The question: How many 5 year-olds could you take on at once?



  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,537 Posts
    considering im 6'2", a shade under 200lbs, just over a three foot reach with knuckled hammers attached, work a job that requires constant strength and fitness requirements, play in semi-competitive soccer leagues as a pace man, have a cement-like german/irish skull, and natural ginger rage levels......

    id say that i could realistically take about 50-60 of those little turds until both my hands were broken and my smokers lungs were burning.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    considering im 6'2", a shade under 200lbs, just over a three foot reach with knuckled hammers attached, work a job that requires constant strength and fitness requirements, play in semi-competitive soccer leagues as a pace man, have a cement-like german/irish skull, and natural ginger rage levels......

    Note to self: stop making jokes about J***'s Canadienosity.


    I almost went with "Yeah, but you're Canadian, so it's a wash."

  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,537 Posts
    add 30% to original projection if this is playing

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    Okem said:

    And then there's cannibalism. If you're expecting us to believe that you're going to start chowing down on unseasoned 5-yr old, then why is it hard to imagine that these are some kill-or-be-killed 5 yr olds? Ever been to North Korea?
    I'm thinking

    although there's those kids in Afghanistan who will happily take a swing at a passing, heavily armed, soldier twice his size. So maybe a few of those as well.

    Don't forget kids with issues

  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,537 Posts
    jjfad027 said:
    Okem said:

    And then there's cannibalism. If you're expecting us to believe that you're going to start chowing down on unseasoned 5-yr old, then why is it hard to imagine that these are some kill-or-be-killed 5 yr olds? Ever been to North Korea?
    I'm thinking

    although there's those kids in Afghanistan who will happily take a swing at a passing, heavily armed, soldier twice his size. So maybe a few of those as well.

    Don't forget kids with issues
    "you keep yelling 'stop!', and all they hear is 'who wants cake?'"

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    While it would not influence my already redlined rage, it would certainly ramp up my enjoyment of the whole affair if the kids were the sort of brats you'd like to hit anyway.

  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,537 Posts
    i think this is gonna be one of those days where we all learn something about ourselves.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    i think this is gonna be one of those days where we all learn something about ourselves.

    Once I'm done with them, those kids won't be learning anything else except what it feels like to take the ultimate L, nahmean? Talmbout naptime. Permanently.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    "you keep yelling 'stop!', and all they hear is 'who wants cake?'"

    They'll come at you like a whirling dervish, all fists and elbows.

    But remember: They don't own the night. Nobody does.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Talmbout handing out juiceboxes full of pain, yaherd? Talmbout going back-to-school shopping for some full body casts.

  • Options
    Can I train with three year olds first?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    Talmbout naptime. Permanently.

    LOL. :killin_it:

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    Talmbout handing out juiceboxes full of pain, yaherd? Talmbout going back-to-school shopping for some full body casts.


  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Just yesterday, I rode on a school bus and went on a field trip with ~60 kindergartners. Did the thought of destroying some of them cross my mind? Umm...yes, it did. But not all of them. This one kid in particular, the teacher gave him a dollar to buy something in the Mueseum gift shop and all he could do was whine that he couldn't afford items that cost $10-$12. I left him crying there for another parent volunteer to deal with, but when I caught him later, I told him he had nothing to be sad about and should be happy that he at least got a dollar instead of nothing....and then I destroyed him.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    Mr_Lee_PHD said:

    This thread is weird.

    I agree and you guys sound like wimps!

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    elise said:
    Mr_Lee_PHD said:

    This thread is weird.

    I agree and you guys sound like wimps!

    Pshhhht. Give being a kindergarten teacher a couple of years. You'll be bumping this thread in 2015.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Wait... there are 100-strong gangs of 5 year olds roaming around ready to kick shit out of lone strangers?

    Jesus fucking christ.

    What is the world coming to?


  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    elise said:
    Mr_Lee_PHD said:

    This thread is weird.

    I agree and you guys sound like wimps!

    Pshhhht. Give being a kindergarten teacher a couple of years. You'll be bumping this thread in 2015.

    I envision poison cupcakes and carefully hidden Global deboning knives and Cleavers

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    skel said:
    Wait... there are 100-strong gangs of 5 year olds roaming around ready to kick shit out of lone strangers?

    Jesus fucking christ.

    What is the world coming to?


