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Member, Real Head
  • Not only teh vinyls

    oh man… i still have my card collection from when i was a kid, Garbage Pail Kids and Wacky Cards… but lately i’ve been on the Lego tip, i got my first Lego set in like 77 or so and loved Lego even into my early teens… but music and graffiti took over my life in my early 20’s and so my Mom gave all that shit away.. ugh 1st Gen Transformers and OG Lego castles and space and pirate ships and shit…. even now thinking about it just hurts, lol….so over the years i been buying Lego for my kids (11yr old daughter and 7yr old son) and now i am less embarrassed to admit that i still love that shit… and we play with Lego all the time… brought my 1200’s from the studio into the livingroom and we build Lego shit and listen to records.. i found some dude back in 09 or so selling a shit ton of old Lego sets and i bought the whole lot from him just for the nostalgia.. we watch Lego Dreamzzz and play Lego Fortnite… its weird getting back into shit you loved as a kid because you have kids now (never thought i’d be playing with or buying lego at 50yrs old, but yo here we are, lol.

    still collect some kicks, Jordan III’s and IV’s were my shit when i was younger and now they still are… but i’ll pick up some Shelltoes anytime i see something fresh, i havent bought records in a while…once i filled my two 4x4kallaxs, i slowed down on buying shit..and my kids and wife agree that “Daddy has too many records already” lol

    its Dec 18th y’all spread love and happy holidays!
  • 2024 RIP Thraed

    Quincy@91… damn man 2024 has been nutso.
  • 2024 RIP Thraed

    damn man…i just finished watching this weeks “dj Kenny Parker Show” and he mentioned TJ Swan passed @ 57yrs old…. 
  • New mix of CONTROLLER 7 stuff (aka AMBIDEXTROUS STRAW)

    awwww yeah! this mix is fire to me, its exactly what i needed to hear right now. of course the production is tight, dope mix and dope tracks, i heard some rich, dose, slug, sole, sadly theres a lot i dont recognize, but thats dope. i think it was roughly around the 30 minute mark with that little girl talking blew my mind, and whatever is playing at 13:15 is fucking madness….so many sick beats…

    thanks yo! i appreciate cha’