Sof??u unga ??stin m??n.
14,705 Posts
Sof??u unga ??stin m??n.??ti regni?? gr??tur.Mamma geymir gullin ????n,gamla leggi og v??luskr??n.Vi?? skulum ekki vaka um dimmar n??tur.??a?? er margt sem myrkri?? veitminn er hugur ??ungur.Oft ??g svarta sandinn leit,sv????a gr??nan engireit.?? j??klinum hlj????a dau??adj??par sprungur.Sof??u lengi, sof??u r??tt,seint mun best a?? vakna.M????an kenna mun ????r flj??tt,me??an hallar degi skj??tta?? mennirnir elska, missa, gr??ta og sakna.
Ah, I wasn't sure if it was Iceland or the Faroe Islands. They use a common alphabet, right? Don't stomp me if I'm completely wrong, the letters they use just seem similar. Anyway, where are those lyrics from and what does it mean exactly? Danish is still too far from it for me to fully understand it.
It's an Icelandic folk song. My mother used to sing it to me. I'll (loosely) translate it:
Sleep, my young love.
The rain is crying outside.
Mom will look after your golden things,
old legs and "a v??luskr??n"*
Let us not wake on dark nights.
* is/was a small wooden box. "Vala", is a heel bone from a sheep. And for those reading, sheep legs were used as toys (as in "old legs).
The darkness knows many things.
My mind is heavy.
I often saw the black sands,
burn a part of the green meadow.
In the glacier, cracks as deep as death sound.
Sleep long, sleep peacefully,
it's best not to wake soon.
M????an* will soon teach you,
while the day quickly fades,
that humans love, lose, cry and miss (something).
* M????a is a somewhat built up sadness of the soul. Something you have to live with and accept.
If you're up on your German here's a german translation as well:
Schlaf mein kleiner Liebling ein!
Drau??en f??llt der Regen.
Mutter schaukelt 's Wiegelein
ist ja schon so alt wie Stein.
Tr??um durch den Nebel, dem Tage entgegen!
??berall herrscht Dunkelheit.
Schwer meine Gedanken.
Schwarzer Sand - wie vor der Zeit
decket unsre ??ngstlichkeit.
Die Gletscherspalten uns weisen die Schranken.
Schlafe endlich nun, schlaf ein!
Bald schon ist es Morgen.
Tr??ume auch den Wassern zu!
V??ter schirmen unsre Ruh.
Ihr ewges Sehnen: Sich um uns zu sorgen.
Sigur R??s have not covered this.
Partly. But "f??reyska" is a very weird language. (I think so at least).
How they came up with some of the words in that language, I'll never begin to understand.
F??reyska = "hvassakvoysa"
Dansk = pighvar
English = turbot
It's like they mixed every weird aspect of both Icelandic and Danish, and tried to make it look like Finnish.
, I see what you mean. Do you understand danish?
What's up with the lullaby? Don't get me wrong, I feel nice and cuddly now, I was just wondering.
Yep. Read, write and speak.
I spent a great deal of my summers in DK, when I was young. Dad used to live there.
I lived there summer of 2003 as well.
Haha. It was stuck in my head so I tried to post it to get it out of my system.
Worked like a charm.
Furthermore, when I was young I could sense how dark this was but couldn't get enough of it. Comforting gloom.
No dude. This has nothing to do with Finnish. Those special charachters are only used in Icelandish. Finnish is totally different thing. We have the same alphapethincs as Swedish. Danish has more special charachters than we have.
Wasn't reffering to the characters.
Where are you from?
From Finland, and there's nothing which would be even close to Finnish
My Mom is Finnish! but I don't know anything other than a few words... Finnish is weird, but at least it's pronounced exactly the way it's spelled unlike Danish (my native language) or english.
What's up Nordic Guys!!?
Anyone been to the Faroe Islands? I went on a school trip in 8th grade. Rugged, but beautiful. I've never been to Iceland, but would like to if I ever get the chance.
Well I meant that it looked like a finnish word.
"hvassakvoysa" altho it would probably be written "hv??ssaakvvoysaa" or something
Where in Finland are you?
My friend's been spending his summers in Finland for two years now. Speaks very highly of it. Everything from the environment to the great people. Sounds cool.
One of my missions in life is to visit the Mumin-museum/site/house. I'm an avid fan.
I used to love Mumi Troldene when I was a kid, although Lille My (don't know what she's called in english) was a little bit scary to me.
Edub, I really want to go to the Faroe Islands, I've been told it's really beautiful. I have a friend who lives there part-time, and he's been trying to get me to come and visit him.
Totta tosiaan = ofcourse
Totta tos??ann = suck a dick and pull
paskakunta = shit community
p??skakunta = easter cunt