Jacket Warp

Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
edited November 2005 in Strut Central
You ever pull out a record to find that the jacket has somehow warped or gotten misshaped? Like thisWhat's the science? How does it happen? Can it be fixed, and if so, how?It seems to be totally random.


  • LazerLazer 796 Posts
    If the sleeve gets a little damp and then dries out quickly that can happen, I've seen it happen with sleeves that still have shrink around them too. No cures that I know of, just put it in a "tight" stack, Johnny. And how may I ask, did you break that record?

  • the broken record was warped, you ever try bending it to see how bad the warp is? Yeah.

    No moisture here, just seems that certain jackets do this. The two or three I've pulled out have tape on the seams, so perhaps there's something to that. Maybe it prevents the seams from giving when there's a temp change.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    The two or three I've pulled out have tape on the seams, so perhaps there's something to that. Maybe it prevents the seams from giving when there's a temp change.

    One more reason to stay away from tape when dealing with seams splitting. I hate tape.

  • The two or three I've pulled out have tape on the seams, so perhaps there's something to that. Maybe it prevents the seams from giving when there's a temp change.

    One more reason to stay away from tape when dealing with seams splitting. I hate tape.

    For what it's worth, I think glue might present the same problem (unless it's a legitimate glue split)...

    I hate having busted seams because they just get worse the more you finger through them

    I think

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    It seems to be totally random.


    I've been meaning to ask this question for a while now. I have a couple that just mysteriously warp while the rest are fine.

  • So what do you people do with seam splits? I used to glue some folded cartboard on the inside. One reason to like the disco/euro sleeves a bit more.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Any good records with splits I just leave alone, and leave the LP out of the jacket - coincidentally, the only times I remember the jacket warping open like in the photo was with certain records where I stored the LP outside of the jacket just like that. When that happened, I stuck a record mailer packing board inside the plastic between the jacket and inner sleeve, which made it look good, and kinda made the jacket regain it's shape.

    Jackets with no aesthetic/monetary value that are split horribly, I'll throw some scotch tape on.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    So what do you people do with seam splits? I used to glue some folded cartboard on the inside. One reason to like the disco/euro sleeves a bit more.

    If I can't sleep at night thinking about that raer with splitted seams, I use glue and pressure. Otherwise, I left them alone.

  • if it's a seam coming unglued, just glue that puppy back up. If it's a clean tear, where the pieces fit perfectly back together, I'll glue that too.

    If it's an ugly split, i sometimes use tape depending on how bad it is. But, as we see here (I taped part of the Joey Jefferson seam) it can cause problems.

  • LazerLazer 796 Posts
    No tape, no glue, just let it be. Put it in a plastic sleeve, leave it. Why bother with tape and glue, I'll just keep it OG. It seems like refinishing an antique chair to me. Not a good idea.

  • a bit different when you've got clumsy diggers thumbing through your stacks day in and day out. I've seen seams with no splits at all develop them just because someone couldn't wait to get through the Jazz-G section...

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    i only tape generique 12" sleeves and the ilk... A big pet peeve of mine is 12"s where the open side has gotten all messed up from constant record withdrawl, I often run tape over these to smooth em back out.
    LP's i either reglue the seam or i cut a length of acid free cardboard / fold in half and glue in to make a new seam

  • or i cut a length of acid free cardboard / fold in half and glue in to make a new seam

    Currently I just put the sleeve in tight plastic, but like Jorge, sometimes I can't sleep because of some cherished raer with splits. I have done the following on occasion for real essential records:

    But I agree with Lazer that it's worth keeping it OG... In that light I used to do something I reget now: cutting off a few mm at the open side of the sleeve to make it look tighter when that side is all folded and with little tears (big ).

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    that happens when the record isnt kept in a controlled climate(i.e. a plastic sleeve). the moisture in the air gets into the sleeve and makes it go wild, i asked the same question a year or so ago

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    i dont recomend using a nail file (gangsta) to smooth out that insert.

    get yourself a bone folder

    i used to major in book arts / xerography / printed matter back in art school so i also recomend you nerd out and learn how to make your own glues.

  • i also recomend you nerd out and learn how to make your own glues.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    It seems to be totally random.


    I've been meaning to ask this question for a while now. I have a couple that just mysteriously warp while the rest are fine.

    So...am I alone on this one? This is a fairly new UK import 12" from 2000. I've had older sleeves do the same thing. I'm not talking about splitting, I'm talking about straight up mutation of the sleeve for no apparent reason. Why only certain one's?

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    So...am I alone on this one? This is a fairly new UK import 12" from 2000. I've had older sleeves do the same thing. I'm not talking about splitting, I'm talking about straight up mutation of the sleeve for no apparent reason. Why only certain one's?

    Was it in shrinkwrap? Alot of cheaper, thinner 12" sleeves will start to twist once opened, if too tightly or poorly shrinkwrapped.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    So...am I alone on this one? This is a fairly new UK import 12" from 2000. I've had older sleeves do the same thing. I'm not talking about splitting, I'm talking about straight up mutation of the sleeve for no apparent reason. Why only certain one's?

    Was it in shrinkwrap? Alot of cheaper, thinner 12" sleeves will start to twist once opened, if too tightly or poorly shrinkwrapped.

    Yeah, that could very well be the case. Seeing as it gets a million degrees out here, maybe once it cools it constricts the sleeve. I dunno, just always found it strange. Chances are that's it, though.

  • that happens when the record isnt kept in a controlled climate(i.e. a plastic sleeve). the moisture in the air gets into the sleeve and makes it go wild, i asked the same question a year or so ago

    All of my records are in plastic sleeves. This does not explain it.

    Temp changes sure do though.

  • RishanRishan 454 Posts
    I have been guilty of doing this to the opening edge too, but I don't think it's that big a deal and I'd do it again. Lots of covers are different sizes anyway, and if you can keep it down to the minimum mm's, all the better. When you get it perfect it looks good, but if you balls it up you feel like a bobie. Got to have sharp scissors and a steady hand, or a very sharp knife and strong flat edge.

  • LazerLazer 796 Posts
    i also recomend you nerd out and learn how to make your own glues.

    METHLCELLULOSE, batches!!!!!

    nothing but archival quality here.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    i also recomend you nerd out and learn how to make your own NATURAL glues.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    i also recomend you BUG out and sniff your own NATURAL glues.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    wait, that didn't come out right...

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    METHLCELLULOSE, batches!!!!!

    nothing but archival quality here.


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

    METHLCELLULOSE, batches!!!!!

    nothing but archival quality here.



  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    METHLCELLULOSE, batches!!!!!

    nothing but archival quality here.


    Nice thread deviation to teddy bear beastiality...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Hey P*t*r,

    Whats ur pic say? Something about IP addies?

    Ahhh right... I see now...

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts
    Hey P*t*r,

    Whats ur pic say? Something about IP addies?

    Ahhh right... I see now...

    B***y -

    Have a good weekend - just finished a 2 day telephone battle w/ Sympatico - they finally fessed up that someone may have pulled[/b] the line card for my internet connection meaning I wasn't able to log on whatsoever... Rogers and them need some serious competition...
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