wild * Lonnie Smith - Lean Meat * Lonnie Smith - Straight To The Point * Lorraine Jackson TAKE IT WHERE YOU FOUND IT * LOS ANGELES NEGROS-???EL REY Y YO??? * Lou Donaldson|Mr. Shingaling|1967|Blue Note| * LOU RAWLS-???LIFETIME MONOLOGUE??? * Louie Bellson ODE TO BILLY JOE * Louise Freeman - I Can Do It * Love Childs Afro Cuban Blues Band - Once You Get Started * Love DOGGONE - Original Album: Out Here * Lowrell - Out Of Breath * Lowrell - Overdoes * LTG Exchange - Corazon * Luis Gasca|Collage|1976|Fantasy| * Lynn Anderson|The World Of||Union| * Madura|S/T||Columbia| * Magic Disco Machine - Jumbo Sam * Magic Disco Machine - Trying To Get Over * Mahavishnu Orchestra PLANETARY CITIZEN * Mahavishnu Orchestra|Apocalypse|1974|CBS| * Mahogany Rush|Strange Universe|1975|20th Century| * Mandrill - Git It All * Manu Dibango - Asinus Asinum Fricat * Manzel MIDNIGHT'S THEME * Mark Colby|Serpentine Fire|1978|Tappen Zee| * Marty Paich Big Band|What's New|1982|Discovery| * Mason Williams - All The Time * Mason Williams - Dylan Thomas * Mason Williams|The Mason Williams Phonograph Record|1968|Warner Bros| * Max Roach|M'Boom|1980|Columbia| * MEAL TICKET ???GEORGIA SYNCOPATOR??? * Mel Brown - African Sweet * Mel Brown - Swamp Fever * Melvin Sparks - Get ya Some * Melvin Van Peebles - Lilly Done The Zampoughi Everytime I Pulled Her * Merrilee Rush|Angel Of The Morning|1968|Bell| * Mflame - Nuku Penda * Miami - Check Yellow * Michael Carvin|The Camel|1975|Inner City| * Michael Jackson - Ain't No Sunshine * Michael Jackson|Got To Be There|1971|Motown| * Michael Legair HUSTLE ON DOWN * Michael Longo|Funkia||Groove Merchant| * Michael White - Spaceslide * Michal Urbaniak/Seresta (live) * Midnight Movers Unltd - Put Your Mind In Your Pocket * Mike James Kirkland LOVE INSURANCE --Original Album: Doin' It Right * Miles Davis - Spanish Key * Miles Davis|Bitches Brew|1974|Columbia| * Milt Jackson - Bags And Strings * Mind Garage|S/T|1969|RCA| * Miroslav Vitous - Aim Your Eye * Mirror Image|Songs Of The Eagles||Pickwick| * moe koffman- rocks * Moe Koffman|Museum Pieces|1978|Janus| * Moments - Sexy Mama * Mongo Santamaria - Cold Sweat * Mongo Santamaria - Crazy Legs * Mongo Santamaria - Highty-Hi * Mongo Santamaria|Mongo At Montreux|1971|Atlantic| * Monk Higgins ONE MAN BAND PLAYS ALL ALONE Original Album: Dance to the Disco Sax (Buddah 1974) * Monkees - Mary Mary * Monkees|More Of The|1967|Colgems| * Montrose|S/T|1973|Warner Bros.| * Monty Alexander - Lay It On Me * Motherlode - Hard Life * Motherlode - Soft Shell * Motherlode|When I Die|1969|Buddah| * Mount Rushmore - Toe Jam * Mountain LONG RED * Mountain: Satisfaction * Mountain|Live|1972|Windfall| * Muddy Waters - I Just Want To Make Love * Muddy Waters - I'm A Man * Mutzie - the light of your shadow * Mystic Moods - Cosmic Sea * "Neil Merryweather, John Richardson...|S/T||Kent|" * New Birth - Do The Funky Chicken * New Birth I WASHED MY HANDS OF THE WHOLE DAMN DEAL * New Birth KEEP ON DOIN' IT * New Heavenly Blue - Coming Of The Rhino * New Heavenly Blue NEW HEAVENLY BLUE - Original Album: Educated Homegrown * Nicky Hopkins|The Tin Man Was A Dreamer|1973|Columbia| * Night Train MAKING TRACKS * Nolan - Somebody's Cryin * Northern Lights|Summer 71'|1971|Columbia| * Nu People - I'd Be Nowhere Today * Nucleus|Snakehips Etcetera|1975|Sire| * Nutshell|Begin Again|1978|Word| * Ocean - Put Your Hand In The Hand * Ocean|Put Your Hand In The Hand|1971|Kama Sutra| * Odetta - Hit Or Miss * Ohio Players|Skin Tight|1974|Mercury| * Olympic Runners - (There's A) Freeze On Funk * Olympic Runners - Kool Gent * Olympic Runners - Out Of The Ground * Olympic Runners - Sproutin Out * One G Plus Three - Poquito Soul * Open Sky|S/T|1973|P.M.