Multiple Copies

TheKindCromangTheKindCromang 1,463 Posts
edited July 2011 in Strut Central
I just sold a nice copy of Cheech and Chong's "Big Bambu" with the rolling paper on Ebay. The buyer left some positive feedback and just seemed like a mellow dude. I was curious to see what other records this person had bought in the past. It didn't take long to see that they have bought at least 10 or 15 copies of this same LP just within the last month! Now... no offense if that is you reading this, but, what's going on here? I'm just curious! I discovered a similar incident when I sold a Bob Ludwig Led Zep II. The copy I sold was probably the fifth copy this guy had bought. Is anyone else out there actively hoarding 10-15 copies of one album? Is this a pretty common thing?


  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    I've encountered this a number of times.

    I sold the Best Of Bob Dylan with the poster to somebody and noticed that they had bought at least 20 other copies.

    I'm not sure if it's hoarding or maybe they are going to use them to to decorate a room or as an art project.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts
    hot stamper

  • Horseleech said:
    I'm not sure if it's hoarding or maybe they are going to use them to to decorate a room or as an art project.

    Yeah. I'm thinking maybe dude is actually using the rolling papers to roll oversized joints!

  • Options
    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

    It's more common than you think.

  • Just sounds like store stock to me. Titles that people ask for a lot. Either that our someone's favorite album that they wear out often.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    That new poster from Holland has ten Beatles box sets.

    I don't think I have met anyone in person who is hoarding a single title.

    Some people can sell a common record for more than the typical price, so they always pick them up.
    Some people are constantly up grading, looking for that perfect copy.
    Some people are buying endless variations of the same record. :crust

    Big Bamboo is one record that people are constantly asking me the value of their copy. There is a belief out there that it is very rare and valuable. Invariably they never have the rolling paper.
    Maybe this guy has a smoke shop where he can sell them for $50.

    Or OCD.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    I do have one customer (well known to anyone who has a store in NYC), who comes in almost every day looking to buy Beatles albums. He has been doing this for many, many years.

    I know I alone have sold him around 100 copies of each title, so I figure he has at least 500 copies of each, possibly way more.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,217 Posts
    TheKindCromang said:

    Yeah. I'm thinking maybe dude is actually using the rolling papers to roll oversized joints!

    Hopefully it's this!

    I used to buy every cheap copy of Thriller I came across when I started out going to fleas just because it's, like, the greatest album ever...but for no other reason. There's probably still half a crate of Thrillers at my parent's house! (And no, I didn't bother trying to sell any of them when he passed...)

  • Options
    ketan said:
    TheKindCromang said:

    Yeah. I'm thinking maybe dude is actually using the rolling papers to roll oversized joints!

    Hopefully it's this!

    I used to buy every cheap copy of Thriller I came across when I started out going to fleas just because it's, like, the greatest album ever...but for no other reason. There's probably still half a crate of Thrillers at my parent's house! (And no, I didn't bother trying to sell any of them when he passed...)


    It's more common than I thought.

  • TheKindCromang said:
    I just sold a nice copy of Cheech and Chong's "Big Bambu" with the rolling paper on Ebay. The buyer left some positive feedback and just seemed like a mellow dude. I was curious to see what other records this person had bought in the past. It didn't take long to see that they have bought at least 10 or 15 copies of this same LP just within the last month! Now... no offense if that is you reading this, but, what's going on here? I'm just curious! I discovered a similar incident when I sold a Bob Ludwig Led Zep II. The copy I sold was probably the fifth copy this guy had bought. Is anyone else out there actively hoarding 10-15 copies of one album? Is this a pretty common thing?

    haha, i just sold my copy (w rolling paper) this past week as well...prolly same dude

  • I have a mono vs stereo multiple copy problem, this pic is just the tip of the iceberg...

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Garcia_Vega said:
    I have a mono vs stereo multiple copy problem, this pic is just the tip of the iceberg...

    Just out of curiosity, have you checked the Fania stereos to see if they really are stereo?

    We used to have a customer who worked for Fania back in the day and he said a lot of them were just monos with stereo labels and that some titles had no actual stereo pressing.

  • Horseleech said:

    Just out of curiosity, have you checked the Fania stereos to see if they really are stereo?

    In all honesty, some are and some aren't. I haven't checked out everything, but I have found that some very early Fania records are panned. And from my experience, the 70s records are mono/stereo.

