Does it ever smell like poo where you live?

I live in Sonoma County, CA. It is still very much an agricultural community here, so there are lots of farms & they use lots of manure. Sometimes it smells like the air just shit it's pants. I belive this might be what Quintessence meant by "Cototi Funk".
don't you have to go spend money on Bossa Nova records or something?
Anyone from the College & Dufferin area???
Live by a couple of chocolate factories. There's nothing better than walking outside and smelling...
I think Riverside is actually made of poo.
oh no he didn't
you just broke my mind
damn that was torture!!!
the stinkiest has to be breweries... in halifax my moms house is like a 15 minute walk from the olands brewery and MAN o MAN can that ever put out soem stink.
Are these their Christmas decorations?
or hippies
that is fuckin' sweet!
Which one day of the year does it not smell like shit in Texas??
and is it considered a holiday?
not untrue - i used to live by the Amsterdam at Portland and King, in the summer it was suffocating.
the absolute worst is the smell of shit and fear and death coming from the slaughterhouse at Niagara. i've gone to parties at the row houses across from there. i don't know how people live there...depending on the wind direction, you can smell it all the way at Queen by Trinity Bellwoods Park.
It smells like that in Dublin by the Guinness brewery. The ultra-stinky hop smell is like walking around with your head in a bag of rancid Fritos...
For about a week in late summer the whole town smelled like puke, not shit, but putrid, rancid puke. Fucking reaked, you'd walk out of a smelly bar and gag. It was that bad, turned out to be the recycling drop off bins behind the grocery. Fuck, that sucked, hope it dosen't happen again. Wash your cans and bottles kids!
Where's the "You're Jealous" graemlin?? Or should that be "Your Jealous"???
I clearly need to step my animal shit game up.
I'm confused by this too. Try "yer".
Huh? I was working under the assumption that the other 364 days the state smelled like Republicans and Creationists. Make you want to dive into a pile of shit for relief...
Of all the odors I've smelled in my life, nothing compares to the greasy haired, dandruff infested, shower once a month whether he needed it or not, 40+ year old, livin' with Mom, stank breathed, idiot savant matrix # reciting record collectro.