Sofa Strut (reclining related)

sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
edited January 2012 in Strut Central
Help furnish saba's new home. Which one would you choose? The one on top is about 90", bottom 86".

What else?


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    First reaction is the second one but I need more information about the rest of the furniture, colour scheme and placement.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Against the wall where the suitcases are. Thinking a lighter shade of green rug. And gray for the sofa to match the stone at the fireplace.

    This is the other side of the room. We are thinking of putting two easy chairs with a table in the middle against the windows.

  • if you're going to be using other furniture that incorporates teak than sofa #1 is the right choice.

    also.... since we're talmbout sofa's..... fainting chairs and days beds are whats really hood these days.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Wall is staying white? Putting anything on it?

    Yea, I agree about the rug. I am a huge fan of late 50s to early 70s aesthetics, but I think that green has to change. Even with fabulous furniture and all that natural light, it will be too drab/heavy a colour scheme.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    And this is the back of the room, across from the fireplace. The total lenght of the room is about 20 feet x 14 feet wide. And its an L shaped room with the dining room off to the left in this picture where that girl is standing .

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    This vintage Brazilian coffee table would work. Oh well.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    I'm thinking light green, like a sage for the rug. An off-white color for the walls. On the wall, I'm thinking Gottleibs side by side right above the sofa and nothing else.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    I'm thinking light green, like a sage for the rug. An off-white color for the walls. On the wall, I'm thinking Gottleibs side by side right above the sofa and nothing else.

    Very nice - that coral/salmon will really shine.

    The hardwood in my house is about the same tone and I painted in a washed out gray. It works really well, but I have more dark reds and jewel tones than the muted tones that you are going for.
    Off white will be good with all that sunlight, in other spaces, it can look like a white that's yellowed.

  • the top sofa appears to be more comfortable-- the armrests are at a nice height to actually use, whereas the bottom sofa's armrests are too low to be functional.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    ....meaning less wear and tear. And this is coming from someone who didn't have plastic on the front room furniture where no one under 48 was allowed to roam.
    Anyway, pillows will take care of that, if one is a throw pillow type of person.

    I prefer the shape of the second one and am not a fan of the button detail on the first.

  • Both of those sofas are fresh and I I like the green rugs, I think the white walls and timber trim can carry it. I would personally go for lighter fabrics and a grip of lamps. I'd float frame the Gottleib prints in white and accent from them.

    The easy chairs, are they Grete Jalk or some other Dane ? OG's reupholstered or repro's? Regardless they are nice.

    Coffe table / Side tables?


  • I was just sayin... I prefer couches to LOUNGE ON. from the pictures, that room seems to be one I'd want to relax in. if that means wearing the furniture faster. fuck it. buy another couch when that one turns to shit. life is too short to try to keep furniture in mint condition.

  • bassie said:

    I prefer the shape of the second one and am not a fan of the button detail on the first.

    The first is redolent of George Nelson.....

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    That looks as inviting as a brick.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    bassie said:
    That looks as inviting as a brick.

    ....meaning less wear and tear.


  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Top couch all the way.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Reynaldo said:
    Top couch all the way.

    My vote too, for what it's worth.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    As much as I respect Bassie in all things fashion and design, I really like the top sofa as well. The buttons, to me, make the difference between a sofa in my living room and one in a waiting room.

    The easy chairs are Greta Jalk, I don't actually have them - or even know where to get them - but I'm thinking something like them with the teak and fabric cushions.

    Definately need to get some lamps, the house has almost no built in overhead lighting except the kitchen and a chandelier in the dining room.

    I'm really stuck on the rugs. I need a rug that is like 10 x 16 or thereabouts and they just dont make much in that size and what they do make is super expensive. I'm thinking about getting a piece of carpeting cut to the size I want, since I just want a plain sage green with no pattern anyway. And I want the rugs in the living room and dining room to be the same.


    Screen porch off living room

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Can you sleep on it?

    Top one, the arm rests look too tall. Massive crick in the neck, or huge pillows needed for effective sleep and/or slobbing.

    I used to own one of these, almost as comfotable as a bed. Almost!

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    I keep my comfort and style separate, but both are necessary. Front room gets a modern couch a la this thread. Lounge gets a crazy comfy sectional.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    I'm really partial to a classic, florence knoll

    in grey fabric or cognac aniline leather.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    Top one for sure. The arms on the second one are too low to be functional but high enough to be really annoying if you're sitting on the end of the sofa. I also prefer two larger cushions to three smaller ones and the subtly angled arms.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Aser said:
    I'm really partial to a classic, florence knoll

    That one I posted is a Parker Knoll - strange coincidence in furniture names.

  • I like the top one too. Comfort is a huge factor though. An uncomfortable sofa sucks no matter how cool it looks.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
    Damn dude??? this is like George Jetson's pad.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    Aser's pad really is that awesome. You should see the wine cellar!

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    As much as I respect Bassie in all things fashion and design

    Haha! Whoa!

    sabadabada said:
    I really like the top sofa as well. The buttons, to me, make the difference between a sofa in my living room and one in a waiting room.

    Good way to put it....but I still like the second one more!
    And leave it to Aser to put it in perspective...buttons work better with leather imo.

    I like clean lines, but the first couch is a little severe for me. Not that it's the same thing as severe, but the first one is also the more 'masculine' of the two.
    Funny, that the lack of arms on the second denote lack of comfort to some; the softer lines on the second one look more inviting to me.
    Anyway - I am sure that house will look camera-ready when it's done! Make sure to show us.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Final decision went to:

    Closing on house tomorrow afternoon.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    And picked up this nice Danish chair last weekend.

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