Anyone ever break a record trying to clean it?

MangomanMangoman 549 Posts
edited April 2005 in Strut Central
That's happened to me a few times, that and bumbing into the table and ruining a break, hate that...


  • Nowadays, I always force myself to clean records on top of a rubber 1200 matt. I learned the hard way by being lazy and wiping off 45s while on the phone or multitasking. Pushing too hard with the hand that's wiping while holding the 45 in the air with the other broke a couple of replaceable 45s. I think one of them was styrene, the bane of my existence. (If record materials were personified into a society, I'm positive Styrene would make up every terrorist cell) So just be extra careful with styrene (usually feels lighter, hollow sound when the needle first drops before the music comes in).
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