rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
edited December 2011 in Strut Central
one month house arrest.

two years on probation.

250 hours of community service.

$4,100 fine.

8 years and about a gazillion of my tax dollars.

I hope the shitbag feds are satisfied.

Bozack recipients: the writers, the haters, the prosecutors, and Jeff Kent.






  • I haven't followed this but did it come out he used steroids? I mean to me it's no question, but did he end up saying he did use them?

    I think it's horrible he cheated and I think it worse that he was there with Willie Mays (who i believe is his godfather) when he passed his HR total and hugged him and celebrated and all that while cheating.

  • I was also there it was one of the greatest sporting events I've ever witnessed.

    He juiced (allegedly -- no drug test ever proved it; but pretty well accepted) and then alleged in grand jury testimony that he didn't know he was juicing, that the trainer was giving him shit and he didn't know it was juice.

    Contrast that with shitbag Clemens, who straight swore he NEVER took anything, knowingly or not, a more obvious lie IMO.

    Bonds just couldn't stand seeing juiceheads like Sosa and Mac break all these records, when it was obvious he was a better hitter than those scrubs. So he did what he (felt he) had to do.

    You can control for walks, outta-the-park homers, etc. and he still connected with the ball with crazy accuracy. I don't think we'll ever see a hitter like him again. And he fielded his ass off lets not forget (8-Time Gold Glove winner for NL Outfielder), which I don't think you can attribute to juice.

    First and only member of the 400-400 and 500-500 clubs.

    Finished 65 short of 3,000 hits, 4 RBIS short of 2,000.

    Records held

    Home runs in a single season (73), 2001
    Home runs (career) (762)
    Home runs against different pitchers (449)
    Home runs since turning 40 years old (74)
    Home runs in the year he turned 43 years old (28)
    Consecutive seasons with 30 or more home runs (13), 1992???2004
    Slugging percentage in a single season (.863), 2001
    Slugging percentage in a World Series (1.294), 2002
    Consecutive seasons with .600 slugging percentage or higher (8), 1998???2005
    On-base percentage in a single season (.609), 2004
    Walks in a single season (232), 2004
    Intentional walks in a single season (120), 2004
    Consecutive games with a walk (18)
    MVP awards (7???closest competitors trail with 3), 1990, 1992???93, 2001???04
    Consecutive MVP awards (4), 2001???04
    National League Player of the Month selections (13???2nd place: 8 - Frank Thomas; 2nd place (N.L.) - George Foster, Pete Rose and Dale Murphy)
    Oldest player (age 38) to win the National League batting title (.370) for the first time, 2002

    Records shared

    Consecutive plate appearances with a walk (7)
    Consecutive plate appearances reaching base (15)[179]
    Tied with his father, Bobby, for most seasons with 30 home runs and 30 stolen bases (5) and are the only father-son members of the 30???30 club
    Home runs in a single post-season (8), 2002

    Other accomplishments

    5-time SF Giants Player of the Year (1998, 2001???04)
    7-time Baseball America NL All-Star (1993, 1998, 2000???04)
    3-Time Major League Player of the Year (1990, 2001, 2004)
    3-Time Baseball America MLB Player of the Year (2001, 2003???04)
    8-Time Gold Glove winner for NL Outfielder (1990???94, 1996???98). As of the 2009 season, he is the last left fielder to win a Gold Glove in the National League.
    12-Time Silver Slugger winner for NL Outfielder (1990???94, 1996???97, 2000???04)
    14-time All-Star (1990, 1992???98, 2000???04, 2007)
    3-Time NL Hank Aaron Award winner (2001???02, 2004)
    Babe Ruth Home Run Award (2001)
    Listed at #6 on The Sporting News' list of the 100 Greatest Baseball Players, the highest-ranked active player, in 2005.
    Named a finalist to the Major League Baseball All-Century Team in 1999, but not elected to the team in the fan balloting.
    Rating of 352 on's Hall of Fame monitor (100 is a good HOF candidate);[180] 9th among all hitters, highest among hitters not in HOF yet.
    Only the second player to twice have a single-season slugging percentage over .800, with his record .863 in 2001 and .812 in 2004. Babe Ruth was the other, with .847 in 1920 and .846 in 1921.
    Became the first player in history with more times on base (376) than official times at bats (373) in 2004. This was due to the record number of walks, which count as a time on base but not a time at-bat. He had 135 hits, 232 walks, and 9 hit-by-pitches for the 376 number.
    With his father Bobby (332, 461), leads all father-son combinations in combined home runs (1,094) and stolen bases (975), respectively through September 26, 2007.

