the prelinger archives

slavinslavin 577 Posts
edited December 2005 in Strut Central
i'm sure some headz know about this, but for everyone else.. check this site out, tons of great stuff.

prelinger archives

Prelinger Archives was founded in 1983 by Rick Prelinger in New York City. Over the next twenty years, it grew into a collection of over 48,000 "ephemeral" (advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur) films. In 2002, the film collection was acquired by the Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division. Prelinger Archives remains in existence, holding approximately 4,000 titles on videotape and a smaller collection of film materials acquired subsequent to the Library of Congress transaction. Its goal remains to collect, preserve, and facilitate access to films of historic significance that haven't been collected elsewhere.


a few of my favorites:

match your mood

keep off the grass

a day in the death of donny b.

mr. finley's feelings

there's still a ton of others i need to see.


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