I woke up halfway through the day, shipped some disks, drank coffee, and bought a measly $45 dollars worth of turds. Haven't even eaten yet. I even saw Guzzo but his bodyguards pushed me back.
2:47 PST and I'm still at work. Ah, but don't let that little four-letter-word fool you into thinking I'm working. Nope. Just gonna bounce and grab some espresso, come back, post with you good folks until 5:00 rolls around and I'm peace.
Not a half-day for I but definitely did only a half-day's work.
I walked out at 10 this morning, and have Monday and Tuesday off too.
Negrocios Sucios getting heavy burn this weekend.
my hours (and therefore salary) have dropped by around 20 percent over the last 2 months.
why, yes - yes, I am...
Not a half-day for I but definitely did only a half-day's work.