What happened to Fatback?



  • damn man. thats crazy. im sure things will work out for the best.

    holla if you need anything or get bored while unemployed.

    Fatback, if you run out of things to do while unemployed, I can expound upon the fine points of volunteering at pre-/elementary schools. Aside from the gratification from molding young minds, most of the other points revolve around getting a free carton of milk. Or apple juice, if you're lactose intolerant.

  • I been lurking around the past month, but I could not bring myself to post.

    Going through changes here!

    I hated my job so much. THE most trifling bitches I ever been around. Boring, plain, ugly, bitter people who thought I was a snob because I read the NYtimes everyday and didn???t drink Budlight. All this simple immature low class backstabbing envy was draining the essence out of me. I was about the break down. Seriously! But I couldn???t quit because I just bought a house. I was stuck. So I was going through the motions. Yesterday, I had my 6 month review and all the sudden I felt the urge to ask my boss to fire me so I could get unemployment and redirect my life away from here without having to sell everything I own.

    So I got fired yesterday.

    It was relieving and humiliating at the same time. I asked for it, but I couldn???t believe myself.

    I got plenty of time to pack 10000 records and walk our new doggie, Bella.

    Dude, sounds like the same kind of hell that is my girlfriend???s job. At the last conference she went to people were discussing the best way to cook squirrel. They think she is a snob because she doesn't weigh 300 pounds and have a she mullet. Good luck with the job hunt.

  • mordecaimordecai 2,204 Posts
    I saw a very nice Billy Ray Mullet yesterday at the C******field T**** C***** Mall...he was pushing a stroller... I did not get to see if there was a toddler mullet in there.

    anyways, good luck on the job tip.
    You are welcome to come by my radio show for a guest spot on a Saturday...but it doesn't pay anything monetary.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    it doesn't pay anything monetary.


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