| * Os Carbonos/O cabecao * "Oscar Brown, Jr. - First Lady" * "Oscar Brown, Jr. - Walk Away" * Osibisa|Heads|1972|MCA| * Panic Button - Lovin Horns * Parliaments - Good Old Music * Passport - Connexion * Passport - Hand Made * Passport - Puzzle * Passport|Cross-Collateral|1975|ATCO| * Pat Rebillot|Free Fall|1974|Atlantic| * Pat Williams|Threshold|1973|Capitol| * PATSY GALLANT-???BACK TO THE CITY??? * Patti Jo - Make Me Believe In You * "Paul Kantner, Grace Slick & David Freiberg FLOWERS OF THE NIGHT -Original Album: Baron Von Tollbooth & The Chrome Nun" * Paul Mariat|El Condor Pasa||Philips| * Paul McCartney MOMMA MISS AMERICA Original Album: McCartney/Cherries * "Paul McCartney OH WOMAN, OH WHY Original Album: Wild Life ('71)" * Paul McCartney|S/T|1970|Apple| * PAUL NERO-???TRAMP??? * Peter Duchin - At Will * Peter Duchin|Windmills Of Your Mind||Decca| * Peter McCann|S/T|1977|Century| * PETER TOWNSHEND-???FOREVER NO TIME AT ALL??? * Phil Flowers|Our Man In Washington|1968|Dot| * "Phillip Upchruch|Darkness, Darkness|1972|Blue Thumb|" * Phoenix Authority - Honky Tonk Women * Phoenix Authority - Spinning Wheel * Phoenix Authority - Susie Q * Pieces Of A Dream|We Are One|1981|Elektra| * Pigmeat Markham - Here Comes the Judge * PLANT-???STEADY ROLLIN?????? * pleasure-bouncy lady * Pop Singers And Orchestra - 6 Million Dollar Man * Pop Singers And Orchestra - Hawaii Five-O * Pop Singers And Orchestra - Police Woman * Port Authority|S/T||Navy| * Potliquor RED STICK - Original Album: Potliquor * "Power of Zeus SORCERER OF ISIS, THE -Original Album: Gospel According to Zeus," * Pretty Purdie - Soul Drums * Procal Harum|Whiter Shade Of Pale|1973|A&M| * Procol Harum - Repent Walpugis * Procol Harum - She wandered through the garden fence * "PUGH-???LOVE, LOVE, LOVE???" * "Q65 - Get out of my life, woman" * Rahsaan Roland Kirk|Boogie-Woogie String Along For Real|1978|Warner Bros| * ralph carmichael-rumble * Ralph Towner - Piscean Dance * Ralph Towner - Sands * Ralph Towner|Solstice|1974|ECM| * Ramsey Lewis - Jade east * Ramsey Lewis - Mighty Quinn * Ramsey Lewis - Them Changes * Ramsey Lewis BACK IN THE USSR * Ramsey Lewis|Another Voyage|1969|Cadet| * Ramsey Lewis|Inside|1972|Cadet| * Ramsey Lewis|Maiden Voyage|1968|Cadet| * Ramsey Lewis|Mother Nature's Son|1968|Cadet| * Ramsey Lewis|Salongo|1976|Columbia| * Ramsey Lewis|Solar Wind|1974|Columbia| * Ramsey Lewis|Sun Goddess|1974|CBS| * Ramsey Lewis|Them Changes|1970|Cadet| * Rance Allen - Hot Line To Jesus * Randy Matthews|All I Am Is What You See|1971|Myrrh| * Randy Pie|Kitch|1975|Polydor| * Rare Earth - Get Ready * Rare Earth - Keeping Me Out Of The Storm * Rare Earth I JUST WANT TO CELEBRATE -Original Album: One World ('71) * Rare Earth|Get Ready|1969|Rare Earth| * Rare Earth|One World|1971|Rare Earth| * Rare Earth|Willie Remembers|1972|Rare Earth| * Rasputin Stash - Devil Made Me Do It * Ray Bryant|Up Above The Rock|1968|Cadet| * Ray Charles - Never Ending Song of Love * REACTION-???JUST