Portable Collectors- Panasonic Funnygraph?
4,594 Posts
Any of y'all dudes who collect portable record players have the Panasonic Funnygraph from, I assume, the early 70's? They came out as a part of Panasonic's "Crazy Color Portables" line, which featured oddly shaped and colorfully painted radios, tape players and record players. I couldn't find a pic online, but if need be I'll scan a photo and post it sometime soon, maybe tomorrow. I'm just curious about how good these things are... they look dope, sorta like space age waffle irons.
regardless of how they sound, i want one.
give up Mango, just give up
BTW, if anybody cares to see any of the other Panasonic Crazy Color portable radios and tape players let me know and I'll scan the pic of those that I have too.