victor periano kingdom come MELLOTRON APPRECIATION
871 Posts
victor periano's kingdom come from 1975ok so im a huge fan of the mellotron sound, especially the choirs. this album has 2 or 3 mellotrons playing simultaneously. it combines the different mellotron sounds for some odd sounding harmonies. atleast on this 1 track i've heard! victor perianos kingdom come - no mans land (it cuts short i believe??) .. could anyone hook me up with a cdr or mp3s of this album? the prog fuckers on soulseek wount let me dl. the og vinyl is way out of my league and the japanese 90s reissue of it fetches 100$+... man i wish there was loads of mellotron demonstration lps, or library lps with just mellotrons on em... or cover lps using the mellotron, like there is hammond/organ cover lps...please recommend your favourite albums/tracks using mellotron(s)!
Some Tangerine Dream/Edgar Froese lps have good mellotron stuff. Also there's Terje Rypdal "Whenever I May Seem Far away."
ahhh dude. i've heard of this but never actually found a copy, aparently there were some cheapo european boots floating around awhile ago but i've yet to hear it. is it actually good?
yep, if melodic prog with mellotron is your bag, then check it out. it has been reissued/booted several times, original album had a cool triple fold out sleeve. i remember seeing a boot with that exact sleeve.