A LITTLE MORE BABY??? * "Red, White & Blues Image IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME" * Reverie|Watch The Skies|1986|Ear| * Rhythm & Rhyme PEAS PORRIDGE IN THE POT * Rhythm Addicts SCORPIO * Rick Ruskin PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS * Rimshots - Dance Girl * Rinaldo & Sons|Jazz... Is A Four Letter Word|1975|J&J| * Ripple - Willie Pass The Water * RITA JEAN BODINE-???PACIFIED??? * river city street band-lamp of love * ROBERT LAMM-???SKINNY BOY??? * Robin Kenyatta|Encourage The People|1976|Wolf| * Robin Kenyatta|Stompin' At The Savoy|1974|Atlantic| * Roger Daltrey/Proud * Roland Haynes - Second Wave * Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women * Rolling Stones|Jamming With Edward|1972|Rolling Stones| * ronald stein-pigs go home * Rotary Connection LIFE COULD -Original Album: Aladdin * Roy Ayers Ubiquity BOOGIE BACK * Roy Ayers|Change Up The Groove|1974|Polydor| * Roy Ayers|Mystic Voyage|1975|Polydor| * Roy Ayers|Vibrations|1976|Polydor| * Roy Head - She's About A Mover * Roy Porter PARTY TIME * Roy Porter|In A Groove||Vinsone| * "Rufus, feat. Chaka Kahn DANCE WIT ME" * Rupert Holmes|Partners In Crime|1979|Infinity| * Rusty Bryant - Fire Eater * Rusty Bryant - Lou-Lou * Rusty Bryant - Mister S * Ruth Copeland SUBURBAN FAMILY LAMENT -Original Album: I Am What I Am * Ryo Kawasaki - Raisins * Sadistic Mika Band/Silver Child (this break it HOT) * Sakhile|S/T|1982|Moonshine| * Salt - Hung Up * Sam Shabrin - Leroy * Sandra Sa|S/T||RGE| * Sandy Nelson - My Own Thing * Sandy Nelson - Mystery Boogaloo * sandy nelson- day train * Sandy Nelson|Boogaloo Beat||Imperial| * Sandy Nelson|Cheetah Beat|1967|Imperial| * Sandy Nelson|Let There Be Drums||Imperial| * Sapo|S/T|1974|Bell| * Savoy Brown|Street Corner Talking|1971|London| * Savoy Brown|Street Corner Talking|1971|London| * Shadows of Knight - Shake * Shango|Trampin'|1970|Dunhill| * Shelly Fisher - I'll Leave you Girl * Sherman Hayes - Keepin to the backroads * Shirley Scott - By The Time I Get To Phoenix * Shirley Scott - Hanky's Panky * Shirley Scott - Lady Madonna * Shirley Scott - Last Tango In Paris * Shirley Scott - Lean On Me * Shirley Scott|Soul Song|1969|Atlantic| * Shotgun|S/T|1977|ABC| * Shuggie Otis - Oxford Gray * Sight Unseen ONE MORE THING * Simon Sound DRUMS AWAY * Simtec & Wylie - Bootleggin * Sir Guy an d the Rocking Cavaliers - Funky Virginia * Sir John Roberts DO YOU BELIEVE IN FATE? * "Sir Paul ""Raggedy"" Flagg PAPA MOMMA ROMPER STOMPER - Original Album: Single (with ""Shoo Fly Pie"")" * Skylark|S/T|1972|Capitol| * Sly & the family stone - are you ready * Sly & The Family Stone - Brave & Strong * Sly & the family stone - Sing a simple song * Sly & the family stone - you can make it if you try * Sly and the Family Stone -Dance to the Music * Sly And The Family Stone|Greatest Hits|1970|Epic| * Sly And The Family Stone|Stand!