

Haut de la Garenne


Last Active
Member, Real Head
  • 'A to the K' / 'A to the mother fuckin' C' meaning (WildStyle Clip-R)

    They would say “Yo, yo whats up wit ya ? Aid to the cane"

        2 THA


    Definitely unburden yourself of any guilt or angst or whatever and get some well-deserved R&R Jimster. Looking back and for me the whole time was tiring worrying and wondering about what was going to happen, and how bad the suffering was.
    Maybe it's enviable that it doesn't sound like she feared death.

    Have a really good one with your nearest & dearest man.
  • 2020 RIP thred

    Harold Budd RIP

    Sad to hear your mum’s condition is so bleak Jimster. Maybe she’ll come through and a brush with mortality will scare her sober? Fingers crossed.

    b/w sounds like you need more practice with tequila LOL. I remember it as a good night out in London but no digestive issues. Good to see that even in a state of extreme inebriation you had your priorities straight with teh chud though.

    And @Electrode... sorry if there’s too much negativity around the US. Imagine you’re in a bar, and there’s this loud dude who’s a bit drunk and is always fighting. You know the guy is probably decent, but for some reason whenever he’s in public he feels that he’s got brag that he’s the greatest, and you just wish he’d chill with the pissing contest. Lots of Americans have no wish to be seen this way, but the guys in charge don’t do enough to change things, so everyone else is left rolling their eyes wondering how long it will take for the loud braggart to chillax. In the past I’ve got under people’s skin being critical (particularly Rockadelic) of the US, but I’m half American, lived there to the age of 6-7, first school experiences were there, spent summers going back to see my dad all my life, and the criticism (for me at least) stems from wanting to see your own heritage/roots DO BETTER. That’s really what it comes down to. Decades of explaining to US relatives why I don’t want to live there? Shouldn’t have been necessary. And in case you’re wondering about courage of my convictions, I was happy enough to carry the Brit passport, but post-Brexit, my next one will be Spanish. I’ll renounce that shit in a heartbeat for the same reasons I come down hard on the US. Fucking DO BETTER Britain, if you can’t, adios.
    One thing I’ve learnt from a mixed nationality nomadic upbringing is there are great people everywhere... and arseholes too!
    Anyone ever in Quebec and I’ll be more than happy (COVID allowing) to meet up, if I’m in a big enough apartment by then accommodation may be a possibility too (pending Dudette’s approval).

    and Ketan, we are enjoying the Quebec City experience, and actually I don’t find them xenophobic... maybe as a result of marrying a Catalan I’ve got plenty of sympathy for people wanting to preserve their language and culture. I try a little French and always apologise profusely for being so retarded and everyone we’ve met has been happy to talk in Frenglish and been hospitable, warm and curious.

    ketan said:

    Duder, sorry to hear about your dad passing.  Can't be easy to deal with that.  Glad you've got some nice places to get lost near you.  Did you end up in MTL or are you living nearby?

    As the time passes I'm finding it's that sense of "...oh, I should give dad a call - wait, nope" that's depressing. Unlearning good habits - that's the stinker. He unintentionally cut the ties at his end and now I have to intentionally do the same at my end.

    We She chose a lab in Quebec city*, but we've been to Montreal a few times and loved it. Quebec is really nice (and after Barcelona soooo clean and peaceful), but there's a lot more life in Montreal. She's speculated that if a position turned up in MTL she'd be happy to live there for a year or two although for the foreseeable she's tied to a recent government scholarship connected to her current lab/research project. Lockdown was eased this summer and we went to Gaspesie (super beautiful) for a week, and have been exploring a lot of the national parks and doing some great hiking trails. Canada has impressed upon Dudette that actual changing seasons make for a stronger sense of nature being in your life, and she's really enjoying it. Spain is more loooong hot, and then some rain for a very short winter, boom, another year gone.

    *She had another offer in Philly, but Trump's covid response has been a reason to be happy for the relative safety of the great white north, and more than once we've both looked at scenes in the US and been Damn, glad we came to Quebec.
