can you see those 3D/magic eye IMAGES?

youngEINSTEINyoungEINSTEIN 2,443 Posts
edited June 2011 in Strut Central

peace, stein. . .


  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    Sure. Just cross your eyes and stare.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    twoply said:

  • Electrode said:
    Sure. Just cross your eyes and stare.

    So is it a sail boat or a scooner... Hey wait a min. it's a guy on a clipper eating a scone! Want to smell my stink palm??

  • JimsterJimster 6,993 Posts

    They are very disappointing.

    Like Sea Monkeys.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I don't know if anything is more disappointing than Sea Monkeys.

    I'm a kind of but it makes my head hurt and seems rather pointless.

  • no.

  • Rich45sRich45s 327 Posts
    Yes, I'm seeing 30 bodies in a field in Texas

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    I didn't think I could, but then I got a postcard with a Magic Eye on it and underneath the picture there were 3 dots in the centre.

    The idea was to cross your eyes until the 3 dots became 2, then relax them and slowly look up at the picture.


    Once I got used to that, I was able to do the same thing with the Magic Eye books.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Yes. I don't know why anyone would buy one and hang it on their wall, though.

  • JimsterJimster 6,993 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    Yes. I don't know why anyone would buy one and hang it on their wall, though.

    As a stoner test? People will put all kinds of stuff on their walls, doe.

    Can you believe the mother-in-law fished out a crying boy painting from the communal trash and had this on her wall for a week before the wife made her take it down and #1 son got shit scared by the myth? I'd prefer a Bobby Sands orignal to that.

  • Ulysses31nicholas said:


    Off-topic...does anyone watch Raising Hope?

    "Your husband looks like a skinny version of the fat guy from Mallrats!"


  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    No. But I'll see Mallrats for the gajillionth time any day.

    Edit: Just realised you "go see" a movie in the theatre, but "watch" it at home. Is it because you're kind of "visiting" the movie, as opposed to owning it? Damn, English is a weird language indeed.

  • Yes! I would always look forward to seeing them in the Sunday Comics. I even have a book of those postcards in my bathroom.

    You need to relax your eyes so they are actually focusing on a point 2x the distance from your face to the picture. The same as when you look at yourself in a mirror. This is why it helps to pit the picture behind glass and focus on your reflection.

    The way I was first able to do it is start with the picture right up to your nose (without focusing directly on it) and slowly pull it away until the image appears.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Magic Eye is basically a two person company and for years my friend Dawn worked for the woman who owns it, basically doing all of the work turning the images into Magic Eye form. She was one of the only people who knew how to do this.

    Eventually she quit when they got a huge contract to do some Harry Potter stuff and her boss refuse to give her a raise, even though she hadn't gotten one in like five years and did most of the actual work.

    But yeah, I can see them. I feel like it's good brain exercise looking at them.
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