Vintage Gear Strut (Rep Yours-Related)

Most appliances these days seem disposable or built to be replaced, with cost and time spared at every opportunity. By the time a new product hits the shelf, its replacement is already on the production line.
Nothing seems nearly as sturdy, charismatic or aesthetically mesmerizing as the predecessors yaoming?
Interested to see what vintage kit strutteurs have in their collection.
Doesn't have to be recording-related. Any protolectronic schitt you own: phones, fridges, cars, you name it...
I currently have:
Roland Space Echo RE-201 (1973):

Grundig TK-141 Reel-To-Reel (1970):

Recently copped a Philips EL3302 Tape Cassette Recorder (1968):
Nothing seems nearly as sturdy, charismatic or aesthetically mesmerizing as the predecessors yaoming?
Interested to see what vintage kit strutteurs have in their collection.
Doesn't have to be recording-related. Any protolectronic schitt you own: phones, fridges, cars, you name it...
I currently have:
Roland Space Echo RE-201 (1973):

Grundig TK-141 Reel-To-Reel (1970):

Recently copped a Philips EL3302 Tape Cassette Recorder (1968):

Rega Planar 2 turntable upgraded with an R300 tonearm and Benz Micro moving coil cartridge.
Antique Sound Lab LH01 preamp with built in head phone amp
Air Tight ATE-1 phono preamp with a Transition Audio Design power supply
Threshold S/300 Stasis II linear state power amplifier
Antique Sound Lab LH01 remote
the pic below is when the system was being setup for a quick demo before I bought it all.
pair of 6 foot tall Magnepan Planar speakers
Altis Reference Digital-Analog-Converter
Lightspeed CLS 3200 power conditioner
some my cables and speaker wires
Kimber Kable silver RCA interconnects
TaraLabs Air 3 RSC interconnects
Tara Labs Prism Bi-Wire with Tara Labs spades on one end and Bananas on the other
and in my living room
Pioneer SX-727 & CS63-DX speakers
also worth noting is the vintage Poul Cadovius Royal Shelving unit.
Maestro - Rhythm and Sound
Premiere Spring Reverb
Supro Corsica / Rogers Bass Drum
Gibson B-9 Amp
Fender Rhodes 1976 Mark II
Fostex 80 Reel to Reel
1967 Ludwig Green Sparkle Super Classic
Boss DM-300 analog delay/chorus/echo
Yo Mr Lee, that tape recorder is that the one Ako used for his drums?
No. I have a hunch that Ako was talking about the Sony TC50...
I used to have my dad's old solid-state stereo amp, which was a wonderful piece of equipment. It blew a fuse, so I ended up leaving it behind when I packed up and moved to the west coast, which was essentially a guarantee that it would be thrown away. I really regret that decision now.
Eddie Harris Approved!
The Beastie Boys used that on the front of a t-shirt, and on the back it reads "Fuck All Y'all"
Ohhh... I see an EchoPlex on the floor too.
reverb units
'77 Rick
'74 SG
'70s Twin Reverb
70's Slingerland Kit
and I've got a 50's slingerland snare, but no photo
Sourcing out some vintage gear now tonight hopefully.
Also... Holding out for the rare red color.
I got it for free, but missing the pedal... I'm now searching all over my work for it ha!
Nerded out Luxman stereo gear for awhile:
Uh, are we sticking to audio equip only? If not, got a late 60's benz on the side:
Mine has the Kenton Midi Retrofit.
selling my one of these is a regret for sure :-(
early 60s Harmony Stratotone
1964 Guild Starfire II
early 70s Ibanez ES345
mid 70s Hohner L6
78 Precision
64 Simpson Pan-O-Sonic
62 Gretsch 6120
Boss CE-1 (Chorus & Vibrato) so old it plugs straight into the wall 240volts, no adapter/battery for this thing!
It's essentially the circuitry from a Roland Jazz Chorus amp in a stomp box.
Sold this to buy my McIntosh XR7's... I still write myself notes that I post around the house that say, "you made the right decision"
thats a rhodes student edition
i recently got one of these. its the business.
what made you decide to sell it for the mcintosh's? those student editions are tough as shit to find.
I had to see what it sounded like and found this youtube video
1956 "oval window" bug
The new ones apparently use inferior Chinese chips vs. the Panasonics.
I have a Delay obsession.
The Boss one I have is holding me over, but a vintage Memory Man would be the bidness.
Liking the guitars... especially the Gretsch.
Just splurged on this a few months a go:
Gibson 1964 B 45 12 String Guitar
Tangerine for days!
Oh shit. That's awful.
Post some fresh pics when you get her back up to code.