Some truly evil schitt going down at Penn State



  • ScottScott 420 Posts
    RAJ said:
    Ashamed to be PSU alumni right now.


    I'm claiming my allegiance to Mont Alto instead.

  • emyndemynd 830 Posts
    RAJ said:
    Ashamed to be PSU alumni right now.


    Me too


  • So honorable of JoePa to go ahead and finish this promising and oh-so-important season and then step down when his contract ends anyway. /sarcasm

    Penn State could take a small step towards a semblance of dignity by removing him instantly.

  • emyndemynd 830 Posts
    GenePontecorvo said:
    So honorable of JoePa to go ahead and finish this promising and oh-so-important season and then step down when his contract ends anyway. /sarcasm

    Penn State could take a small step towards a semblance of dignity by removing him instantly.

    He'll be fired before the next road game. He's going to be booed relentlessly anywhere he goes. The Board would be silly to let that be the lasting image of him. They might not fire him before Saturday (which is a mistake), but he'll be gone before the next road game.


  • day said:
    BallzDeep said:
    paterno is old as dirt, oblivious, and senile. he probably couldn't even fathom the accusation let alone even hear the kid say it.

    I don't give a fuck if you're 100 years old. Would you shrug it off if someone told you a child was being raped? Y'all are on some bullshit apologist nonsense. It's the same mentality that let this go on for years. "Well, see...he was really just trying to help the kids...and..uh...he probably didn't know any better." The fuck outta here.

    Thats just it, man. You know damn well this McQueary fuck did not tell Joe any details. This fucking PANSY McQueary, upon seeing a boy getting raped, RUNS HOME AND TELLS HIS DAD??

    You really think he shows up at Joe Pas house and says "uh... hey coach... I just saw coach Sandusky fucking a little boy in the ass."?? Bullshit.

    Some snot nose red headed grad asst punk shows up at my door and tells me my friend of 23 fucking years was in a shower with a child and I'm just gonna blindly call the cops?

    No. Bring it to the attention of the Pres and AD.

    "Hey, Joe. Sorry about what the kid said, but it looks like a big misunderstanding heheh"

    Why wouldn't Joe believe them? These are men he trusts!

    The fuck outta here.

  • And yeah, not saying the above is true.

    But it could be.

    I'm just going to wait until this is over and all the details are out before I shit on Joe Pa and his legacy.

    It basically boils down to:

    Did the old man know all of this for years and do nothing?
    If so, then yeah, fuck him.

    Just saying there is a chance he really didn't know.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Wow. Dude. Stop.

  • Unherd said:
    Wow. Dude. Stop.

    Enlighten me. Bro.
    Can I not say it's only fair to hear the old man out first??

  • i'm all for due process and innocence til proven guilty. the story unfolded so far makes it hard for me to have any sympathy for any one of the adults involved.

    whether state forces a resignation or not or asks him to take a leave will only be to save face for themselves. his legacy is definitely on trial already and the reaction at the upcoming games will deliver the verdict. i'm hoping for deafening boos

  • tripledouble said:
    i'm all for due process and innocence til proven guilty. the story unfolded so far makes it hard for me to have any sympathy for any one of the adults involved.


    Wow, I just saw that vid of him talking to students outside his home...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    The truth is this. As soon as anyone was aware of anything the police should have been called. Not a parent, not the school. The cops.

    Anything less is bullshit on this subject.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    DOR said:
    The truth is this. As soon as anyone was aware of anything the police should have been called. Not a parent, not the school. The cops.

    Anything less is bullshit on this subject.


  • BallzDeep said:
    tripledouble said:
    i'm all for due process and innocence til proven guilty. the story unfolded so far makes it hard for me to have any sympathy for any one of the adults involved.


    Wow, I just saw that vid of him talking to students outside his home...

    not sure what you mean, but i watched that video and it was pathetic. paterno's bumbling around couldnt say anything more thought out than that? "its a tough life"????? shut the fuck up. maybe he should have said, "there are allegations of some seriously criminal and grievous wrongs that apparently happened under my watch. the authorities and courts are the only people who can sort this out now and i'm so embarrassed by even the thought of this happening that i'm not going to open my mouth anymore unless asked"

  • i'm interested to see the aftermath of this. state football is a huge revenue the program going to survive? how will that affect the school? verrrrrry interesting. and of course the circumstances are gut wrenchingly horrible

  • tripledouble said:
    maybe he should have said, "there are allegations of some seriously criminal and grievous wrongs that apparently happened under my watch. the authorities and courts are the only people who can sort this out now and i'm so embarrassed by even the thought of this happening that i'm not going to open my mouth anymore unless asked"

    Thats assuming this man has the mental capability to formulate and/or even comprehend such a statement.
    I seriously do not think he does!

