Reality Show Idiocracy

Saw an ad for an upcoming Reality show where an inspector goes out and shows how the basic infrastructure of our country (Roads, Bridges, Buildings, Etc.) are falling apart and are unsafe due to shoddy workmanship.
So what's next and will these shows stop at nothing to "entertain"?
Here's your chance to presnt your Reality Show idea which we should then submit to A&E for consideration.
DIRTY DOCS - Each week we visit with a doctor who has an extrordinarily high malpractice history and investigate some of the lives they have ruined.
WRONG WAY DRIVER - The crew stakes out a bar waiting for drunk drivers to leave and they follow them to see what kind of havoc they wreak.
AIDS HOOKER - A smarmy host interviews Johns right after they have unprotected sex with an AIDS infected hooker and breaks the bad news to the victim and then calls his wife.
You may find these ridiculous and offensive but I had some similar ideas about 10 years ago and one of my outrageous ideas, "Little People Dating Game" actually happened!
My best idea back then was not used, TV EVANGELIST WRESTLING where the winner has to faith heal the loser.
Slow day at the office......add on.
So what's next and will these shows stop at nothing to "entertain"?
Here's your chance to presnt your Reality Show idea which we should then submit to A&E for consideration.
DIRTY DOCS - Each week we visit with a doctor who has an extrordinarily high malpractice history and investigate some of the lives they have ruined.
WRONG WAY DRIVER - The crew stakes out a bar waiting for drunk drivers to leave and they follow them to see what kind of havoc they wreak.
AIDS HOOKER - A smarmy host interviews Johns right after they have unprotected sex with an AIDS infected hooker and breaks the bad news to the victim and then calls his wife.
You may find these ridiculous and offensive but I had some similar ideas about 10 years ago and one of my outrageous ideas, "Little People Dating Game" actually happened!
My best idea back then was not used, TV EVANGELIST WRESTLING where the winner has to faith heal the loser.
Slow day at the office......add on.
I have a feeling that this is definitely going to be on the air some time soon. It has my vote at least.
Only aging pornstars can compete - im talking folks whose careers peaked in the nineties or before.
The contestants are confronted with slideshows featuring large blow ups of vintage porn stills.
They dont know which ones, but their own genitals are included at random.
If they think they recognize themselves, they hit the buzzer and shout the shows catchphrase: "that's my pussy!"
Free anal bleaching for the winner.
Bravo would like to take a meeting with you.
ha ha ha ha...that actually sounds hilarious...
^^ a reality show in its own
People pay for that?? I just use Didi 7.
I'm mad that TV EVANGELIST WRESTLING doesn't actually exist.
My suggestion: PUPPY MILL. It has everything: colorful shady rural characters in a high pressure work environment, plus, puppies! You could put it on after Animal Hoarders.
30 Rock did a pretty good job at extrapolating the evolution of the reality show with their MILF Island parody:
"Heidi, we no longer wanna hit that"