[quote i saw Sonic Boom of Spacemen 3 perform a whole set back in the mid-90's using nothing but circuit bent Speak and Spells and some effects. i used to dream about just hearing 50 mnetronomes clicking at different tempos, then i found out Liget…
i was so happy the day i bought an mpc and got rid of that machine... Really? I have an EPS Classic which is pretty good, but to each his own.
I thought this thread was about the band shellac. Anyways I've yet to hear a 78 I liked.
also, is it just me, or is the thought of hova and beyonce boning just kinda awkward to anyone else?
I love goin' to Buffet's. In Australia I get down with Sizzler and just go nuts on all that shit... pasta, potato, salad, the cheese bread, etc. peace. Damn they closed all the Sizzlers 'round here but that shit was
I wasn't alive when this came out but, i hope you guys were gettin ass to this.
I crapped in a mcdonalds toilet today. We got one called the McCafe that serves french coffee and pastries.