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  • I feel your pain. I could never work out the squiggly letters and now with the cats im screwed. What pisses me off is how myspace and other sites have startd doing this as well. Its like i've logged in what other proof do you need that im not a comp…
  • At the same time that I applaud them for this novel approach, it is sort of sad it has to come to this. Also, someone will crack this CAPTCHA in the next month. del.icio.us's CAPTCHA got cracked within a few hours and it's no slouch:
  • Kal Penn is currently teaching 2 courses at U Penn; "Images of Asian Americans in the Media" and "Contemporary American Teen Films." Pretty neat.
  • James you make a good point concerning the thinning worth of the hater who is dispersing the zingery and cattishness far and wide throughout the world of ballers, with no particular allegiance to any one baller. In hopes of potentially resolving th…
  • If spending a lot of time on the computer is a big part of it, I'd definitely suggest working on your computer "posture." I used to have really serious carpal tunnel pain until I started to consciously adjust my sitting posture at the computer. I do…
  • Nevermind. Totally off-topic.
  • Wasn't that Pap guy Swiss?
  • Clips from all three of them.
  • How come no one is talking about this ridiculous shit? ...after weeks of trying to position themselves as Friends of the Everyman Voter, Drinkers of Local Beers and Shots, and Bowlers of Strikes, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will make one …
  • btw, is the bullsh*t in this thread what the average SS voter is thinking about going into the polling booth???? iraq war, economic recession, global warming crisis....and you fools are taking the time to post a letter from bill clinton to jeremiah…
  • "During one of the most difficult periods in the presidency of Bill Clinton, he addressed a group of clerics at an annual prayer breakfast in September 1998 just as the Starr report outlining his dalliance with Monica Lewinsky was about to be publ…
  • Have you guys seen this yet. Hilarious.
  • I don't know what's funnier about that second video; the fact that dude got wailed on with that baking pan... or how intently he was reading the back of that box of cereal.
    in booty slap... Comment by Zeke April 2008
  • You're the only one talking about a movie here, buddy. Haha, I don't even know how to respond to you. I'm fully aware that you were talking about Reagan's SDI, but this is not that. I also don't think your definition of "laser" is necessarily accur…
  • They are talking about this kind of laser: Not this kind of laser: There is a big difference. Not Star Wars related.
  • I was talking with my girl S this weekend who has been doing daycare/pre-school appraisals in Philly for the past year as part of a research project through Penn and St. Joes. Apparently as gas prices have rose there has been a corresponding drop in…
  • I really enjoyed Alone in the Wilderness about Dick Proenneke: "In the spring of 1968, Richard Proenneke, 51 set off into the Alaskan wilderness to enjoy his retirement living in a back-country cabin he crafted by hand. Over the next 35 years he…
  • All I saw when I watched that movie was nature correcting the mistakes of an unstable, unwell man. Tim Treadwell paid dearly for his fantasies regarding nature. I have absolutely no pity for him. Warner Herzog did a great job with the material he ha…
  • All I saw when I watched that movie was nature correcting the mistakes of an unstable, unwell man. Tim Treadwell paid dearly for his fantasies regarding nature. I have absolutely no pity for him. Warner Herzog did a great job with the material he ha…
  • The EDGE network is the closest thing the US has to 3G right now, it's even included in the 3G specs. A lot of the issues arise over expensive carrier upgrades and license fees. The carriers are generally already in huge amounts of debt for the last…
  • There is this a relatively new site called Scripped that has a completely free, online screenwriting application in Beta. I've heard really good things from a few friends of mine.
  • Sorry, the joke was lost on me, I don't watch boxing. Also: Romney and McCain have always struck me as being rather dinosaur-like.
  • In response to your avatar's question; A) Bill Gates never made computers he made software and B) Bill & Melinda Gate's Foundation. EDIT: No longer relevant.
  • calling someone ignorant when they quite clearly ignore you is more like a statement of fact than name-calling. So your sayin she wasnt hattin? She wasnt insulting? she wasn't hating when she asked for the picture. I bet she was subsequently. Did …
  • Loving this mix Mike. I'm going to be on the road for 6 hours today. This is definitely going to get some plays.
  • I'm voting for nobody since it is a closed primary. I thought about changing my party affiliation so I could vote for Obama and still may before the 24th, but I haven't decided yet.
  • I don't know. If my grandparents figured out how to use video editing and 3d modeling software, it would probably look a lot like this.