    And maybe I misused :liljohn:, sorry.

  • tripledouble said:
    i'm interested to see the aftermath of this. state football is a huge revenue the program going to survive? how will that affect the school? verrrrrry interesting. and of course the circumstances are gut wrenchingly horrible

    If I'm a recruit, for any sport there, I'm trying to think of a reason NOT to run for the hills right about now.

    Sorry to be posting so often, but this story has got me all sorts of riled.

  • no i feel you...its bothering the shit out of me too. obviously because of the alleged crime, but paired with the entitlement and above the law attitudes of some sectors of our society.

    i feel the lynch mob in me awakening.

    which is not good.
    so i do appreciate you posting that we shouldnt castrate these fuckers quite yet.
    there better be a lot of public pressure to get prosecution underway quickly

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    BallzDeep said:

    Sorry to be posting so often, but this story has got me all sorts of riled.

    Me too. I was having a heated conversation about this last night and was definitely charged when I wrote what I did.

    It's safe to say Paterno and many others knew or at least had cause for concern (and that's putting it crazy mild when talking about raping kids). At the end of the day everyone with knowledge of this who stood by and did nothing to protect these children, and future one's from abuse, are culpable.

    I saw this re. Paterno on Ye Olde Hollerboard and thought it was worth posting here:

    I'm a Miami fan; we know rallying post-scandal, if not a longtime legendary coach. And kids are stupid. What I really have a problem with here is HIS behavior -- he knows what's in that report, knows how badly all these kids were failed, knows how horrifying the story really is, has known for a VERY long time that a grad assistant saw his longtime friend fucking a little boy in the showers and has obviously been seeing that friend around the office very often ever since and knew his longtime friend is still in contact with other kids, and knows that his just knowing led to other children being terribly abused. And instead of hushing the crowd to tell them he's not a victim but their sympathy should be given only to the 20 (at last count) traumatized children, that he realizes now more could have been done, that everyone should do everything they can to prevent child abuse, that they should all think about situations they may know of and contact authorities, or even that he has more to say but cannot comment right now -- instead of any of that, he came out smiling and said "Beat Nebraska!" before offering up one sentence about the victims and moving on to a school cheer. Yes, it's about that on some level, but it's not about that RIGHT NOW. A great man should do better than that in that moment. A terrible man should do better than that.

    Say a West Virginia player was having sex with a ten-year-old girl and Dana Holgorsen finds out, mentions it to a boss but never sees anything happen, and then another 12-year-old gets pregnant with his baby and investigators discover the player has been producing all sorts of child porn with a number of sixth grade girls. If the first thing Holgorsen does is lean out a window and say, "Go Mountaineers!" before admitting, "These girls are gonna be messed up for life, but hoo boy I do love West Virginia! Give me an E! E! R! S!", he should be fired.

    Never has Paterno looked more and more like a sad old man who has no idea what's going on around him. And that's sad, and what has happened to his legacy is sad, but it's not the saddest part. I guess I just thought it was an awful scene considering the details, and I can only imagine how it looked to the boys who weren't protected, and to their families. Wouldn't anyone like to act like an adult here?

  • I am PSU alum also.

    FWIW, this is from a friend's facebook page who is still affiliated with the school:

    "Gary Schultz was in charge of the Penn State Campus POLICE. JoePa told Gary Schultz about the Sandusky events. He was effectively telling not just the Police, but the person in charge of the police. Nearly all the media has overlooked this HUGE point. "

  • Otis_Funkmeyer said:
    I am PSU alum also.

    FWIW, this is from a friend's facebook page who is still affiliated with the school:

    "Gary Schultz was in charge of the Penn State Campus POLICE. JoePa told Gary Schultz about the Sandusky events. He was effectively telling not just the Police, but the person in charge of the police. Nearly all the media has overlooked this HUGE point. "

    You think that's all he woulda did had it been a member of his family he heard got raped?