  • POS human being and cheater

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Will never be in the Hall Of Fame


    Please fade into obscurity and take Clemens with you

  • Rockadelic said:
    Will never be in the Hall Of Fame

    sadly true.

    the truth is the playing field was level: he was a juiced dude who played against other juiced dudes, and he still won.

    a lot of the numbers put up by hall of famers are similarly relative.

    Babe Ruth played in a league composed of part-time fat white guys who pitched everyday. no Latinos, Asians or African-Americans. you never hear people referring to Pistol Pete as the greatest basketball player ever. why? because he only played against white people; also he sucked. so you can immediately write-off anyone who points to Babe Ruth, they have no idea what they're talking about (see ESPN baseball analysts who professionally hate on SF). Barry is definitely the GOAT in my book, it helps that he gave me respect (a head nod) for being drunk and clowning on San Diego fans on opening weekend in their new park.

    Somewhere there is a psychiatric explanation for the level of hate that Bonds engenders, but I'm no doctor.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    Somewhere there is a psychiatric explanation for the level of hate that Bonds engenders, but I'm no doctor.

    That's a simple one.....dude is a major league asshole(pun intended)

    The psychological explanation is from your side of the equation.

    "Yeah, he's an asshole, but he's OUR asshole"

  • rootlesscosmo said:
    you never hear people referring to Pistol Pete as the greatest basketball player ever. why? because he only played against white people; also he sucked.


  • I think it was around age 12 that I stopped expecting my sports heroes to be dudes I would want to hang out with (or even meet).

    Michael Jordan is also an asshole.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    As a lifelong Giants fan, I'm just glad that the team won the World Series in 2010. Otherwise, having to point to a single player's juiced up stats as a franchise high-water mark would be severely depressing. Not sure if that makes any sense, but you may see what I mean. Now, if we're talking about Giants players who never won a championship, I'm much more of a Will Clark fan than a Barry Bonds fan.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    you never hear people referring to Pistol Pete as the greatest basketball player ever. why? because he only played against white people; also he sucked.

    BTW....^^^^is one of the most inaccurate and ignorant things you have ever posted here.

    1) You never hear anyone call PP the GOAT because he wasn't.

    2) Some of those in the GOAT conversation like Wilt or Bill Russell played BEFORE Pistol Pete was in High School and Maravich played in a very intergrated NBA..

    3) Anyone post-1950's who averaged 44 points a game at the major college level like Maravich did can not "suck".

    4) Maravich never cheated.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    waxjunky said:
    As a lifelong Giants fan, I'm just glad that the team won the World Series in 2010. Otherwise, having to point to a single player's juiced up stats as a franchise high-water mark would be severely depressing. Not sure if that makes any sense, but you may see what I mean. Now, if we're talking about Giants players who never won a championship, I'm much more of a Will Clark fan than a Barry Bonds fan.

    I admire the 2010 Giants, even though they beat my Rangers, because they seemed like a group of genuinely good guys who played the game the right way.

  • hahaha I will admit I was kind of shit-talking when I mentioned Pistol Pete. I wasn't serious and sorry if I offended.

    My basic point was this: The hall of fame is filled with dudes whose numbers are relative. Babe Ruth was the greatest fat white guy to ever play against a league composed entirely of other fat white guys. Similarly, Barry Bonds was the greatest juicehead to ever play against a league composed entirely of other juiceheads.

    Barry deserves to be in the HOF, but he'll be denied that honor because for some twisted reason the very people who hated him most are also the people who decide who gets inducted: the Baseball Writers Association of America. If I'm Barry and I spent the entirety of a remarkable career being savaged by those guys, I wouldn't even take their phone call much less their invitation to Cooperstown.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I was really shocked during the world series to see Mark McGwire in the dug out. Their hitting coach I guess.
    Now there is a guy you don't want to take any pills, supplements, drinks or food he offers you.

    What got me is that Pete Rose has lifetime, and after death ban.
    And McGwire is some kind of hero working in baseball after admitting steroid use.

    Thank you, I have been holding that rant for awhile.
    You can go back to talking about Bonds now.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    hahaha I will admit I was kind of shit-talking when I mentioned Pistol Pete. I wasn't serious and sorry if I offended.

    My basic point was this: The hall of fame is filled with dudes whose numbers are relative. Babe Ruth was the greatest fat white guy to ever play against a league composed entirely of other fat white guys. Similarly, Barry Bonds was the greatest juicehead to ever play against a league composed entirely of other juiceheads.

