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  • Now, I know this is sensationalism to sell magazines and I know Paul is going to say "they said the same thing about 'The Next Ice Age' in the 70's", but this shit has got to mean something. Especially when coupled with all the data that's been co…
  • BUT THE IMPORTANT THING IS, DID YOU GET MY PHONE MESSAGE ABOUT THE LATINOS LP ON WORD? HAWLA I got your message when I got back in town. I'd call but I got my wisdom teef pulled out today so all I can do is offer you a vicodin. bottom line $125...…
  • What I find weird about all this is people are looking for some kind of official declaration Fuck it, the world is getting warmer and I really don't care what some Oil company mouthpiece has to say on it, he ain't making up my mind. I've started d…
  • I think the criteria for a "greatest record store" would have to include a "chill factor"... I haven't been to Groove Merchant. But for NY stores, Good Records wins the prize for "chill factor"... and they have the I went to Groove Merchan…
  • usual suspects yessir Them Orson Welles/ Joseph Cotten films got some damn good endings too -The Third Man (Best movie ever made IMO) -Citizen Kane
  • NOW All things Deniece Williams .... Deniece Williams is the shit ...... You know you sing "Silly" when it comes on the radio Admit it![/b]
  • Son Of Nazerk. Nootleg?
  • I do think the way that Manny Ramirez is covered in this town smacks of racism Boston is synonomous with hatred of talented Dominican Outfielders
  • I don't know what Hyphy is. It's a meal you can only pick up at the G Bar in San Francisco
  • Brethren - S/T Theres another Soulstrutter selling this for a good price. Contact LarryCoryell[/b] Iguana - S/T Theres a copy of this at a local shop that I can pick up. Dude is charging about $15 for it if youre interested[/b] Capability Brown - …
  • Final Cut is the shit, that's what I use but it might be only compatible. Final cut is what I got on my home computer, its worked great for both professional and personal projects, real easy to deal with and render times are usually not too bad …
  • Where was Guz? sayin. he was in top form at the wedding but never made it to the club! whatup hommie? CONGRATS TO THE HAPPY COUPLE and great to see all the stutters. and the afterparty at Milk was hittin'. where were the rest of my groomsmen…
  • AreDouble:[/b] Your not-so-subtle anti-semitic outlook of Jews in Israel is sadly twisted with historical falsehoods that you seem to have accepted as truth. Jews throughout most of their European history and specifically the 19th and 20th century …
  • Hey Rootless, The whole idea of imposing good ol' White American racism to a reigon halfway around the world with troubles that predate the inception of the US by 1,200 years is absurd and should be treated as such. This is not a white person issu…
  • I wonder where that photo was released in the first place? It needs to be put into context (like that pic of Israeli kids writing "messages" on missiles) before comments like this: That picture of the two juxtaposed flags speaks volumes. …
  • SeanThomas:[/b] Plain and simple you need to STFU when it comes to discussions like this, this is grown folks talk. You've made blatent anti-semitic statements on here and therefore your opinion on this topic is null and void. Go back to making snid…
  • I'm not a Jew. big fucking shock there. Since you decided to grace the board with your over-opinionated/ unschooled sweetly ignorant self maybe you can give us some background as to where you're coming from with your hate of this imaginary white …
  • letter I received as part of a group mailing for the middle eastern student society July 16, 3006 Letter from Lebanon:?? LEBANON IS KIDNAPPED! Dear Family and Friends, Ha!?? I think I am becoming a reporter now!???? First, we are still safe, but …
  • Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land Those damn dirty jews, always manipulating the truth. are you doubting the news they wont show you on CNN? the best part of that website Lebanon was the last straw. It proves that everything Bin Laden…
  • so then what does Israel do, Joel? Just deal with it? not trying to put you on the spot, I totally agree with you - just wondering what could be done differently. Edit: The same anti-Israel crowd was all up in arms about construction of the wall…
  • and as far as being technologically advanced and having nuclear capabilities no one in the world is thinking Israel is simply going to squash Hezbollah with a nuke. So far, Israel has maintained a safety line, only crossing into Lebanon for a while …
  • Plus, out of all those countries Guzzo listed the Palestinians, Syria, and Iran are the only countries in the region still hostile towards Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the Saudis, etc. are not going to go to war with Israel any time soon. They'll…
  • How can Israel not be viewed as the strongest force in that region, aren't they not back/supported by the United States Government? How can that not make them the strongest power in the middle east. Israel has a population of less than 7 million co…
  • what is this gospel goodness that you speak of guzzo? they have their own website and all their tracks are posted up http://www.thevoicesofclouds.com/music.html Need Somebody On Your Bond =  
  • do i have to spell it out for you knobs... my remaining-weed-stash-to-unlistened-records ratio is all fucked up For the first time in a long time I've at a surplus of both. Finished up a job last week and been relaxing kinda nicely all we…