Nerd discovers exactly which day was Ice Cube???s ???good day???

pimlicosquirrelpimlicosquirrel 772 Posts
edited January 2012 in Strut Central
???went to short dogs house,
they was watching Yo MTV
Yo MTV RAPS first aired:
Aug 6th 1988
Ice Cubes single ???today was a good day??? released on:
Feb 23 1993
???The Lakers beat the Super
Dates between Yo MTV Raps air date AUGUST 6 1988 and the release of the single FEBRUARY 23 1993 where the Lakers beat the Super Sonics:
Nov 11 1988 114-103
Nov 30 1988 110-106
Apr 4 1989 115-97
Apr 23 1989 121-117
Jan 17 1990 100-90
Feb 28 1990 112-107
Mar 25 1990 116-94
Apr 17 1990 102-101
Jan 18 1991 105-96
Mar 24 1991 113-96
Apr 21 1991 103-100
Jan 20 1992 116-110
Dates of those Laker wins over SuperSonics where it was a clear day with no Smog:
Nov 30 1988
Apr 4 1989
Jan 18 1991
Jan 20 1992
???Got a beep from Kim, and
she can fuck all night???
beepers weren???t adopted by mobile phone companies until the 1990s. Dates left where mobile beepers were availible to public:
Jan 18 1991
Jan 20 1992
Ice Cube starred in the film ???Boyz in the hood??? that released late Summer of 1991, but was being filmed mid-late 1990 early 1991 and Ice Cube was busy on set filming the movie Jan 18 1991 too busy to be lounging around the streets with no plans. Ladies and Gentlemen..

The ONLY day where:
Yo MTV Raps was on air
It was a clear and smogless day
Beepers were commercially sold
Lakers beat the SuperSonics
and Ice Cube had no events to attend was???

JANUARY 20 1992
National Good Day Day


  • Ha I was going to post the same link with the same exact thread title but I was too lazy. Cheers!

  • RishanRishan 454 Posts
    excellent work!

  • i still want to know why it was ironic that cube had the booze and she had the chronic, let alone that the lakers beat the supersonics.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts
    So he actually had Fatburger on the 22nd.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts

  • Disproved in the comments!:

    Lahatiel January 29, 2012 @ 4:46 AM
    Vin???s reply above about the pagers got me thinking, and I???ve come to the conclusion that the January 20, 1992 date is WRONG. As I see it, there are actually three problems with that conclusion:

    1) Pagers certainly weren???t yet as widespread in ???88/???89 as they???d later become but, speaking as someone who was already in high school in those years, I can say that they were definitely were available ??? and I???d say that a South Central gangsta would???ve been a likely candidate to have one earlier than most. So we shouldn???t use that as the sole reason to eliminate ???88/???89 from consideration But on top of that, consider these additional facts we know about Cube???s personal life from the VH1???s ???Behind the Music: Ice Cube??? episode???

    2) Cube started dated Kimberly Woodruff (his still-current wife) in the summer of ???88, before any of the those final four dates. He???s famous for having always been a loyal one-woman man, who always went home to Kim and his family rather than partying after shows, so we can assume he???s talking about the same Kim. But the lyric in question goes: ???I got a beep from Kim, and she can fuck all night,??? which comes after the mention that he???d been trying to fuck her since the twelfth grade. Now, I can see Cube spitting those lines about a day that happened while the two were just dating, but after she was already his fiancee and the mother of his child? I just don???t think so. Certainly not about a day in January ???91, when Kim was eight months pregnant! And highly unlikely January ???92 either, when their firstborn was one year old and they???d be married later that same year. And the final nail in January 20, 1992 coffin is???

    3) We know that in ???88 and ???89, Cube still lived at home with his mom ??? the lack of cash-flow he saw from NWA, forcing him to stay at home, was part of what lead to him leaving the group. But Cube got into an argument with Priority Records five days after his first son???s birth in Feb. ???91 over his not getting paid an advance on his solo album ??? an advance with which he planned to get a house for himself, Kim, and their child. The argument lead to his smashing up the Priority offices with an aluminum baseball bat, which in return lead to his getting his advance. Thus, even if we assume a month or two before he actually cashed a check from the label, a couple months to get moving on a house hunt, a month or two of actual house-hunting, a month to close escrow, and a couple weeks to get settled in, we can also safely say that by Jan. 20, 1992, Ice Cube was no longer living with his mom, dropping Kim off somewhere after he???d fucked her.

    So what does that leave us? We return our focus to the Nov. 30, 88 and April 4, 89 dates ??? which, you???ll recall, were eliminated solely on the basis of a false assumption about beeper availability. You???re now talking about dates in the wake of the release of ???Straight Outta Compton,??? when it was blowing up. We know Cube still lived at home with his mom during those years but you???re still dealing with touring, press, MTV, etc., all of which makes it tough to nail down one of those two dates as being calm enough for Cube to have such an uneventful day. However, there???s still one more heretofore unexplored clue left: after putting Kim???s ass to sleep, Ice Cube had a Fatburger at 2 a.m. Now, it???s nearly impossible to know now what the operating schedule was for an unknown Fatburger over twenty years ago, one thing is true for the vast majority of Fatburgers across the L.A. metro area: they close at midnight or earlier Sunday-Thursday, but stay open a couple hours later on Friday and Saturday nights. And what does a calendar tell us? That April 4, 1989 was a Tuesday.

    November 30, 1988, though??? Nov. 30, ???88 was a Friday. The day when Cube could grab a Fatburger at 2 a.m. The day earliest in his relationship with Kim ??? when referring to her as someone he???d been trying to fuck since the twelfth grade would be the most relevant; when getting paged and then dropping her off elsewhere would still make sense; before speaking flippantly about their sex life before she gave birth to his son would make his lyrics awkward and uncomfortable???

    November 30, 1988 was the REAL date of Ice Cube???s good day.

    (P.S. We will conveniently overlook the fact that in ???88, Cube was still driving an old Jeep ??? because it might not have been a pimpmobile with hydraulics, but it least it was a drop-top of sorts!)

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    I'm certain that I'm only stating the obvious when I point out that the compelling thing about this song is the part at the very very end when he talks about the Goodyear Blimp spelling out "ICE CUBE'S A PIMP," thus making it clear that this is all just fantasy, that days like this don't actually happen, especially for young black dudes in late twentieth-century South Central Los Angeles, California, USA.

    I mean, I'm assuming that most folks get that, and that this is just a fun exercise, but I don't know--some of the comments I've read seem awfully, uh, invested.

  • james said:
    days like this don't actually happen

    I think the point of the song in the first place was that it was not an incredible day, just a day that nothing too bad happened, which in his tough life, is a really good day. Everything that happens is completely believable and actually somewhat mundane except the blimp thing, which is just kinda describing how he felt after such a pretty good day.

    I'm not saying that all of the things mentioned definitely happened in the same day, just that there is no reason not to believe that any of them happened except the pimp blimp.

    Also, we are talking about the possible inception of a new national holiday here!!!

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    Otis_Funkmeyer said:
    there is no reason not to believe that any of them happened except the pimp blimp
    I don't know--I think that's a pretty considerable "except."

    Cube was always decently tight with his storytelling, very deliberate, and putting an obviously imaginary detail like that at the climax of the final verse always struck me as the equivalent of a movie director concluding a succession of images with the image of a flying pig--a kind of shorthand for letting you know that what you have just seen is not real.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Saba's birthday.
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