    Barry deserves to be in the HOF, but he'll be denied that honor because for some twisted reason the very people who hated him most are also the people who decide who gets inducted: the Baseball Writers Association of America. If I'm Barry and I spent the entirety of a remarkable career being savaged by those guys, I wouldn't even take their phone call much less their invitation to Cooperstown.

    Players like McGwire, Bonds, Clemens, Palmiero, etc. do not deserve to be in the HOF and won't get there.


    I've been to Cooperstown and I'm not sure there is a door wide enough for a bust of Bonds head to fit through.

  • Pete Rose deserves a spot in the HOF for sure.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    This reminds me of one of the greatest soulstrut posts.
    PhillyPhill wrote a piece when the steroid thing broke how steroid use had saved baseball and made it better.

    Not saying I agree, but I do think Rootless has a point about comparing Bonds with other juice heads.
    Not only were the top hitters juicing, the old guys who were afraid of losing their spot in the roster, and the young guys looking to move up were juicing too. It was wide spread and the most marginal players were the players with the most to gain. Some sports writer went and checked some stats and found numerous guys who had not been hitters were suddenly hitting.

    The steroid scandal was devastating. Any time I see an athlete with overly defined muscles today I assume he is juicing. Test are infrequent (varies by sport), test can be cheated, results can be challenged, new drugs are likely being developed that are not being tested for (that is where the baseball scandal started).

  • I'm more amazed that anyone still cares.

    Dude is a first ballot asshole, and thinking "he didn't know," is some seriously naive shit.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    RC....your post made me go and watch this so I'm going to make others watch it.

    If you can tolerate the music you'll see film of an amazing, amazing basketball who he is taking to school on this video.....if you can't hang for the whole thing you have to at least watch the 2:58 - 3:28 mark.


    haha that was dope.

    I guess PP did play against some Black dudes after all.

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts

    My first run-in with Bonds back in 87', and Bonilla. Donruss for life.


    fuck it lets look back to these bitches. love em.

  • Yeah, he was a pompous asshole, but everybody that hates on Barry would love him if he had played for their team. Let's be real now haha.

    Watching Bond's whole career, I can easily say he was the best I have ever seen. Aside from his strength, he had an incredible baseball IQ (helped to have Willie Mays as a mentor). He knew what pitch was coming before the pitcher even knew. His super eyesight and lighting quick and compact swing allowed him to sit back on every pitch. Best and most consistent plate discipline I've eve seen. Speed on the basepaths and in the outfield. He was a complete 5 tool player. He was already a HOFer before he juiced.

    Let's not forget he hit all those HR in 2 of the most UN-hitter friendly ballparks (Candlestick and AT&T). I'm sure he would have hit 1000 HRs if he played for the Yankees his whole career.

    We may never see talent like Barry Bonds again in our lifetime. Hall of fame won't mean shit without Barry Bonds.

  • Seeing those cards made me think...does anyone know a good sports memorabilia appraiser? I have a raer autographed baseball (50s Stan Musial related) that I have no idea to its value.

  • Options
    Burns said:

    My first run-in with Bonds back in 87', and Bonilla. Donruss for life.


    fuck it lets look back to these bitches. love em.

    Griffey Jr. would have been the GOAT if he didnt have all the injuries.

    I remember the thing Phill wrote about steroids saving baseball. I still maintain that if you create two leagues, one where any and all drugs are legal to use and the other where there is strict testing, the drug league will outdraw the clean league every night.

  • The_Hook_Up said:
    Seeing those cards made me think...does anyone know a good sports memorabilia appraiser? I have a raer autographed baseball (50s Stan Musial related) that I have no idea to its value.

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts

    Griffey Jr. would have been the GOAT if he didnt have all the injuries.

    I remember the thing Phill wrote about steroids saving baseball. I still maintain that if you create two leagues, one where any and all drugs are legal to use and the other where there is strict testing, the drug league will outdraw the clean league every night.

    I agree Griffey would had been the GOAT, plus he was a badass in the outfield.

    Ron Gant of the Braves in the 90's was teh 1st I thought was juicing, dude had cannons.

  • Horseleech said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    Seeing those cards made me think...does anyone know a good sports memorabilia appraiser? I have a raer autographed baseball (50s Stan Musial related) that I have no idea to its value.

    cool. thanks.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    Seeing those cards made me think...does anyone know a good sports memorabilia appraiser? I have a raer autographed baseball (50s Stan Musial related) that I have no idea to its value.

    They only buy mint baseballs, not ones defaced with writing. :roll:
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