4 elements of digging?



  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    1) Pacing - when you're behind people who don't speak English while they hog a row of records or are taking too much time listening to CTI records at the turntable.

    2) Sidekick/Blackberry - for those "hey this shit looks mad familiar.....where have I seen this before? I wish I could look this up online real quick" moments.

    3) Crop Dusting - for when you blow ass and have to quickly move to the next section - or for when something like #1 is happening and you can clear the area, including yourself fronting like it wasn't you - then quickly come back when they have left.

    4) Wit - for when you're dealing like assholes like Sandy from Record Collector and want to say the really impressionable thing that'll just straight fuck his day.

  • like Sandy from Record Collector .

    Where is this?
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