Some truly evil schitt going down at Penn State



  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    Almond said:
    The reason I mentioned "quick termination" is because some institutions will terminate in lieu of any such allegations, true or not, to save face. Maybe the police were involved in the beginning, we don't know the specifics. From what I understand, allegations that Sandusky was seen molesting a child were reported years ago. If those reports were followed up on, but then covered up, as they appear to be, then that's damning. But if those reports were followed up on and administrative and/or police investigations were inconclusive, or the person who initially reported them changed their mind or decided they didn't really know what they saw, then things would have just stopped right there.

    Not to nitpick, but the phrase you're looking for is "in light of". "In lieu of" means "in the place of".

    Thank you.

  • bassie said:
    This is a very optimistic take on things.

    I generally want to believe in the good of people, but there was a fuck of a lot riding on everything continuing as it had been - careers, reputations, enough money to support a few small countries, the image of the country's defining sport and a ripple effect hard to measure. All these folks decided that a few young lives ruined in secrecy was worth maintaining very public successes.
    The molestation is evil, but the greed and selfishness of everyone around it is more so imo.

    completely agree with your sentiments for the most part, but i don't see the greed/selfishness in the coverup as being more evil than the long history of sexual abuse. the inaction is definitely insanely f***ed up to me though just like the catholic priests who know but hide behind the wall of silence

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    It's a long conversation, not sure I am up to pursuing it.

    If we follow that pedophilia is a sickness - as opposed to someone who chooses to abuse repeatedly - I am not sure I can put it in the same category as people who make a stone cold decision to cover up molestation in order to protect their own self-interests....largely material.

    Perhaps I am not expressing it right. One is not more evil than the other, but they are not in the same category. They are heinous for different reasons.

  • bassie said:

    Perhaps I am not expressing it right. One is not more evil than the other, but they are not in the same category. They are heinous for different reasons.

    Well, I agree with this. And I see what you're saying

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    Almond said:
    I can't help but feel that the public dashed to crucify JoePa too quickly. I agree that we all have a moral obligation to report such wrongs, and you would def expect a larger-than-life character like JoePa to do so (and he did, at least nominally). But if his persona wasn't so ingrained in the campus community and whatnot, would we have been so quick to deem him as morally guilty by association?

    All that aside, there were people who knew of the Sandusky allegations for a long time. A quick termination could have saved a lot of face in the long run. But could it be that initial investigations didn't yield anything conclusive? PSU wouldn't have kept S if they knew he'd be a long-term liability. Or so you'd think.

    sandusky retired somewhat suddenly in 1999. the first allegation that was swept under the rug was from 1998. publicly he said he was leaving because he was told he wouldn' t be the head coach after JoePa. he stuck around campus running different camps and generally remained a part of the AD.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts is doing a great job keeping track of everything happening with this investigation, seems like more details are coming out by the hour. As a father someone like Sandusky scares me worse than anything a screenwriter could come up with.

  • Hey fuckfaces cheering outside Joe Paterno's house tonight: you are scumbags too.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    How was Woody Allen's last movie?

  • batmon said:
    How was Woody Allen's last movie?

    Who the fuck cares? Dumbest post ever.

  • FrankieMeltzer said:
    GenePontecorvo said:
    Hey fuckfaces cheering outside Joe Paterno's house tonight: you are scumbags too.

    Are they cheering for Paterno or cheering that he's gone?

    Cheering in support of. "We love you Joe" type shit.

  • That town/city whatever just sounds like a weird, insular never never land so in a way this stuff isn't surprising.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    GenePontecorvo said:
    batmon said:
    How was Woody Allen's last movie?

    Who the fuck cares? Dumbest post ever.

    You dont really care either. It the usual robotic public outrage. In two weeks youll be posting about some earthquake somewhere and them move on to the next sensation. Your lying to youreselves.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    batmon said:
    How was Woody Allen's last movie?

    So Woody Allen marrying his adoptive daughter (who was adopted by another guy and not him) when she was 22 is the same as anally raping a 10 year old? Ok.

  • day said:
    batmon said:
    How was Woody Allen's last movie?

    So Woody Allen marrying his adoptive daughter (who was adopted by another guy and not him) when she was 22 is the same as anally raping a 10 year old? Ok.

    Yeah, and all the anger and disgust you feel from learning that an entire University held football higher than the rights of little kids are just faking it. You really feel OK about sodomy with 10 year-olds. If you say otherwise, you are lying.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    If you really care, prove it by growing a moustache.

  • batmon said:
    GenePontecorvo said:
    batmon said:
    How was Woody Allen's last movie?

    Who the fuck cares? Dumbest post ever.

