F*ck Arizona Part II



  • Yawn... Bill-Kristol-Bot.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    gareth said:
    Yawn... Bill-Kristol-Bot.

    An ad hominem personal attack is really no substitute for a responsive argument based in fact, but I guess it allows you to keep getting the last word in and you probably feel like you've acomplished something by talking the longest.

  • Just sayin'... You were a lot more interesting, and relevant, before every political thing you wrote became some boiler plate GOP talking point. Your recent work is easily ignored.

    Sorry you got all bent out of shape... sheesh... "ad-hominem," oh-me-oh-my. Old Saba wouldn't have thrown in the Towelie that easily.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    gareth said:
    Just sayin'... You were a lot more interesting, and relevant, before every political thing you wrote became some boiler plate GOP talking point. Your recent work is easily ignored.

    Sorry you got all bent out of shape... sheesh... "ad-hominem," oh-me-oh-my. Old Saba wouldn't have thrown in the Towelie that easily.

    I'm wondering if I just don;t give you the last word, if you'll continue posting indefinately.

  • I cede it to you.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    Not sure what you are saying.

    ^^^Greatest Last Word Of An Argument Evar^^^

  • Options
    LaserWolf said:
    lamprey eel said:
    LaserWolf said:
    lamprey eel said:
    LaserWolf said:
    Try this one; Republicans are using race hatred and fear of foreigners to motivate their base for crass political reasons.

    Really? So it is not the reams of felonies commited by illegal aliens in this country, nor the unsustainable economic implications of abuse and bankruptcy of state and federal (ie: taxpayer) funded social services that are an issue for us Republicans, but it is rather that, according to you, we hate "darkies"?

    There is no statistical data to support any of your claims.

    Thus a different reason must exist.

    lf you have a more probable one l will listen.

    The claim of no existing statistical data on illegal alien costs to US taxpaying citizens is nonsense.

    Here is one quick link before I head out the door: http://immigration.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000783

    Thank you for the illuminating link.
    l don't think any one is saying that there are no costs involved in housing and deporting incarcerated illegal aliens. That there is a cost is a far cry fro your claim that; "reams of felonies commited by illegal aliens in this country, nor the unsustainable economic implications of abuse and bankruptcy of state and federal (ie: taxpayer) funded social services that are an issue"

    Multiple DUI offender illegal aliean kills American citizen, injures two others after being released by the Feds on his own recognizance:


    Gee, I have an idea, how about DETAINING AND DEPORTING WITHOUT RELEASING ON AMERICAN SOIL Illegal aliens who are detained on their FIRST DUI infraction? Maybe that would be one more simple way of helping protect and defend the lives of American citizens (or is that no longer a concern of the Federal government?)

    Build the wall, seal the border, deport the illegals.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    And the reason nobody is crossing the border is because this administration has ensured that the US economy will be in the shitter for the next few years, so there is no point in coming here looking for work.

    Laughable to say the least.

    Even die hard Republicans from the Reagan era can admit where a good part of blame lies.


  • Options
    The boycotts of Arizona worked and even some Repiglicans know they overreached.


  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    I think the point of these laws and proposed constitutional amendments is, in part, to highlight the failure of the federal government to address the real and legitimate concerns of Arizona citizens regarding the increasing lack of border security and the current administrations unwillingness to enforce the rule of law, as it already exists. By passing these local ordinances and laws, they are, in fact, forcing the federal government to take a position, rather than allow it to continue to abdicate on one of its constitutionally enumerated responsibilities.

    The fact that the number of illegal immigrants that have been deported under the Obama administration is 10% higher than what it was under the Bush administration at the same time (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/07/26/politics/washingtonpost/main6715205.shtml) kind of puts a hurting on your assertion that "the current adminstration" has shown an "unwillingness to enforce the rule of law".

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    mannybolone said:
    LaserWolf said:
    lamprey eel said:
    I'll compromise on this issue and say let the children who are born on US soil to illegal aliens stay here but kick the parents out of the country. This allows for the Federal government to adhere to the Constitution until we can finally amend it (which we should do asap) to end automatic US citizenship to persons born on US soil to non-citizens.

    We do have a process in this country for the allowance of LEGAL alien work visas and acquisition of US citizenship, folks. Learn it, live it, love it.

    We deport the parents of children who were born here everyday.

    Yeah, that's nothing new.

    I'm quite amazed the Supreme Court hasn't had to clarify its ruling from the 19th century (US vs. Wong Kim Ark) to clarify if the 14th Amendment still applies to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants.

    This is likely because up until now, the words "All persons" was generally recognized to mean "All persons". Only recently does it seem that the word "All" could possibly have some other meaning than "All".

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    PelvicDust said:
    sabadabada said:
    I think the point of these laws and proposed constitutional amendments is, in part, to highlight the failure of the federal government to address the real and legitimate concerns of Arizona citizens regarding the increasing lack of border security and the current administrations unwillingness to enforce the rule of law, as it already exists. By passing these local ordinances and laws, they are, in fact, forcing the federal government to take a position, rather than allow it to continue to abdicate on one of its constitutionally enumerated responsibilities.

    The reality is that the current administration is on a pace to deport 400,000 people this year, which is more than were deported in any year of the previous administration.

    The sort of disinformation you're repeating (like a trained f*cking seal) is just more proof that all of this illegal immigration crap is just the right's way of ginning up more hate and craziness.

    You really should read a little deeper than the headline:

    The chart is misleading for at least two reasons:
    * It shows fiscal years. A U.S. government fiscal year begins on October 1 of the year before. As David Frum points out here: One-third of fiscal 2009 was presided over by the Bush administration. As the Obama administration got itself fully in charge, however, enforcement has drooped away, reports the Washington Post on March 10 of 2010. The WaPo report is here.
    * The figure for 2010 is a projection and based on the same deportations memo discussed in the WaPo article and which the Department of Homeland Security said was "inconsistent with the administration's point of view". The last bar of that chart is based on a projection from a memo that the DHS doesn't support.

    Those spreading the misleading chart include:
    * America's Voice, see the link above.
    * Dan Froomkin at the Huffington Post: huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/20/
    * Andrea Nill of ThinkProgress:

    Good thing that liberal rag the Christian Science Monitor didn't make that list: www.csmonitor.com/.../Obama-as-border-cop-He-s-deported-record- numbers-of-illegal-immigrants

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