sick, thanks. You wouldn't happen to know what the beat at 21:00 min is from too?
Yea, there is a puzzle album from 1973 with "On with the show". Im gonna try and work on getting the rest of the record digitized with minimal noise and see if i can post it as well.
Finally found the track. Had to search long and hard for the LP, couldn't find any cd releases of the album. I recorded the song from vinyl myself so the quality isn't fantastic but it will have to do until some one finds another version. The goo…
did anyone end up posting that Puzzle track? I'd love to have it and i can't find it anywhere.
Yea, someone's gotta find out what song is at 8:51. I've been fiending that track. I've asked a few people and they have no idea. I wish Madlib would just release a damn track list, that would make things so much easier. Someone has gotta know w…