Happy Birthday Missbassie!!!



  • Happy Birthday, Ano*sh*h !

    whats with all these cat things?

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I'm always happy to salute a lady who loves good music and on top of that, isn't timid when it comes to throwing 'bows with the fellas. Happy Birthday (belated) to you!

  • emyndemynd 830 Posts
    Most sincerest of happy birthday wishes to you, Miss Bassie.


  • happy belated to one of my favorite strutters!


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    you guys RULE!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for the pictures, the songs, the Farsi and all the nice words. you guys have me so figured out!

    i'm writing from Kevin's computer and won't be back on a computer for a couple of days when i get back to work - so this will be short.

    honestly - thank you everyone - it totally made my birthday weekend better.

  • sorry for the ghostbump, but i couldnt help myself, going thru these archive threads...what comes around goes around and all that...

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    oh it's like that?

    happy bday, gurl!

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Happy born day Miss B! Wild out in the T-dot tonight.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Happy Birthday A*******! It was great to finally meet you. Hope you have a good day.

    Btw, how is it when it's a guy's b-day Anna is quick to throw that D, but when it's a woman you get a cute lil doggie?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    This had me so confused! I thought DOR was messing with me! I guess this means I'm twice as old this year - lol!

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