DVD Burners?

I'm thinking about getting a DVD burner for my Mac. It will take me FOREVER to burn all this media I have on CDs, index them, etc. I don't think it makes more sense to just get more hard drive space...or does it?
Anyway, I have no clue what DVD burners run, or what specs I'd be looking for.
Internal v. External?
Also, will burned DVDs play on a PS2?
Not trying to spend more than say $150 if I can...
Help a dude.
Anyway, I have no clue what DVD burners run, or what specs I'd be looking for.
Internal v. External?
Also, will burned DVDs play on a PS2?
Not trying to spend more than say $150 if I can...
Help a dude.
I would suggest an internal (however i dont know depending on your mac external might be only option)
Plexwriter is a definite excellent brand $/quality ration
As far as ps2 i guess its the same standards than for normal dvdplayers with copied dvds. Should be fine
Finally if your only doing this for stoking than try to avoid the dvd-rw options and fuck taking the highet speeds... dont fall into those more expensiveoptions and go for reliable and cheap (i.e old)
hope this helps
Did you mean "stocking" ? I don't think I'll need a RW. I will check out that brand. Thanks for the advice.
he says get the white one
I am not a Mac user, but would like to be. However, I highly recommend Lite-On. I had never heard of it either until people on another board were telling me that for the price, it was worth it. I had bought it through Newegg. Compare this with a DVD burner I bought from Office Max, which lasted a full six hours. I believe I've had the Lite-On model for close to a year, without any complications. People must like it, for I am now finally see it it in newspaper ads every Sunday.
I just got one. Very satisfied!!
If you need an external, just buy a housing for it, you'll save mad loot!
I personally would recommend the benq 1640