Recent Finds



  • exte82exte82 202 Posts

  • Keepers from my trip to PR found in the last two weeks.

    And somehow this made it to a thrift store in PR. Cover has some water damage but the record was suprisingly mint!

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    wow great finds
    the belgrave is the cherry on top

  • all is quiet on the eastern front

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts
    Garcia_Vega said:
    Keepers from my trip to PR found in the last two weeks.


    Mario Ortiz AND El Combo Moderno? Jesus dude.

  • llmod1llmod1 317 Posts
    So just back from a great extended weekend in Amsterdam for my birthday which happened to coincide with Queen's Day in Holland. Despite having been to Holland at least twenty times I have never been able to coordinate a visit before with the Queen's Day celebration. Queen's Night is a massive piss up till the very early hours and Queen's Day is just one giant flea market (followed by a massive piss up!) As far as I can tell everyone is allowed to set up a stall where ever they like in the city as long as they don't block pedestrian access. The streets are literally packed with people selling their wares with bareky a professional seller in site.

    Personally I thought Queen's Day was pretty good for records but everyone I have spoken to inform me that it was one of the worst. Most of the stuff I found was 1-3 Euros. The great thing about Queen's day is that because lots of people are selling outside of their own houses you can always ask people that have records out whether they have any more. This resulted in a lady who was selling some Brazillian vinyl bringing out another pile for me.

    The first picture is of proper record store finds from Demonfuzz and Modal man's Vinyl Spot both in Rotterdam.

    Next picture were Record Store Day leftovers in Concerto. Was very suprised to see the Seeds 10" (in hindsight I should have bought the other copies they had!) 13th Floor Elevators, Red Crayola and Deep Purple 45.

    The rest were Queens Day finds, lots of spares so if you see something that takes your fancy pm me!

    The Brazillian stash

  • Double poast

  • Today on the cheap:

    Bobby Hutton - Piece of the Action (Mint, White Label Promo)
    Jay Berliner - Bananas are Not Created Equal
    3 Pieces
    Billy Cobham - Spectrum

  • staxwaxstaxwax 1,474 Posts
    Drunken Queensday Dollar bins

    2xlp latin comp ^

  • Picked up this "random" rap gem:

    Anyone want to trade?
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