i think i got some kinda virus?
871 Posts
i think my computer somehow started sending out spam mails? i started to get shitloads of delivery failiure mails. all this happend right after some motherfucker in japan pulled the paypal scam trick and stole 120$ from me. what did i do to deserve all this shit!?heres a print screen of my outlook i downloaded ad-aware and scanned my entire computer, deleted all suspect stuff. downloaded updates for f-secure antivirus, and scanned the entire computer with that one aswell. nothing found... and it still seems like its sending out these damn mails. i hope none of you guys on here that ive had email contact with get spam from me now!
thanks alot! scanning with housecall right now. i'll try scanning in safemode afterwards.
hope i can get rid of this without formatting the computer. doesnt seem like its outlook sending out those mails either. i closed it and logged in through the webmail on my domain instead, and kept getting new dilevery faliure mails... fuck
More than likely your machine is not sending out those emails, unless you recognize they are going to people in your address book. Usually they get bounced to you because your email was listed as a fake reply-to in the real spams (which could be going out from anywhere and everywhere)
If your computer is doing other weird shit, then you've got the virus.
Whoa, thanks alot. Why didnt I realise this myself? All those mails were sent to different female names @mcdoom.net. I went to the email settings of my domain and disabled "catch all", a function that forwards all mails to devil-at-mcdoom.net no matter what adress on the domain it was sent to. My inbox is finally nice and quiet again.
Atleast I know that my computer is clean now, after all the virus scans I did.