Bobby Paunetto
6,054 Posts
What is the official word on the musical quality of these two albums (Commit to Memory & Paunetto's Point)? I read a bunch reviews from various sources but they aren't really telling me what I want to hear. So tell me, are they overhyped? Solid? Bland funk? Terds? Tepid? What?
I don't know commit...
it's totally amazing... uh... was totally amazing. it's gone now.
Personally, I like "Paunetto's Point" though I don't think I would have paid the market rate for it. It has nice moments but it can also get a bit "out" there. I had the opp to pick up "Commit To Memory" on the cheap but the sound is different and I wasn't into anything i heard from it.
Is that price "normal" for this LP? I'm at what the LP went for.
Oh yeah enough with the does/doesn't "sound like a $XXX record" thing... eesh (unless you're joking)
thank you scorpio! Trenton, NJ has become the epicenter of quasi-legal jazz/funk/latin reissues.
I bought the reissue a couple of years ago and didn't think much of it. It wasn't real funky if I remember correctly. I gave it to my friend, who says it's amazing. What is up with this piece? Jazzy, spacy, Cougar-Mellencampish? Talk to me bitches.