|1969|Epic| * "Sly Stone ROCK DIRGE -Original Album: Sly Stone, Recorded in San Francisco, 1964-1967" * Sly Stone|S/T|1967|Sculpture| * Smokey Brooks SPIN IT JIG * Smokey Robinson IF YOU CAN WAIT * "Solomon Burke - Get out of my life, woman" * Solomon Burke - I Got To Tell It * Sonny & Cher - Hey Jude * Sonny & The Sunglows|Jamboree|1981|Sunglows Records| * Sonny Criss|Warm & Sonny|1976|Impulse| * Sonny Phillips - Proud Mary * Sonny Rollins|Horn Culture|1973|Milestone| * Sonny Stitt - Them Funky Changes * Sonny Stitt|Mellow|1975|Muse| * Sons Of Champlin|Loosen Up Naturally|1969|Capitol| * Sons Of Champlin|Loving Is Why|1977|Ariola-America| * Soul Searchers - 1993 * Soul Searchers - 1999 * Soul Searchers - Soul To The People * Soul Searchers - We The People * Soul Tornadoes CRAZY LEGS * Soulful Strings - Jingle Bells * Soulful Strings - Paint It Black * Sound Experience DEVIL WITH THE BUST * SOUND FOUNDATION ???SOUL FOUNDATION??? * Sound Foundation|S/T||Smobro| * Sounds Of Sunshine - Put Your Hand In The Hand * Southside Movement - Save The World * Spinners - Heaven On Earth * Spinners|8|1977|Atlantic| * Spirit|The Family That Plays Together|1968|Ode| * Spittin' Image JB'S LATIN * Spooky Tooth WAITIN' FOR THE WIND * Spooky Tooth|2|1972|A&M| * St. Clair Pinckney FROM THE HEAD -Original Album: Private Stock * Stairsteps|2nd Resurrection|1976|Dark Horse| * Stan Kenton - Colored Spade * Stanley Clarke|School Days|1976|Nemperor| * Stanley Turrentine|Cherry|1972|CTI| * Steam - Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye * Steam|S/T|1970|Mercury| * Steely Dan|Katy Lied|1975|ABC| * Steppenwolf - jupiter's child * Steppenwolf|Greatest Hits|1972|Dunhill| * Steve Arrington - Nobody Can Be You * Steve Arrington - Speak With Your Body * Steve Arrington|Steve Arrington's Hall Of Fame|1983|Atlantic| * Steve Colt DYNAMITE * Steve Grossman ZULU STOMP - Original Album: Some Shapes To Come * Steve Miller Band|Book Of Dreams|1977|Capitol| * Steve Miller Band|Fly Like An Eagle|1976|Capitol| * Stevie Wonder|Talking Book|1972|Motown| * Street Christians|It's Been A Long Time A' Comin'||Pickwick| * Sweet Thursday GILBERT STREET * Sweet Thursday|S/T||Great Western Gramophone| * Sweetwater|S/T|1968|Reprise| * Syl Johnson - Ode To Soul Man * "SYRIUS-""I'M STRETCHING OUT MY ARMS""" * T. Rex|Electric Warrior|1971|Reprise| * T.S.U. Toronardoes - Getting The Corners * T-Connection GROOVE TO GET DOWN * "Teegarden & Van winkle - God, Love and Rock & roll" * Temptations - Aint no sunshine * Temptations - What it is * Terje Rypdal|Whenever I Seem To Be Far Away|1974|ECM| * Terry Veazey|Jesus Made Me Higher||Rainbow| * Texas|S/T|1973|Bell| * "The 5th Dimension|Love's Lines, Angles, & Rhymes|1971|Bell|" * The 5th Dimension|Stone Soul Picnic|1968|Soul City| * The Alwyn Wall Band|The Prize|1977|Myrrh| * The Apollo Stars|Power Of Source|1974|L. Ron Hubbard| * The Blackbyrds|Action|1977|Fantasy| * The Blackbyrds|Flying Start|1974|Fantasy| * The Blackwood Singers|At Their Best|1972|Heart Warming| * The Blues Project|Projections|1967|Verve| * The Butterfield Blues Band|Live|1970|Elektra| * The Byrds|Ballad Of Easy Rider||Columbia| * The Carpenters|A Kind Of Hush|1976|A&M| * The Carpenters|Kind Of Hush|1976|A&M| * The Counts - Motor City * The Crusaders|Free As The Wind|1977|Blue Thumb| * The Crykle/Nicole * The Dells|Musical Menu||Cadet| * THE DODGERS-???LOVE ON THE REBOUND??? * The Doors|Full Circle|1972|Elektra| * The Dynamic Corvettes FUNKY MUSIC IS THE THING * The Edgar Winter Group|They Only Come Out At Night|1972|Epic| * The Elvin Bishop Group|Feel It|1970|Fillmore| * The Fame Gang - Grits and Gravy * "The Fireballs - Get out of my life, woman" * The Free Movement|I've Found Someone Of My Own|1972|Columbia| * The Funnies|Smile||Pickwick| * The Gaturs - Get Up * The George Bussey Experience|Disco Exravaganza Phase|1978|Atlantic| * The Grassroots YOU AND LOVE ARE THE SAME * The Greyboy Allstars TENOR MAN * The Guess Who|American Woman|1970|RCA| * The Honey Drippers STREAKIN'! * The Hunter & His Games HOW YOU GET HIGHER * The Illusion|Together (As A Way Of Life)|1970|Steed| * The Inclines ATLANTA BOOGALOO * The Isley Brothers|Go For Your Guns|1977|T-neck| * "The Ivor Raymond Orchestra/""its the real thing""" * The J.B. Pickers: Super Soul Theme * "The Jaggerz MEMOIRS OF THE TRAVELER , Original Album: We Went To Different Schools Together" * The Jaggerz|We Went To Different Schools Together|1970|Kama Sutra| * The Jazz Class|S/T||Orion| * The John Payne Band|Bedtime Stories|1976|Arista| * The Johnny Frigo Sextet|The Electric Jazz Of Gus Giordano||Orion| * The Kinks|Low Budget|1979|Arista| * "The Mad Lads - Get out of my life, woman" * The Mahavishnu Orchestra|The Inner Mounting Flame|1971|Columbia| * The Marketts - Dr. Death * The Mustangs HOW FUNKY CAN YOU GET? * The Nahal Variety Ensemble Group - Aharon Haviv * The New Birth|Birth Day|1972|RCA| * The Now Generation|Let It Be||Spar| * "The Ohio Espress|Beg, Borrow & Steal|1968|Cameo|" * The Ohio Players NEVER HAD A DREAM * The Osmonds|Love Me For A Reason|1974|Kolob| * The P.T.S. - Dragon Rock * The Personations - Future * "The Phoenix Authority|Blood, Sweat, & Brass||Mainstream|" * The Pointer Sisters YES WE CAN CAN -Original Album: Pointer Sisters * The Robin Jones Seven ATLAS -Comps: Lift Off! With Apollo Sound... * The San Remo Golden Strings|S/T||Gordy| * "The Showmen, Inc TRAMP PART 1, THE" * The Silhouettes FONKY FIRST -Original Album: Conversations With The Silhouettes * The Sons of Champlin GOLD MINE -Original Album: The Sons of Champlin * The Sons of Champlin ROOFTOP -Original Album: Loosen Up Naturally * "The Sons YOU CAN FLY -Original Album: Sons, The" * The Soul Stoppers Band BOILIN' WATER * The Sound Effects|Summer '72|1972|QMO| * The Spirt of US - Get Together * The Steve Miller Band|The Joker|1973|Capitol| * The Street People|Put Your Hand In The Hand||Pickwick| * The Sunglows - Happy Hippo * The Tattoos|Hot Trumpets||Telefunken| * The T-Bones|No Matter What Shape Your Stomachs In||Liberty| * THE TEMPREES-???EXPLAIN IT TO HER MAMA??? * The Temptations|Solid Rock|1972|Motown| * The Trammps|Slipping Out|1980|Atlantic| * The U.S. Air Force Jazz Ensemble|On The Air|1976|AF| * The Ventures|Wild Things||Dolton| * The Vibrettes HUMPTY DUMP * The Village Crusaders AKIWAWA * The Vines - Sweet Pea * Thin Lizzy - Johnny The Fox Meets Jimmy The Weed * Thin Lizzy|Johnny The Fox|1976|Mercury| * Three Dog Night - I Can Hear You Calling * Three Pieces SHORTNIN' BREAD * Three Pieces/Short'nin' bread * Thunder & Lightning - Bumpin Bus Stop * Tide|Almost Live||Mouth| * Time Machine SUPERSTITION * TIMMY THOMAS-???SEXY WOMAN??? * Tina Turner/Pick me tonight * Titanic/Titanic LP (4 beats) * Tom Draper|Philadelphia||RCA| * Tom Jans|The Eyes Of An Only Child|1975|Columbia| * Tom Johnston|Everything You've Heard Is True|1979|Warner Bros.