    Where you been dude? We been had roaming swarms of 5-year-olds.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Dudes are not giving nearly enough consideration to the motivation for the attack. Think of the children.

    You???re in that theoretical space and the mob are advancing with menace. You are frozen in horror, time stops. You wish to God that you???d taken that ???How To Hyp-Mo-Tise??? course when it was available.
    Wait. Something creepy about these kids. Something undefinably familiar. The way one kid tilts his head. The flash of one kid???s smile with that little upturn of the nose that your mother used to think so cute. Yet another with the same folds in the earlobe that had been the source of much mirth during your school years.
    Flashback 5 years, that wet, windy February Thursday a week after you???d been canned at work. Today???s interviews hadn???t gone so well. Try again tomorrow. You trudge through the bleak streets, jaw on chest, defiant against the chill, determined to plough on. Past the fertility clinic. A sign outside, an invitation to make a deposit at the Bank of Plank Spank for cash. Never noticed it before, but now that fiddy bucks would sure be most welcome. A dog-eared and fading copy of ???Gerontophilia Monthly???, dated October 1982. A sterilised plastic pot.
    Those kids are close now. Them chickens coming home to roost.
    ???Daddy??? you hear as the first tiny clenched fist of fury connects with nutsack.
    ???Daddy daddy daddy???. A fleeting vision of Skywalker and Vader, Zurg and Lightyear. An unblemished forehead with none of the lines that would grace it in middle age powers into your hip-bone. Teeth into thigh. One of the kids is Asian, still looks like you. Damn, you think, as you drown in the onslaught of controlled rage being meted out against you. Sink lower. Lower. Pain merges into tranquillity. Visions, dream state, escape.You drift off. Out.

    DB, who you supporting for promotion to the Premier League, Swansea or Cardiff? - soccer-R

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Skel with the win.

    Miss you round these parts man.

    Oh, and, i have a 5 year old, trust: there is no way i could take out more than five or six if they were well coordinated and determined.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    pcmr said:
    DB_Cooper said:
    elise said:
    Mr_Lee_PHD said:

    This thread is weird.

    I agree and you guys sound like wimps!

    Pshhhht. Give being a kindergarten teacher a couple of years. You'll be bumping this thread in 2015.

    I envision poison cupcakes and carefully hidden Global deboning knives and Cleavers

    Haha! Never!

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Mate I'm still alive. Might fancy doing a stall at Utrecht next year. We can meet up and have group hugs.

    I read more often than I post these days. Keep on keeping on my dudes!

  • dammsdamms 704 Posts
    16 :lol:

  • The quiz said that I could take on 23 of them, but after teaching for two years and breaking up a good amount of possible fights between 3rd and 4th Graders, I would be surprised if I could deal with 5 or even 6 of them.

  • the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts
    tokyobeats said:
    total LOL at anyone claiming 30...50...especially 100!!

    get REAL!

    I'd say 10 tops........I'm not a big dude, but reach, height and fitness taken into account that's a good effort with the little fuckers these days!

    i haven't put heaps of thought into this, but I would say 100 is a fairly easily obtained number, if you weren't exhausted first. As long as you had some decent training. I got 37 in the quiz, but I am pretty sure there might be flaws in their calculations

  • vintageinfantsvintageinfants 4,537 Posts
    this is how it goes down in my head.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    skel said:
    DB, who you supporting for promotion to the Premier League, Swansea or Cardiff? - soccer-R

    Tough one, mainly because I am as uninformed about the topic as a human being can possibly be. I'm going to go with Cardiff, because I like the Ugly Duckling song of the same name (word to Rod).

  • JimsterJimster 6,908 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    skel said:
    DB, who you supporting for promotion to the Premier League, Swansea or Cardiff? - soccer-R

    Tough one, mainly because I am as uninformed about the topic as a human being can possibly be. I'm going to go with Cardiff, because I like the Ugly Duckling song of the same name (word to Rod).

    All this and fails to mention he's 1/8th Welsh.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    J i m s t e r said:
    DB_Cooper said:
    skel said:
    DB, who you supporting for promotion to the Premier League, Swansea or Cardiff? - soccer-R

    Tough one, mainly because I am as uninformed about the topic as a human being can possibly be. I'm going to go with Cardiff, because I like the Ugly Duckling song of the same name (word to Rod).

    All this and fails to mention he's 1/8th Welsh.

    I didn't even know Cardiff is in Wales. For all I know, Wales is names after whales.
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