things soulstrut taught you...

jammyjammy remixing bongo rock... 813 Posts
edited June 2011 in Strut Central
1. the world is small
2. good to bad ratio of people in the world is better than expected
3. you can call a turd a 'deuce'

add on....


  • 4. 10-pagers about your favorite breed of potato are not lame.
    5. Mediocre southern rap infinitely > mediocre backpack rap

  • That I sound white.

  • that i'm a wack dj

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    6) That I have awesome hair. Truth be told, it's just pretty good, but it has become a running joke that I think a lot of folks don't even realize is a joke. Jaymack started it. Thes continued it. And I believe Lambert had a major hand as well. Cheeky bastards.

  • that Boogie is a thing

  • El PrezEl Prez NE Ohio 1,141 Posts
    That popsike is cool

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    There are other people in the world that have an unusual simultaneous appreciation for jazz, funk, soul, rock, metal, reggae, latin, prog, punk, psych, folk, indie, hip-hop, R&B, disco, boogie, electro, house, lo-fi, afro, AND food, whiskey, beer, shaving, shoes, style, travel, photography, woodworking, music production, nostalgia, bicycles, politics, elbows, other people's junk, thrifting, garage saling, vernacular, art, sports, TV, movies, flipping, hoarding, and the new shit I'll learn about this next week.

  • That rare is spelt raer.

  • don't disagree with faux_rillz

  • novocaine132 said:
    don't disagree with faux_rillz

    I learned the opposite, if faux_rillz hates it, then it is probably pretty good, or has some redeeming qualities. If he likes it, then it is best to stay away.

  • delaspdelasp 21 Posts
    that my thought-to-be-impressive record can easily get topped by a dollar bin banger

  • JimsterJimster 6,991 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    novocaine132 said:
    don't disagree with faux_rillz

    I learned the opposite, if faux_rillz hates it, then it is probably pretty good, or has some redeeming qualities. If he likes it, then it is best to stay away.

    When they were exploring the Mariana Trench, they found Foxie's underground lair. Because he has to be the most down.

  • He taught... he taught me how to love a woman. And how to scold a child.

  • that some people are hella sensitve.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    that some people are hella sensitve.

    The f*ck is that supposed to mean?!

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    That any thread requesting relationship advice will be 10+ page

    That the powers of 'cosmic ordering' really do exist (Salma H related)

    That Biz Markie gets upto a lot of funny schitt

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    "Don't start none, won't be none"

  • That Biz Markie has a posse

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    Mjukis said:
    "Don't start none, won't be none"

  • Herm said:
    BallzDeep said:
    that some people are hella sensitve.

    The f*ck is that supposed to mean?!


  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I don't think I ever would have heard the word 'fucktard' if it wasn't for the Strut, and it's put to good use almost every time I drive a car!

  • mickalphabetmickalphabet deep inna majestic segue 374 Posts
    what a jawn is

  • the correct way to open a set (transformer scratch, flash's theme etc)

    that no one is interested in 90s hip hop anymore

    that mardi gras without the bells does not exist

    that americans enjoy their superior command of the english language when addressing non-native speakers

    that hip hop in any other language other than american english sounds silly

    that led zeppelin essentially were just a very, very good covers band

    that the correct way to examine scuffs and scratches is to use a 100 watt light bulb
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