  • He's out. Donedy. Finito.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    GenePontecorvo said:
    Otis_Funkmeyer said:
    I am PSU alum also.

    FWIW, this is from a friend's facebook page who is still affiliated with the school:

    "Gary Schultz was in charge of the Penn State Campus POLICE. JoePa told Gary Schultz about the Sandusky events. He was effectively telling not just the Police, but the person in charge of the police. Nearly all the media has overlooked this HUGE point. "

    You think that's all he woulda did had it been a member of his family he heard got raped? offense but that is some apologist shit.

    You might be able to convince me that JoePa is senile/savant and can't understand any aspect of life besides football....and thinks pedophilia is the fear of bicycles.

    But anything else is interact with this guy daily, after knowing what he did/was doing, is some fucked up shit.

  • Anyone who's been around PSU knows that these central PA folk treat PSU football like a cult. What now is endearing now seems scary.

    A facebook status I just read:

    As recent evidence in my own life would suggest, no matter how well we know a person they still have the free agency and capacity to do what they wish. They can blind side us in the most unknown ways. Those who espouse the highest virtues can also have the biggest fall. However, they had the courage to put themselves out on a limb to be possibly ridiculed and mocked. The actions of those who committed crimes are...there are no words to describe how deplorable they are. Yet, there are many levels of failure within the system. There are lots of could have, should have, and would haves. In the end, the only one who truly expressed regret, and now has to live with it the rest of his life is Joe. He did the right thing to retire at the end of the season, trying to balance his responsibility to the victims and those student athletes currently under his care. The board of trustees should have taken it and moved onto other pressing matters of this scandal.

    However, since the board of trustees opened this door these people should also be fired effective immediately, each and every member of the board of trustees. Their actions over the last few weeks have been deplorable in handling this - each member is listed at the following address:

    We are - concerned and grieve for those that were forever changed
    We are - outraged by any and all inaction, allowing harm to children
    but the legacy and good of Joe and Penn State will live on through each and everyone of us because
    We are - a community of students, alumni and athletes, together which is stronger than any evil deed for


    Penn State University - Board of Trustees

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    FrankieMeltzer said:
    Pro-pedophilia riots by the dipshit Buggery Lions fans:

    This is a good example why no one takes you seriously.

  • Why all the hate for Joe Paterno? I thought Soul Strut was anti-snitching?

  • Sports By Brooks is reporting that further allegations are forthcoming against Sandusky that are worse. Something along the lines of "child pimping" to donors or alums. This could and probably will get worse.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    GenePontecorvo said:
    Sports By Brooks is reporting that further allegations are forthcoming against Sandusky that are worse. Something along the lines of "child pimping" to donors or alums. This could and probably will get worse.

    There is apparently some speculation on whether or not Sandusky's charity was a slush fund that paid off players.

    That might explain why JoePa kept his mouth shut?

  • Give Eddie Robinson his record back!

  • Rockadelic said:
    GenePontecorvo said:
    Sports By Brooks is reporting that further allegations are forthcoming against Sandusky that are worse. Something along the lines of "child pimping" to donors or alums. This could and probably will get worse.

    There is apparently some speculation on whether or not Sandusky's charity was a slush fund that paid off players.

    That might explain why JoePa kept his mouth shut?

    I just saw this report this morning... and then it was reported that this originated from Pittsburgh's "Most Controversial DJ". Let's be careful about this stuff... Likewise, I'm still interested in the dead/dissappeared former DA. But, this is where we do a disservice to these stories by bringing in unsubstantiated bullshit.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    gareth said:
    Rockadelic said:
    GenePontecorvo said:
    Sports By Brooks is reporting that further allegations are forthcoming against Sandusky that are worse. Something along the lines of "child pimping" to donors or alums. This could and probably will get worse.

    There is apparently some speculation on whether or not Sandusky's charity was a slush fund that paid off players.

    That might explain why JoePa kept his mouth shut?

    I just saw this report this morning... and then it was reported that this originated from Pittsburgh's "Most Controversial DJ". Let's be careful about this stuff... Likewise, I'm still interested in the dead/dissappeared former DA. But, this is where we do a disservice to these stories by bringing in unsubstantiated bullshit.

    Speculation = Unsubstantiated
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