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Obama relatedI heard that Obama wasen't that into the military as he was finishing high school, he mentioned that the war was over so there was no reason to inlis…
A i'm just wondering, i feel it would have helped him in the election if he had been at least a Cub Scout. No sweat i won't mind looking at Sarah Palin for the next four years. -
What did we learn today?I learned that there's a seat on the Philly subway called the suicide seat. And that it's a bad idea to sit there. <b,121<b,121I also learned that Di…
That Sarah Palin has likely replaced Amy Winehouse as the High Priestess Of Soul Strut. -
what ever happened to the....record day?<b,121<b,121i feel the need to rip a bunch of records for no other reason.
Since when was "record day" solely about ripping records? Isn't that what Raj and Real Headz are for? I figured "record day" was when we just talk about records and nothing else (no Sarah Palin, no gym shoes, none of that). -
I Heart Tina Fey.Killing it.<b,121<b,121<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="…
I heart Tina Fey, too, but these Sarah Palin jokes are getting old. I hope McCain doesn't get elected myself, so we won't hafta hear from him OR Palin no damn more.