Gettin' Fools Turned On To Funk(3 6 related)

Just had a little visit here at the store from none other than LORD INFAMOUS of ThreeSixMafia. It was funny how un-sample oriented dude was. He told me stuff like "I'm lookin' for drums but you know, like drums that doesn't have anything else behind it." At first, I thought he was talking to me like that cause his first impression was probablly this white boy knows nothing about samples or production. I'll give him that, but he continued to talk the same way after I let him know that I knew what he was looking for. I started handing him breaks left and right. Then he asked if we had any break beat records "You know like 70's soul comps. with beats on them."
I can't beleive he thought break beat records were just comps. with samples on them. Well, I sarted playing him some stuff and he freaked out. He had no knowledge of funk what so ever. I played him stuff off the Mid-West funk comp. and he said "Damn, I gonna sample the shit out of this!" I explained to him that a bunch of the stuff I was playing him had already been sampled. In the end he ended up getting Mid-West Funk, Texas Funk, Cool Breeze OST, Petey Wheatstraw OST, and Big Moe at RC's. I played him the Charmels on Big Moe's and he goes "Damn! Wu-Tang sampled that! Knowbody knows about that!" 
I know there are some Three Six fans on here...well, when you hear the new album and recognize the samples...just know that Shingaling is responsible for that new Three Six sound.
Just Kiddin!

Taking Three Six to the

I know there are some Three Six fans on here...well, when you hear the new album and recognize the samples...just know that Shingaling is responsible for that new Three Six sound.

Taking Three Six to the

like 'the hatch' maybe.
edit: yeah, it doesn't appear he's in the group anymore.