Nope. Did your office block them perhaps?
Nope. Did your office block them perhaps? weird... but no, it doesn't look like a block because I've seen those before. This is just a straight 404. hmmm. well, thanks for checking, folks!
weird... but no, it doesn't look like a block because I've seen those before. This is just a straight 404. hmmm.
well, thanks for checking, folks!
(File Under: Request Your File)
With IBM slowing the speed of light:,+readies+it+for+networking/2100-9584_22-5928541.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
And Google's data retention policy:"data+retention"+policy+cookies+2038&btnG=Searc
it could be due to something else...
(Did you know
your cookies are indexed
for all your searches
until 2038)
Google has an intimate
"no comment"
relationship with the NSA,
and blacklisted CNET
after it exposed and challenged
some of Google's privacy issues.
People curse Microfost
and accuse IBM of providing
the Nazis with punchcards
while buying stock in a larger
"we're not evil" Google
that is going to be a lot scarier
than anything that came before.
Stop and think
about a company that has indefinite retention
of your deleted email correspondence, user data, and searches...
That or you just need to "delete your cookies"?