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  • What are you thinking of this ??? http://www.celemony.com/cms/index.php?id=dna&L=1.%25253FL%25253D1. Peace I for one think that's cool, but I wouldn't have any use for it, I mean, pitch shifting notes? I don't need that.. By the way isn't i…
  • What does this one sound like? Kind of cool actually ;-) http://www.wikiupload.com/download_page.php?id=115607
  • Hehe, yeah, at first I was going to make a semi-unrelated tutorial but I kept hearing of people who wouldn't believe it was genuine unless I'd show how to do it detailedly. And actually when you follow the tutorial it's pretty simple and straightfo…
  • Just posted a new tutorial showing how to do it. See here http://www.soulstrut.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=1297512 Raw Hamburger : You can't do whole songs like that ;-) there are ways, but doing it like this by hand isn't one of t…
  • Yeah sure, isolating synths is just so easy, even when they have like 20 overtones you need to keep, that drums get in the way and are curvy as F*ck. while I think what you do is pretty cool, you gotta admit that the synth you removed is a pretty …
  • LOL self-googler revealed. lol, not this time, someone on the-breaks.com pointed me to the insanity of this thread Seriously... this shit is crazy... I am very interested once there is a MAC version available! PM me your e-mail address, I'll add…
  • theres video of him "drawing" drum/drumkits using photoshop but that shit sounds JUST like an 808 kit Haha, I'm not sure if it was intended as a compliment, but I'll take it as one. I wasn't very impressed with my own drawn drums to be honest... Th…