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  • Please to focus on homeboys one and two in par-tick-erlers dude on the left in the white w/ semi popped-collar who's all with the Peace - J
  • I have strong opinions on the whole white khaki/linen trouser affair + flip flop combo Velcro AND laces?!? Now that's just greedy.
  • Looks like Money-grip uses the same laundry detergent as the Freestyle Professors on they EP: In other news, I have strong opinions on the whole white khaki/linen trouser affair + flip flop combo ("hombro" if you will). I disapprove extensiv…
  • haven't been back in a while.. but shit does anyone know the name of the Jazz club that is on the eastside where you walk in and have to go downstairs following a white tunnel to the basement/cellar... I think you can bring your own wine as well.. …
  • It's @ 192, and I checked - unlike J's it's the full version. Bless you, squire.
  • anybody got info? ? i need it... really, an mpfree would be sufficient... i don't like vinyl so much anymore anyway let me know what's up, big dudes On some Self-Toy-myself-isht. . .this is a different song to the "Boogie Feeling Rap" jawn, right…
  • puuuuussstttttttttttttthulesssstttthhhhh I hope anybody clowning Kool G Rap for having a lisp* would have the fortitude to do the same to his face in person if presented with the opportunity. *the evidence of which, incidentally, his engineer(s) m…
  • how did this thread degrade so quickly into mush? Commence the [color:orange]familiarization![/color]
  • post some pics of the rides you're feeling. not necesarily your own ride/s. I always loved the OG 6 series: and rather than fuck it up, I think they brought it back rather lovely: Agreed. There's an auto body shop near me where the owner …
  • I've just always wondered how they can sue when things are stamped "For promotional use only". But they can and do... But this works both ways, especially if the reason the track is 'promo only' is because it contains uncleared samples (i.e. infring…
  • And yes, obviously places like Ibiza should be paying royalties, and no, most restaurants should not. There is a huge difference between going to a music venue to hear music and going to a restaurant for food and hearing background music. Has anyo…
  • I don't understand how your suppose to get paid off a record that is suppose to be "For promotion use only". When a DJ plays one in the club, is there a license to be paid?? The venue pays a blanket license fee to ASS-CAP, BMI and any other foreign…
  • [...]its actually a steal, considering that it is technically a copyright violation everytime you play an artist's music (even if it is on a cd) at a commercial establishment. There is this exception though: ?? 110. Limitations on exclusive rights:…
  • "I don't really know what is the basis for [a lawsuit]," he said. That would be this: ?? 106. Exclusive rights in copyrighted works Subject to sections 107 through 122, the owner of copyright under this title has the exclusive rights to do and to…
  • Best thread ever...Almost pee on me. Felt like Kells...Shyt. That was a good ride. The mexican part is the peak. "these are Mekseekanz"!!! Something tells me that Instant Karma resulted in this eejit sitting down on that empty Heineken bottle…
  • mmm, I don't know Allow me. I am fairly certain that theft by definition (at least at common law; state statute may vary for alls I know) is "appropriating any of the rights of the owner" - so jacking it would count. As for [the owner] breaking b…
  • crank dat... you need a youtube link Crank Dat I think this dude is a walking What's up with cats nowadays? They are dressing like they fell asleep - drunken frat boy style - and toddlers came in to the room and went to work on 'em for hour…
  • dang! glad i got one how much dd the pelon go for? $430 and change or something.
  • http://cgi.ebay.com/GODFATHER-DON-SLAVE-...1QQcmdZViewItem I thought I was a fucking moron spending $40 bucks for it. Even though its a dope EP.....this is making me think of putting mine up on the bay. How much is the Phill Most Chill going for?.…
  • I know you don't know me from Adam, but you've taken some medium-rare beef in the last 48 hours or so on the chin without losing your composure or taking off the gloves. this one is too easy. It was fun to write, too.
  • ITIVE BLAST ON ALL MY NYC BOYFRIENDS Heh-heh - nicely done. I know you don't know me from Adam, but you've taken some medium-rare beef in the last 48 hours or so on the chin without losing your composure or taking off the gloves. Maybe lay off th…
  • I know you batches see it. Freud was a self-confessed cokehead. How many cokeheads YOU know you would trust with even trivially-important stuff??! THAWT KNOT! [p.s. as you were.]
  • It just looked too much like a flaccid wang for me to leave well alone. As y'all were. -AJ
  • but have kept it up for over 2 years and counting [...] without any feelings of guilt. C'mon now. . .y'all rilly know the drilly
  • don't worry just haven't found any good stuff here yet and then there's no need for the second if i ain't got the first really! Well, at least you've got a system. Why not *burn up* while you 'burn up' (them calories through walking) though? You wi…
  • It's not like I did anything either just gave up weed and pizza and ended up walking more. I feel fucking great I think you may have stumbled across the only truth you'll ever need. Minus the giving up *boom* and *pie* part. That's just crazy talk.…
  • LOL, nah but I used to post on there and your username is familiar. LOL
  • You the same AJRaffles that used to post on the V.E. forum? Depends who's asking. You with the Revenue? Or Customs??
  • [fears change]A lot of the newer Stantons and Numarks have USB outputs so you can digitize your vinyl directly to your computer.[/fears change] Soon it will be via wireless or BlueTooth connection. . .this is the RIAA's worst nightmare.
  • Well, I'll be. The world done changed.