Sadat X busted...?

He's one of the last people I would think who would be this stupid... Wouldn't this jepoardise his day job as a casual schoolteacher?HARLEM HIP-HOPPER'S GUN RAP[/b]By JOE McGURK and HASANI GITTENS. New York PostDecember 24, 2005 A rapper who describes himself as a "Wild Cowboy" allegedly acted like an Old West gunslinger this week when he waved a large pistol at three teens in Harlem, police said yesterday.Hip hop star Sadat X, of the group Brand Nubian, allegedly boasted "I'm going to kill everybody" as he flashed a loaded .40-caliber black Beretta at a group of 18-year-olds at West 158th Street and Broadway Thursday, according to cops.Police sources said X also told the youths, "I'm looking for a guy with braids."After cops from the 33rd Precinct were called to the scene, the victims pointed out X, who was still standing across the street with the pistol.When police attempted to arrest the 37-year-old, whose real name is Derek Murphy, he ran. He was tackled quickly.He was arraigned yesterday in Manhattan Supreme Court on charges of criminal possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment and resisting arrest.Sadat X and Brand Nubian are most famous for the 1993 song "Punks Jump Up To Get Beat Down."
whats the point of making this shit up?
Huh? Is this not true...?
People do stupid things... but I didn't think he'd be this stupid. He always comes across as a reasonably switched on dude, but why would they make this up???
I thought he taught in a school in Harlem, so the connection seemed correct...
Dude, it's the NY Post. Expect little less than incompetence.
I've never read the NY Post. I had no idea.
Pretty standard for the post, part of the murdoch/fox-news juggernaut. Columbia Journalism Review called the Post "a force for evil"...
will this be on wax?
since months
a few good tracks are on it