| * Tom Jones - Looking Out My Window * Tom Scott And The L.A. Express|S/T|1974|Ode| * Tom Scott SNEAKIN' IN THE BACK -original Album: Tom Scott & The L.A. Express * Tom Tom Club GENIUS OF LOVE * Tommy Roe - Dizzy * Tommy Roe - Stir it up and serve it * Tommy Roe - Sweet Pea * Tommy Roe/Hide daddys whiskey * Tommy Roe|Dizzy|1969|ABC| * Tommy Roe|Sweet Pea|1966|ABC| * "Toni Tornado - Podes Crer, Amiz" * Tony Avalon & The Belaires SEXY COFFEE POT * Tony Joe White|Continued|1969|Monument| * Tony Joe White|Tony Joe|1970|Monument| * Tony Orlando & Dawn - Evil Ways * Tony Orlando & Dawn - Love The One You're With * Tony Orlando And Dawn|S/T|1971|Bell| * Tower Of Power|Back To Oakland|1974|Warner Bros.| * Triumph: What's Another Day of Rock 'N Roll * Triumvirat|Illusions On A Double Dimple|1974|Harve st| * Troggs - Rolling Stone * Troggs - We Rode Through The Night * Tropea|S/T|1975|Marlin| * Trouble Funk - Hey Fellas * Turley Richards|Expressions|1971|Warner Bros| * Turley Richards|Expressions|1971|Warner Bros| * Turtles - Battle of the bands * Turtles - I'm Chief Kamanawanalea * Turtles - You Baby * Tyrone Harris AIN'T THAT FUN * UFO|No Place To Run|1980|Chrysalis| * Uncle Louie I LIKE FUNKY MUSIC * Up With People|Livin' On|1974|Up With People| * UPP GIVE IT TO YOU * Uriah Heep WALKING IN YOUR SHADOW * Uriah Heep|Live|1973|Mercury| * Uriah Heep|S/T|1970|Mercury| * Vanilla Fudge - Break Song * Vanilla Fudge - Shotgun * Vanilla Fudge - The beat goes on * Vanilla Fudge|Near The Beginning|1969|ATCO| * Vanilla Fudge|The Beat Goes On|1968|ATCO| * Various|A Sound Odyssey||Radio Shack| * Various|Blue Note Live At The Roxy|1976|Blue Note| * Various|Disco Par-r-r-r-ty||Spring| * Various|Nonstop Diso Party Dance||GSLP| * Various|People Got To Be Free||Fourmost| * Various|Ruskin High School Golden Eagle Band|1971|Audio House| * Various|San Francisco Sampler|1970|San Francisco| * Various|Souled Out|1975|K-Tel| * Various|Super Hits #1||Pickwick| * Various|The Rock Version Of The Lords Prayer||Pickwick| * Various|Up With People - 3||Pace| * VEHICLE ???DA-NITE SHUFFLE??? * Ventures - Dizzy * Ventures - Hawaii Five-O * Ventures - Honky Tonk Woman * Ventures - Honky Tonk Women * Ventures - Plaquemines Parish * Ventures - Sweet Pea * Wade Marcus - New Era * Wade Marcus - Spinning Wheel * Wade Marcus|Metamorphosis|1976|Impulse| * WALKERS-???JULIUS??? * War|All Day Music|1971|United Artists| * War|Deliver The Word|1973|Far Out| * Warm Excursion FUNK I TUS * wayne cochran- little bitty pretty one * Wayne Fontana & the Mindbenders - Game of Love * We Five|You Were On My Mind||A&M| * Weather Report|Mysterious Traveller|1974|Columbia| * Weather Report|Tale Spinnin'|1975|Columbia| * Webster Lewis|Touch My Love|1978|Epic| * "West, Bruce, & Laing|Whatever Turns You On|1973|Windfall|" * Whiteface|Live At The Agora|1979|Polygram| * Wilbert Longmire|Champagne|1979|Tappan Zee| * Wild Sugar - Bring It Here * Wild Tchoupitoulas - Brother John * Willis Jackson - Ain't No Sunshine * Willis Jackson - Gator Whale * Willis Jackson|The Way We Were|1975|Atlantic| * Wishbone Ash|Locked In|1976|Atlantic| * Woody Herman - Flying Easy * Woody Herman|Heavy Exposure|1969|Cadet| * Woody Herman|Woody & Friends|1981|Concord| * Wynder K. Frog|Out Of The Frying Pan||United Artists| * Yellow Sunshine YELLOW SUNSHINE -Original Album: Yellow Sunshine * Young Holt Unlimited|Soulful Strut|1968|Brunswick| * Young-Holt Unlimited - Wah Wah Man * Z.Z. Hill I THINK I'D DO IT * Zager & Evans - speed * Zager & Evans|S/T||RCA| * Zapp|S/T|1980|Warner Bros| * Zbignibu Wegehaupt|Sake||Polish Jazz| * ZZEBRA-???PUT A LIGHT ON ME

