
The Royal Wedding - NRR

edited April 2011 in Strut Central
I don't care what any of the "Royals" do but this is funny shit:


Wesley Hosie, 25, found the yellow and red sweet by chance as he and his girlfriend tucked into a 700g jar from The Jelly Bean Factory.

The trainee accountant said the moment he opened the pot, he was struck by the red pattern on its surface, illustrating Prince William's bride-to-be's strong facial features, long hair and smile.

Mr Hosie and girlfriend Jessica White, 24, from Taunton, Somerset, kept the mango-flavoured bean and now plan to sell it on eBay for ??500.

Mr Hosie said: "As Jessica opened the jar, I saw her immediately. She was literally lying there staring back at me.

"Given that the royal wedding is only a few weeks away, we hope to make a few pounds out of it by selling it on the internet to a collector."


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    That's not a doctored-up jelly bean?


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    I don't know a single person who gives a shit about this charade of pageantry and cap-doffing.
    It plays well with old anachronisms who live in a mind-garden where the social mores of the Fifties mingle with memories of Lyons tea-houses, cricket on the village green and stiff upper lips facing down Jerry in Spitfire dogfights over the Channel.

    I wish the young couple well, and am very happy that I can take three days holiday leave, benefit from national holidays for the wedding plus normal bank holidays and end up having an 11 day break from work.

    File under 'The benefits of having the royal family'.

    Any yanks wanting dey commemorative plates and mugs, holler.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    old anachronisms like cap-doffing.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,934 Posts
    skel said:
    I can take three days holiday leave

    Fug dem and dey robber baron predecessors. Bully a honest mug out of his home. Then throw a sickie on the whole nation costing me a day's pay. David Icke got my back on this.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    I doubt this marriage will last, but shit... thanks for the time off dudes!

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    Mr_Lee_PHD said:
    I doubt this marriage will last

    oh come on man, they will always have each other, and go through life together!

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,934 Posts
    If I was her, I'd do my own driving from now on.

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    soulone said:
    Mr_Lee_PHD said:
    I doubt this marriage will last

    oh come on man, they will always have each other, and go through life together!


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    I gotta admit, I don't know much about news/pictures/politics...who is that^?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    skel said:
    I don't know a single person who gives a shit about this charade of pageantry and cap-doffing.

    Yep pretty much this in a nut shell. Best believe that I got straight in there with the 3 days holiday though. We can only hope and pray that Mr Journalism himself Martin Bashir is still with us for the inevtiable warts and all story that appears in the future "He would only make love to me when Ben Fogle was on the televison.. .etc etc".

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Junior said:
    skel said:
    I don't know a single person who gives a shit about this charade of pageantry and cap-doffing.

    Yep pretty much this in a nut shell. Best believe that I got straight in there with the 3 days holiday though.

    Co-sign-age. I also wanted to rep Maundy Thursday, which we (Oxford University) also take off as a holiday*. Thanks Axelrod.

    *Thursday 21st of June = holiday
    Friday 22nd of June = holiday
    Monday 25th of June = holiday
    Friday 29th of June = holiday
    Monday 2nd of May = holiday

  • Yeh thanks for losing me another days pay, broke for the next couple of weeks...

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    I don't wanna come across as a buzzkill, its a good thing and all... but I do hate the way the media jump all over this schitt and Disney-fy the schitt out of it...

    While we're on the subject of marriage... isn't marriage a lot harder to sustain in the culture we live in ? It seems that living life on your own terms is evolving to be the order of the day in Western society and the ideals of marriage are becoming harder to apply to modern life. Marriage is almost painted as 'boring' and 'vanilla' by the media, compared to 50 years ago when it was the thing most people seemed to be aiming at. People are settling down later and later.

    I read that Facebook is fast becoming the number one cause of divorce with people now being friends with old flames and exes they usually otherwise would have nothing to do with. There's a big Eat Pray Love culture in the chicklit department, droves of happily married ladies dropping the comfortable stable life for some footloose and fancy free adventure and exhilaration. Popular shows like Desperate Housewives mock marriage on a weekly basis.

    My parents are married (although they got married when it was an institution), I like the idea of marriage and I'd like to get married at some point.. but as a way of life (and as reflected statistically), it doesn't seem to be nearly as sustainable, valued or applicable these days yaoming?

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,934 Posts
    Mr_Lee_PHD said:
    It seems that living life on your own terms is evolving to be the order of the day in Western society

    Yeah, because it's easier than it's ever been to live like this. Unfortunately to do marriage and kids right, there is a whole load of commitment and sacrifice, which is where the the hard work starts and folks drop off. I guess it's like gym membership, only much harder and more expensive get-out clauses

    No two ways about it, being married is nails, mate. Especially when kids are taking up most of your home time. Especially when human nature whispers the grass always looks greener and especially when the internet is full of grass brochures. However... the brochure and the holiday often bear only a superficial resemblance to each other - that field you left behind can look most verdant very quickly.

    And as the most rilly rill headz will tell you... The payback is expressed in terms you cannot be familiar with until you are walking in those shoes. Would not want to be without my lot now, warts n' all.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    here in canada we are subjected to coverage of this momentous event, since we are family
    ''WILLS(cringe) & KATE''

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Hate the Royals. Love this thread. (:

    Junior said:
    We can only hope and pray that Mr Journalism himself Martin Bashir is still with us for the inevtiable warts and all story that appears in the future "He would only make love to me when Ben Fogle was on the televison.. .etc etc".
    I only have have very vague memory of this, but I was never really one for car crash tv.

    J i m s t e r said:
    Especially when human nature whispers the grass always looks greener and especially when the internet is full of grass brochures.
    Hahaha. true true

    It boggles my mind just how much effect the internet has on society in such a short period of time. I wonder if Harry & Wills are secretly on Friend Face.. or if they while away their many free hours watching youtube videos for teh lols. I wish they at least had a twitter, then we could finally clear up the are they / aren't they secretly Lizard People. #haveyouevereatenaMexicanbaby?

  • J i m s t e r said:
    If I was her, I'd do my own driving from now on.

    in Paris, at least!

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    tokyobeats said:
    J i m s t e r said:
    If I was her, I'd do my own driving from now on.

    in Paris, at least!

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
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