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  • crabmongerfunk said:well, after watching that video I have no clue what this thing is. respectfully, that video is just a series of record (specifically beat) culture signifiers and references. in 100 words or less (no buzz words, no jargon…
  • Zac Hendrix May be down or ohmega watts. Depending on the people. Pm me
  • Thanks for the input guys...the debate between free and paid is always a tough one...and we will still be debating this until launch, but definitely leaning towards free!
  • Laserwold...no problem and Raj, that's a classic video!
  • LaserWolf said:Jason, thanks for sharing. Can you let us know what your site will be doing that other sites are not? Soulstrut and facebook have been a major resource for record nerds to meet and build community. Discogs allow…
  • Haters come. Haters go. Wax is forever! Until you burn it! . All jokes aside this isn't just some gimmick. This is an effort from diggers in Stockholm, LA, and seattle/tacoma. If you're interested at all register your email.
  • My friend recently got me into collecting 45s!
  • JasonH5 said: whoa whoa tell us the story how this happened plz! It was actually pretty crazy....there's a Goodwill outlet that I hit around my town. Unlike traditional Goodwill's when media and records come out, they have these hu…
  • Some crazy finds this month...first a new gig at a consulting firm....then some records that just are as the title says...HOTTER than HELL. I need info on the Rhodes Brothers joint...it's got some cool covers, but their own so…