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  • Neil- thanks for that info - I haven't seen it, and don't know anything about Glen Coe, but I'm going to read up on it now Doc- you are the man. Can't believe after all these years of collecting breaks, this one has been off my radar. …
  • loved Serch in the mid-90s.. but am I the only one who sees a middle-aged mid-40s man tryin to hang with 21 year olds? Or is it more than that - a seasoned veteran tryin to capitalize on a certain demographic using his past celebrity status? …
  • what's "young".. what's "old"... it's all vague. To a 20 year old, 10 is young and 40 is old... to a 40 year old, 20 is young and 60 is old... to a 60 year old, 40 is young and 80 is old... to an 80 year old, 60 is young…
  • the only original sample I can pull out of this one is Main Ingredient. The rest I dont know. Not the wolf howling sample, not the drums, not the 2-chord main melody throughout the main body of the track... nada. Summer Breeze Only:
  • how do you guys embed a youtube video here? I can't for the life of me find it anywhere in the post a new message options
  • ^^wow, that was dope...never heard that before yeah man... this type of artistry is lost... so many killer samples all mixed into one mix so smoothly like this... we don't see this any more. Gems for sure.
  • that's it my man - thanks I don't get it though - same lyrics, but two different song titles (guess that's why I couldn't find it)
  • thanks man... I have never heard this remix ever again since the late 90s when I caught it on the radio... searched high and low for it, and not a trace of it, not even on the internet... such a fat, killer remix though... so many evil, halloween-is…
  • sorry guys I can't figure out how to insert the YouTube video ...
  • you right. listening to it closer, the piano licks are all 'live' and sound different even when the melody is repeated. kind of like you can never make a snare drum sound exactly the same when banging it twice in a row. only thing that had me…
    in Outkast ID Comment by Rawbbie April 2013
  • yeah you might be right... only thing that made it sound like a sample is the 'click/pop' sound when the loop replays.. happens a few times in the track... thats the only thing making me think it's lifted from somewhere
    in Outkast ID Comment by Rawbbie April 2013
  • oh you mean this:
  • You guys are the f-n sh*t. I been trying to identify this for.. more than 15 years. This song holds a place close to my heart. And again, you guys come up with success. Lovin this place. I'd say thank-you but the word isn't strong enough. Ok, no…
  • un-freaking-believable lol. I been trying to ID this for years and then it took you 5 minutes to get it. I shoulda come here years ago. I am forever in your debt my friend..
  • thanks man. it worked. I've actually been here for close to a decade lol... no activity from me in years though. Sorry i didn't mean to barge in with an ID request... I've been up on crate digging for years and years... …