    Disclaimer: I could very well be wrong about this

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I remember back inthe early days of ebay some dude would buy any & every copy of the Rolling Stones LP with the zipper cover, price was not an issue & he just drove that LP through the roof for months. The tenacity & dedication with which he bid was pretty impressive.

  • mattBmattB (FTB) Anywhere 673 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    art project.
    If I remember correctly, someone posted in the waxidermy sales section back in the
    day asking for as many Bob Dylan records as possible for this exact reason.
    Probably the same guy.

  • tabiratabira 856 Posts
    For a top 10 LP I sometimes have more than one copy if I'm not sure which is the original/which has the better sound (does any one know for Stances de Sophie ???) I have 2 pressings (all blue and mink + white-pink with white text on cover ) The french original sucks in sound quality but I hear there's a good Japanese pressing.

  • i have up to 10 multiples of some 12's....I attribute this to both slight OCD, and prices which are just too good to let such records go begging

  • i do this too sometimes there are records which i will always buy when i see a copy for example "bounce, rock, skate, roll" 12" i have at least 60+ copies.

    peace, stein. . .:)

  • I am more likely to pick up another copy impulsively when shopping in the field, but not browsing on eBay.

  • youngEINSTEIN said:
    i do this too sometimes there are records which i will always buy when i see a copy for example "bounce, rock, skate, roll" 12" i have at least 60+ copies.

    peace, stein. . .:)
    60+ copies IS insane!!! that said, I do need a minty!!

    and I could do with a nice clean copy to jam to with the acid raindrops deck i just ordered ;)

  • DanteDante 371 Posts
    CinisterCee said:
    I am more likely to pick up another copy impulsively when shopping in the field, but not browsing on eBay.

    ^^^^^^^ This

    Sometimes by mistake, sometimes to 'trade or sell' (whichi I usually never do unles it's something $50+) or just because it's there and it's cheap. Just bought another copy of Bob James' Three for less than a dollar. I also pick up mexican issues of stuff I like and I already have on US If I find it cheap while diggin'.

  • Garcia_Vega said:
    I have a mono vs stereo multiple copy problem, this pic is just the tip of the iceberg...

    Heavy stack of records!

    If you have a mono needle this isn't really a dilemma, no? The mono stuff sounds way better and you can get good money for those stereo records to buy other (mono) records.

    On top of that, there are some collectors who really want those records you' re holding on to ;).

  • mattBmattB (FTB) Anywhere 673 Posts
    Ive developed an obi problem.
    I have two copies of many of my favourite records:
    The foreign original and a Japanese original press with obi.

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    This is not mine (honest). I like some Beach Boys songs but do not collect their work. I had seen this photo and thought "okay".

    With that said, are there albums where I feel a need to have multiple copies of same album? Sure. There's maybe three or four albums where I want to have as many pressings as possible, but do I go out of my way to buy them? No. Is it foolish, of course.

  • youngEINSTEIN said:
    for example "bounce, rock, skate, roll" 12" i have at least 60+ copies.

    such a great poast.

  • mattBmattB (FTB) Anywhere 673 Posts
    Sheep, how many copies of spacy did you have at one time?

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    mattB said:
    Sheep, how many copies of spacy did you have at one time?

    probably about 60 or 70....

    Then the Quasar Man Coda record, probably like 200 copies...

  • djsheep said:
    mattB said:
    Sheep, how many copies of spacy did you have at one time?

    probably about 60 or 70....

    Then the Quasar Man Coda record, probably like 200 copies...

    where the hell did you find 60 copies ???

    and 200 copies of Quasar!!!!!! got any left? I've been after that record a while


  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    youngEINSTEIN said:
    for example "bounce, rock, skate, roll" 12" i have at least 60+ copies.

    such a great poast.

    The goal of course, must be to have more copies of "Bounce, rock, skate, roll" than it's physically possible to carry at one time.

  • When I first started digging I had "super producer" dreams and was obsessed with sampling records nobody had used before. If I would find a hot sample for my Shadow-esque masterpiece I would run all over town buying up every copy of the record I could find. Not so much for resale but so no one else could sample it. Now I laugh at the thought that my buying 10 copies of a dollar record in Detroit could somehow delay the entire digging world from finding a record on their own.

    As the producer dreams waned and record selling took over, this plan turned out to be a little better as I was looking for samples on a lot of local stuff, private records, and carrying the digging motto that "if it's hand drawn, it's on!".

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