    You dont really care either. It the usual robotic public outrage. In two weeks youll be posting about some earthquake somewhere and them move on to the next sensation. Your lying to youreselves.

    are you always drunk when you post? serious question

  • paterno is old as dirt, oblivious, and senile. he probably couldn't even fathom the accusation let alone even hear the kid say it.

  • batmon said:
    GenePontecorvo said:
    batmon said:
    How was Woody Allen's last movie?

    Who the fuck cares? Dumbest post ever.

    You dont really care either. It the usual robotic public outrage. In two weeks youll be posting about some earthquake somewhere and them move on to the next sensation. Your lying to youreselves.

    Dig up my last earthquake post. I'll be here waiting.

  • it's silly that only moderators can delete posts b/w double

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    paterno is old as dirt, oblivious, and senile. he probably couldn't even fathom the accusation let alone even hear the kid say it.

    I don't give a fuck if you're 100 years old. Would you shrug it off if someone told you a child was being raped? Y'all are on some bullshit apologist nonsense. It's the same mentality that let this go on for years. "Well, see...he was really just trying to help the kids...and..uh...he probably didn't know any better." The fuck outta here.

  • I do think some of this has devolved into the usual bloodlust for someone's head. I don't give a shit what happens to Paterno, but it is worth noting that it looks like he's the ONLY person here who acted according to protocol.

    I agree that Deadspin's coverage has been incredible... But, they also ran a Drew Magary column that said, "If your friend of 30 years was accused of this, you would report it, and hope it wasn't true... Don't be so sure that you'd go straight to the cops, etc."

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    gareth said:
    I don't give a shit what happens to Paterno, but it is worth noting that it looks like he's the ONLY person here who acted according to protocol

    No. Protocol when one of your subordinates is raping children in your workplace is to go to the police.

    Sure, a lot of the focus has centered on Paterno, but only because he's by far the most visible. He's not necessarily any more culpable then the people at the charity, but anyone who knew about even a single incident had a moral obligation to make sure dude wasn't near kids.

    This guy was doing charity work with kids and running overnight youth football camps into 2008. There's no shortage of heads that should roll, but I don't think Paterno's notoriety or so-called "protocol" gets him a pass, at all.

  • I'm not trying to hold Paterno up as some paragon of virtue, etc. Especially after he's made his program out to be just that- where boys become men, etc. That's proven to be a farce.

    It does seem, though, that this conversation had devolved to pitchforks and torches. And, frankly given the charges, that's justified. But, if you read things- it looks like the police and the DA were notified as early as 1998, and nothing came of it.

  • heads should fucking roll and joe paterno should be put through the ringer.
    he knowingly harbored this known child rapist around campus, thereby giving him legitimacy to run his pedo schemes. i know college football glory and long track records of success, financial enrichment and pro football grooming are on a pedestal in our society, but all that shit is absolutely meaningless compared to taking advantage of kids. FUCKING THEM IN THE ASS!!!!! hate to be explicit, but that shit needs to be on billboards, cause everyone at penn state who let this guy linger around campus, with kids, is complicit.

  • I'll add... If he never coaches again, I don't give a shit. He earned that, and tarnished his whole legacy- the longest in the NCAA- with this. And, because he goes down because of this, that's on JoePa, Sandusky, et al.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    And let me just add, fuck Mike McQueary x 1,000,000.

  • Unherd said:
    And let me just add, fuck Mike McQueary x 1,000,000.

    This POS called his pop for advice on what to do because he didn't want to jeopardize his possible career as a coach. I honestly do not know how you can see something like that and not have some sort switch click in your head to do anything necessary to stop what you are witnessing. Even if you are too much of a coward to physically intervene, you could still yell, make a noise, call the cops immediately, anything. The fact that he chose to place his possible career higher than the welfare of a child being abused in eyeshot is not only immoral, it is disturbing.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Ashamed to be PSU alumni right now.


  • The_Hook_Up said:
    Unherd said:
    And let me just add, fuck Mike McQueary x 1,000,000.

    This POS called his pop for advice on what to do because he didn't want to jeopardize his possible career as a coach. I honestly do not know how you can see something like that and not have some sort switch click in your head to do anything necessary to stop what you are witnessing. Even if you are too much of a coward to physically intervene, you could still yell, make a noise, call the cops immediately, anything. The fact that he chose to place his possible career higher than the welfare of a child being abused in eyeshot is not only immoral, it is disturbing.

  • RAJ said:
    Ashamed to be PSU alumni right now.


    damn man, sorry. theres probably a lot of alumns calling and letting them know that tho, which is one of the surest ways to pressure them to do whats right
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