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    a couple times in the past I played some hot dollar-bin scores for dj friends only to see them later laughing all the way to the bank after they pulled stock.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    So really, is some lightweight with 8000 songs in their Ipod who can't read a crowd really going to take over? I think not.

    BUt the public will dance to the same 30 songs at the same 30 clubs. This gives the neophyte a chance to knock the experienced cat out of the box. I've seen this shit happen.

    So true... The amount of DJ friends of mine that have told me they lost gigs to some dude that would play for almost nothing is getting silly.

    A good friend of mine (Who has 10,000 records and almost more music knowledge than anyone I know) who has almost been DJing to 20 years lost a gig to some dude who's been DJing for 3 months. Because he told the promoter he had 20,000 mp3's and final scratch. At first the promoter didn't care, cause my friends nite was always packed. But then dude came back with "I'll play for $50 bucks for the nite" and the promoter saw that extra money in his pocket. Fired my friend and is totaly happy with dude doing radio mixes all night. The numbers have dropped off about 25% for the last 3 months and my friend has gotten other gigs, but I still say ur crazy if ur a DJ sharing everything.

  • Yeah secrecy isn't for one-upsmanship, it's for trade. If you are a DJ whose sets revolve around having unique or undiscovered gems then secrecy is a must. If you are a dealer and you find a record that noone knows or can find then try to get quantity. This is business.

