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Member, Real Head


  • RAJ said: Hey folks.  Alot of isht has gone down in the 10 months since I made that whimsical announcement that I was pulling the plug on soulstrut on Oct 31.   It's been a crazy challenging year for me and my mind has been on other things.  …
  • Grafwritah2 said: PS Don't fuck up in school, don't get arrested, don't have kids before you're ready. Speaking from experience haha. Doing my best! I try to avoid life ruining events but they could sneak up on me at any time.  
  • klezmer electro-thug beats said: That's so funny, get a copy of Dirt Bike 3.1 going on your OS9 emulator and you'll basically be 16 year old KETB. Being into old stuff is part and parcel with any serious interest in music. Less so tech, but …
  • Grafwritah2 said: Looking backwards is fun and you can learn things, but the important thing is to enjoy right now.  Instead of wanting what has already past (and who doesn't, in some way or form), look at what's going on around you right…
  • billbradley said: Jimster said: There was a boogie scene in Amsterdam/Brussels around that time, according to the mixes I downloaded.   @Blastman you have to remember that 20+ years ago, streaming wasn't practical because the hardware…
  • The thing is that I can't really have truly experienced what you guys have, I wasn't there for it, but I wish I was with all my might. It's the same relationship I have with soulstrut now, I literally could not have been there for the beginning, tha…
  • klezmer electro-thug beats said: You're about the age I was when I first read the Strut. Finding music you could listen to on the internet was new then, and the fact that there was a site devoted to talking about old stuff, stuff I didn't kno…
  • Grafwritah2 said: Blastman said: I always love to bring the past forward, to make people remember, so what's crackin' soulstrut? Everyone's in their 40s wondering why their utility bills are so high and why their wife can't shop at…
  • I always love to bring the past forward, to make people remember, so what's crackin' soulstrut?
  • Bringing forward this 20 discussion that has had no discussion in 20 years, it has a few legends here. Why don't we ask again, with new eyes, what would you play at a naval base bball tourney?
  • I'm not sure how graemlins work, wish I was there.
  • Jimster said: Blastman said: Hey there soulstrut, It is very possible that I am the youngest here, I found this just a week ago and it fits me too well! I'm only 16 but I have such an old soul for the past, I love looking through my fa…
  • Hey there soulstrut, It is very possible that I am the youngest here, I found this just a week ago and it fits me too well! I'm only 16 but I have such an old soul for the past, I love looking through my families records, (I have a small collection …