victor's not the fastest shipper in the world but you'll get your records.
big co-sign on the great silence and death rides a horse anyone see tears of the black tiger? another favorite
jacky giordano, every morning before i went to work this week.
here's the last item the current high bidder sold on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200052304725
a lot of folks hearld the electronic libraries, and i like some of them too, but my favorite libraries are skewed hybrids. the ones where all of sudden an accordion, harp, or flamenco guitar comes out of nowhere or where an easy listening track int…
it maybe an academic point, but wasn't the geminiani first issued as "voyage extraordinaire" on the mpi label and then later repressed as "modern pop percussion?"
conceptually, its kind of a weird question -- best library ever? but, from the ones i've heard above, i'd definitely co-sign on the nick ingman big beat, germiani modern pop percusion, i marc 4 sides on nelson, and eddie warner sides on im.
i have tubes and probably won't ever go back to ss. but hip hop sounds much better on ss because tubes kind of have a mushy bass response. tubes are also a huge pain in the ass and are expensive -- definitely not for the faint of heart. i have …
yeah, i was kind of surprised that kelefa sanneh didn't have the scoop.
Name: ryan Last Record Bought: bruno nicolai good bye maria ost When: last week
age? 31 where you stay at? bay area favorite raer? right now, le planete sauvage ost dollarbin? led zeppelin ii music related activities (DJ, beats, composing, hoarding, etc.)? selective hoarding what's for lunch? chef jia's do you have herpes?…
bay area lp that's eluded me for a while. picked it up for $3.
we have a winner.
Ron Isley Gets 3 Years for Tax Evasion I don't understand the logic of sending someone to jail behind this at all. Nor do I, especially considering the fact that he's 65 and recovering from cancer and a stroke. Not exactly a triumph for the justi…
this is great.
Oh, I thought he said egglegtic..
hook up, i also had a crush on cathy from the furry things. i tried to chat her up a couple of times before our postmodernism philosophy class as she chain-smoked. it went no where. the only thing i took away from that class was that marx was sup…
looking forward to this set -- i've seen the term "weird gear" bandied about recently, but don't have a firm grasp on the concept (yet).
"I want to bring my songs and melodies to hip hop beats -- a bit like 'No Diggity' by Blackstreet,'[/b]" John said in excerpts of an interview posted on Rolling Stone's Web site on Friday. Is this a gold standard? he might be on to something. my d…
Truth be told, the only true Austinites to make any noise on the music scene in the last 25 years have been the likes of Eric Johnson and Charlie Sexton. Please add to this list as I'm sure I've missed a few. i would add add tim kerr, roky erickson…
hands down, john coltrane "transition"
glass armonica invented by ben franklin?
that reminds of another to add to the list: people who incessantly talk about their dogs and "doggie daycare." its an animal, not a kid.
folks who wear sneaks with their business clothes on their way to work, and then change into their buinsess shoes at their cube, and then before they leave at 4:55 they put them on again in front of everyone.
there's herbivore on divisadero, which is not too far away.
very nice track.
What record store was that chillin' at for so long? this little shop in the lower haight.
http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=F7AE8B0C258CCF3D okay, so the jury is out on the weird synth roller skate jams. here's another bay area (berkeley?) 45 that will hopefully revive the thread. the only other detail i …
hey ryan... whos it signed by? (as usual). although i can't make out the signatures, i presume its autographed by the band because there are three other ones on the flip.