    In either case, the record doesn't stay secret for long - there's too much info out there for that to happen.

    But remember folks, the whole soul, funk, breaks, rare groove collector thing came out of these scenes where secrecy was important - whether you're talking about northern, park jam DJs, "glory-era" hip-hop producers, psych moves, or whatever. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Respect why these people kept secrets, and why some folks still do today.

    I'm not talking about "ooh I found this weird Ez listening record with a sample" I'm talking about totally unknown records that are seriously rare and good.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    here is the scenario that I am thinking.

    I go diggin with a large group of people, we all buy records. We go back to someones house for beers and to listen to what we found. One dudes puts some shit on the turntable that is insane crazy good. Everyone asks what it is.

    Dude wont say and hides that shit. Babyshit.


    "Hey, thats a dope mixtape. track 13 is really great. Melts my face. Who does it?"

    "Cant Say partner. SOme things gotta stay secret"

    thats whack

    Thats kinda wack... I mean.. if u got friends over and playing stuff and you have label covers.. Thats not kewl.... If ur do it for the first 10 seconds, just cause u wanna have some fun, thats alright IMO and once you got dude hooked and you pull away ur hands... it's all good!

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Yeah secrecy isn't for one-upsmanship, it's for trade. If you are a DJ whose sets revolve around having unique or undiscovered gems then secrecy is a must. If you are a dealer and you find a record that noone knows or can find then try to get quantity. This is business.

    In either case, the record doesn't stay secret for long - there's too much info out there for that to happen.

    But remember folks, the whole soul, funk, breaks, rare groove collector thing came out of these scenes where secrecy was important - whether you're talking about northern, park jam DJs, "glory-era" hip-hop producers, psych moves, or whatever. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Respect why these people kept secrets, and why some folks still do today.

    I'm not talking about "ooh I found this weird Ez listening record with a sample" I'm talking about totally unknown records that are seriously rare and good.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    and is totaly happy with dude doing radio mixes all night.

  • i agree with you 100%.......

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I've got ONE secret squirrel. I'll tell friends about it, and I'll play it for people, but that is NOT going on the internet, because its the hottest shit evar.

    In fact, I've never even posted audio of it, because I don't want somebody else to know it and tell everybody. I'm dead serious.

    Everything else I share with the internets, but this one is mine mine mine. Funny thing is, its not from an unknown artist. In fact he's pretty well know I think, but I swear to god most people have never seen or heard this record. In fact, since I bought it I've never seen it again.

    The only way you'll get to hear it is if you come to my house. I'm a herb, and I don't care.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    Yeah secrecy isn't for one-upsmanship, it's for trade. If you are a DJ whose sets revolve around having unique or undiscovered gems then secrecy is a must. If you are a dealer and you find a record that noone knows or can find then try to get quantity. This is business.

    In either case, the record doesn't stay secret for long - there's too much info out there for that to happen.

    But remember folks, the whole soul, funk, breaks, rare groove collector thing came out of these scenes where secrecy was important - whether you're talking about northern, park jam DJs, "glory-era" hip-hop producers, psych moves, or whatever. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Respect why these people kept secrets, and why some folks still do today.

    I'm not talking about "ooh I found this weird Ez listening record with a sample" I'm talking about totally unknown records that are seriously rare and good.

    remember premo going "stop doing that, you're violating straight up and down"? but jp is so right here, I totally agree. If rare gems are ur bread, why should u share it? There are still some that don't tell you in the first place (like Soulrabbi or haitian star over here)'s all a matter of respect and foresight.

    And the thing with everyone and their mom's djing...i mean, doesn't every "creative profession" have that issue? Just ask webdesigners about their jobs...if you're good, people will always want to book you. Or you will always find your niche. That's just it, stay original and don't worry about all those scumbags djing for 3 months...they will vanish or stay and get kewl...
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