fun with sleep talkers (NRR)
edith head
5,106 Posts
is it wrong that i enjoy influencing my boyfriend's sleep talking? i have never met a sleep talker before so i don't know, it's still very amusing to me. i can have a conversation with him when he sleep talks about 90% of the time and sometimes the results are so funny and nonsensical. like i'll just say "giant pancakes" over and over and one time he just blurted out "You don't know anything about lunch!"
do any of you do this?
my roommate told me about how one time he heard his girlfriend snickering in the middle of the night. he asked her what so funny and she said "look at tony la russa" laughing some more. he asked "what about him?" and she was all "look at him in his little a's outfit!"
do any of you do this?
my roommate told me about how one time he heard his girlfriend snickering in the middle of the night. he asked her what so funny and she said "look at tony la russa" laughing some more. he asked "what about him?" and she was all "look at him in his little a's outfit!"
I sleep talk. A lot. It can be very embarrassing.
My friend who I used to live with sleep eats. Which is terrifying because he stops chewing halfway through and chokes.
I tried to wake him up and he pissed on me.
This is me, and my g/f has a blast listening, talking, etc. I am not amused!!!
this is your first post? and you used the word "Lover" yuck.
Showandtell music entry for the original Dion McGregor LP
Even better than sleeptalking is when you wake up from a dream and think everything that happened is real. A couple of years ago, I woke my ex-girl up after one of these dreams and told her "Hey, wake up. I made you some Christmas nachos." She goes "But I'm not hungry" and we both went back to sleep.
that is so funny!! did you respond to that?
i was freaked out the first time i heard it because he thought i was his brother and told me to park the bobcat. i thought i was seeing a psycho.
there was a good friend i went to school with who we used to mess with his sleep-talking if we were up hanging out and he had crashed. it was pretty fun. one time out of nowhere he told all of us that "we all just need to spread out. we need to spread the universe".
i sleep talk sometimes, and i don't really care if my girlfriend messes with me. makes for funny stories. when she sleep talks she doesn't really say anything funny, but i ask her questions and she swears she'll remember the next morning and never does.
so are you going to tell the interweb what kind of stuff you talk about?
Nonsensical shit... some things must stay private
next time I'm drunk dialing you might get something out of me
dude is just up on his worker utility vehicles.
i've been know to say some outlandish things while sleeping (usually drunk). but at the same time i enjoy getting others to say some silly talk.
have fun, just know that if he ever says some spiteful shit it may be partly your fault.
My dad always woke me up as he was leaving for work by just opening the door and saying: Hey, time to get up. I would just roll out of bed and go straight for the shower. Three different times I was standing in the shower thinking: "Jesus im tired. This sucks, I cant wake up." Then when I got out of the shower I would do all my bathroom shit, getting like 80% ready to go to school then I'd open the door and BAM! pitch-black, no one's up, the clock says like 3am. Apparently I kept having a re-occuring dream that my dad would come in and wake me up, and so I'd wake up.
Shit was wack.
This is like a megamix of all of my family's countless sleepwalking stories in one post. I'm the youngest of five kids and we ALL walked/talked in our sleep.
Except my brother, who screamed in his sleep.
And A, this is hilarious:
In 2nd grade, our teacher would let us take catnaps after lunch. I dozed off and didn't quite wake up all the way when she told us to get out our books and open them to page 50, yet somehow, in my sleep, I raised my hand to read. She, of course, called on me.
I think I said, "I'm getting warm, please," at which point the whole class laughed out loud and woke me up.
But she's even better. On a regular basis, about an hour after she goes to bed, she'll scream, sit bolt-upright in bed, sweating, eyes wide open, and gasp "OHMYGOD, OHMYGOD, OHMYGOD." So I come in, tell her she's dreaming, and she always falls back hard onto the bed muttering "I'm so confused." The next day she never remembers it happening, and half the time claims I made it up.
Then once in college my roommate said I was talking in my sleep. In Spanish.
Me: No****, are you awake? Hello? HELLO?
Her: Yes, I'm awake.
Me: What are you doing?
Her: Reading the newspaper.....
(at this point in time I'm like WTF so I play along...)
Me: What article?
Her: It's about John McCain and Joe Arpaio
Me: What page?
Her: Page A23....And then she starts READING to me this imaginary article about Joe Arpaio's pink inmate underwear!
I hung up after that. She had no recollection of the conversation next A.M.
she actually asked mr who had a nice pair of tits once and i replied that girl over there waiting by the office.she asked me what her name was but luckily i didn`t speak anymore..
I do not approve of this thread.
last night's quote by me was apparently, "What the hell is that?! Did that come with your beer??!!"
that is the most amazing story i have ever heard in my life!
i dont sleep talk or sleep walk, i just snore when im drunk.
why haven't i heard this story? i feel like i don't even know you.
you forget to tell the internets how you command things in Spanish in your sleep. like...
Hogg: "??no se siente en el canal!"
Neta: [??????]
cute. also crazy.
The worst was when I shared a room with my brother. He beat my ass while I was dead asleep yelling "Get away from my window Brian!" I don't know who Brian is.
plus, i just googled what causes sleep talking and a stanford site on somniloquy says:
* If an episode occurs, make sure the sleep talker is safe and gently soothe them
There were 3 of us in a big tent. In the middle of the night I sat up and nudged my friend Jason, asking him if he had a pen.
"A pen?" he inquired?
I replied:
at which point I evidently laid back down, turned over and slept through Jason't howls of laughter.